Eye issues
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Hi, ladies!
Hoping that everyone is doing well tonight...dealing with our peri and meno fun and all the gifts it brings.
I wanted to ask if anyone else besides me has begun to experience extremely dry eyes? I've also had burst blood vessel in my eyes...once last year and I ran fast to ER. They smiled n checked me over then told me I have extremely dry eyes...I thought it was allergies.....and that they are common and more horrid looking than they are dangerous. Now I've recently suffered another. So annoying to walk around with a red eye and have folks ask about it. They look at you as if you're lying or crazy or dying! So I was wondering if dry eye or bleeds are happening to other women going through "the change"..?
Thank God for this forum...I feel so connected and not alone!
3 likes, 11 replies
debbie12340 katyD211
katyD211 debbie12340
tina00239 katyD211
Hi Katy, I have suffered dry eyes and mouth for 10 years now. I have artificial tears and saliva pastilles. I get allsorts of visual disturbances, flashing, fuzzy, blurry and I've lost peripheral field of vision so had to stop driving! I can only watch tv for a short time before my eyes begin to stream like severe hay fever. I need 3 pairs of glasses, long distance, reading and computer/tv. So I think alot of us get these eye problems. Its not just sex hormones that go nuts but alot of the chemical messengers that rely on them to work normally. So basically anything can happen. XXX
pinkcatfairy tina00239
I too get streaming eyes and blurred vision, what you describe too is that like migraine aura? I get the loss of vision and zig zags too
tina00239 pinkcatfairy
Its very un-nerving when your vision suddenly goes like a sky signal in heavy rain! I've tried so many eye drops I ' ve lost count and losing part of my visual field so I had to give up my car that really got to me. I now have 3 pairs of glasses to wear, long distance, close up and computer/tv. My sight is getting progressively worse and nobody knows why. I hope it settles down and I wouldnt wish this on anyone. Keep your chin up I'm sure this is all conected and will settle itself when the hormones do. XXX
nicola_86648 katyD211
I had dry skin on my eyelids & puffiness under my eyes. It’s stopped for now but my cycle has returned so I think it is just part of the process , I asked advice on this wonderful forum & was put at ease. You wouldn’t think it would affect your flipping eyes would you x
tina00239 nicola_86648
katyD211 tina00239
katyD211 nicola_86648
julie7525 katyD211
katyD211 julie7525
Thanks for responding, Julie! Yes I would describe what I feel similarly..the sensations come n go but are truly annoying. But I guess I could have it a lot worse so I will just continue to treat each symptom as it appears...
I agree t hose palpitations n flutters are probably the scariest of theses meno "gifts" and the panic attacks suck...no sleep for the weary!