Eye exam anxiety

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So, at my last neurologist appointment, he suggested I see another neuro-ophthalmologist for my vision issues that began with my migraine aura three months ago. I'm not sure why, but the eye doctor gives me intense anxiety (think dentist). Maybe because my vision is so sensitive lately...I don't know. I am paranoid that the bright lights they shine in your eyes will further ruin my vision. Don't even get me started on dilation...sigh I had a thorough eye exam with dilation in October and an eye exam with retinal photography in November. So, I am going to refuse those tests today if they are offered. I'm not sure how this will go over as I've read some eye doctors will turn patients away as its a liability.

Period is due tomorrow. I have been up since 3:30am and full of anxiety. NOT FUN!

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    hi staci!! ditto times a 1000. i feel exactly everything you posted. ive always had a bit of anxiety when i went .. but now oh boy its full blown panic. especially now that i have all these eye floaters . AND now they take your blood pressure!!! 😦 i know just what you mean about getting them dilated too. i have light colored eyes so it affects me worse. in the past when ive had them dilated it will take about 8 hours for them to return to normal.. i cant even drive when they are like that. the last two times ive been, ive asked them to not put a lot of drops in them.. and it was much better.. you might could ask them to do that for you...

    im sorry you are feeling this way.. trust me.. i know it is not fun.. not fun at all ... hugs to you and i prayer it goes ok ❤

    • Posted

      I have light eyes too. My eyes were still dilated when I went to bed last night and my appoint was 9:30am. It's a waste of a whole day because I can't see for most of it and have to hide from the sun.

  • Posted

    Hi staci, I'm the same way, had a bit of an anxiety attack last time I was there so I think its all pretty normal.. Also I refuse the dilation every time I go , I just can't stand the way it make my vision feel, so last time I went they said oh we don't have to dilate anymore we have these machines that flash a bright light into the eyes and snap pictures all at the same time which she said was better than the dilation, so I went for that and whoa I seen spots had a panic attack and got a migraine all from them lights so I'm light sensitive with my migrains anyway . next time I go I will probably refuse the lights with the pictures and then maybe get it every other time.. I have to say those pictures though were very thorough , could see everything in and behind the eye also mesures pressure..

    • Posted

      I have had the Optomap too. That was like staring into the sun. I also had a panic attack the too because all i could see was that damn bright light (twice for each eye) for like 10 minutes later. I was convinced it was never going away. I tried to tell the eye doctor yesterday that I was previously dilated and had the retinal photography, but she was not having it.

  • Posted

    Hi Staci, same here! I went to the salon yesterday and had anxiety in the waiting room...super loud music. You would think I was next in line for the electric chair. Anyways! I hope you went to your appointment and got taken seriously. 😃

  • Posted

    UPDATE: So, I was not able to talk my way out of getting my eyes dilated. She said, "Everyone who sits in that chair gets their eyes dilated. " This was promptly followed by her saying, "Look up." Needless to say, I had a mini (but controlled) surge of panic. Now, here is the crazy part. I need bifocals! I went from perfect eyesight three months ago, to having a migraine aura, to needing bifocals. I just turned 44.

    Thank you ladies for the camaraderie and support!

    • Posted

      Hi staci, poor thing can't stand them drops.. Also not un heard of needing the glasses at your age suddenly... Also most want the bifocals seperate or at least a pair of regular readers and then your perscription ones all by themselves for distance, i keep both on hand, also you can start getting stylish with the specs online, do not leave that eye doctor office with out your written eye perscription in hand they have to give that to you so don't let them tell you no, they are so expensive there, then go online and shop away for really cute different pairs for really really cheap affordable prices, I must have dozens to go with whatever I feel like wearing that day.. But yes if you can't stand the perscription combined and to me makes me dizzy with the bifocals then as I said try them separate much better.. Let me know if you want the 2 names of the place I shop online for my glasses and I will pm that to you 😃 get at least one pair with 50% rose colored tint they help big-time in stores under them pathetic fluorescent lights..

    • Posted

      Hi Staci, I had to get bifocals at 40...but my eyesight has always been horrible. At the rate I am going, I am sure cataracts are in my future! I agree with Gypsy...avoid the built in bifocals...I dropped $900 last year on 2 pairs...I swear they make me dizzier. I hate driving with them...everything looks weird...I wear contacts instead.Too late now though, I bought them ate Drs office and got hosed. But, was too sick to care! I have the vestibular thing going on, so super sensitive!

    • Posted

      Ugh! So, I was talked into getting the bifocal glasses. Apparently, hardly anyone gets those anymore because they get progressives. The neuro-ophthalmologist said not to get the progressives. I'm going to look like an old lady with my lined bifocals. YES! Please let me know where you shop online. Thank you!!

    • Posted

      Wow! 900$ is crazy! I've never worn glasses before, so this is all new to me. There's no I could wear contacts. I don't want to stick things in my eyeballs. Unfortunately, I got the glasses with the bifocals before I read your post and Gypsy's. I'm going to look so old!

    • Posted

      OK, mine must be progressives then...no line. But if I look a certain way they get blurry. I picked them out quick...I was sooo clumsy looking at the little displays of frames. They probably thought I was drunk. I am sure you look fine! 😃

    • Posted

      Oh, okay. The eye doctor said not to get the progressives (no line) because they are hard to adjust to and I have never worn glasses before. Plus, I have all the other crazy vision issues. I pick them up in two weeks.

  • Posted

    Hello Staci

    We have spoken before, like you as you know I get the auras, they come and go, just had a few in January and the January sun really hurts my eyes! The eye drops help with the dry eyes, which takes away the heaviness in the mornings, im suffering really watery eyes at the moment! Not sure if the auras will totally go as they still appear every so often! X

    • Posted

      Hello friend! Yes, of course I remember you. I'm so sorry you are still suffering from the auras. I really had hoped you found a cure with the eye drops. Hopefully, they are at least reducing the frequency.

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