Extremely worried about big Freckle!
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Hi, I’m really worried about a freckle on my face, I have two big ones and lots of normal ones. Last month I had dry skin over one or next to one as i don't know if it's a pore or part of the freckle, and picked it and it was like a light brown scab that came off! Now I think it’s happening again, it looks like a pore next to a freckle, but does that even happen to pores? I am totally freaking out, I have worried about these freckles on my face for two years, had them over 7 years. Now my worst fear is coming true! I feel so sick.
I should say that last year I was putting lemon juice on them twice a day to fade them but irritated the skin and I always touch them and pick them!
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diane53336 louise11056
My sister has had freckles all her life but never had skin cancer. I, on the other hand, had no freckles and my skin tone was always slightly darker than hers which was very fair but was hard to tan. I was the one who developed a black melanoma, though, which are the dangerous ones and I had many moles so thought nothing of this large, hard and shiny mole other than it was very black and raised which I suddenly noticed it when I was 40.
Do not worry, but to put your mind at rest see your GP.
louise11056 diane53336
Thank you for the reply, I'm actually so terrified of the doctors. my family are getting sick if me asking them to look at my freckle. Everyone says they cant see what I'm talking about but i see it as I examine it everyday. I'm trying to be rational but keep thinking the worst and looking at pictures of people who have had skin cancer on their face and now they have big holes there! Sorry for ranting, just feeling panicky.
mike09523 louise11056
First of all, if it is cancer then the longer you postpone going to your gp the bigger the hole gets.
Your gp is well trained in spotting anything unusual and will refer you to a dermatology clinic without hesitation, if needed. They in turn are very professional and will sort things there and then to a alay any fears you may have.
Don't delay, sort today.
louise11056 mike09523
I know, I need to go to the doctors. The thing is, I've had then for longer than 7 years, maybe my whole life not sure. But if it is cancer I fear I have left it too late and will die from it, been examining them and touching them for 3 years now. Was just wondering if anyone had anything similar that wasn't cancer?