Eye Pain anxiety symptom?

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seems like a strange symptom from anxiety but all tests have came back fine. i have right sided eye pain that sometimes leads to the same side of bead hurting in random spots. isnt like my normal migraines. could this just be a random anxiety pain? can anyone relate?

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5 Replies

  • Edited

    it could be really related to your anxiety. Even though it’s not the same as your migraine headache, it could still be related to a headache. A lot of people will get eye pain with headaches.

    have it checked out if it doesn’t eventually go away.

  • Posted

    As Jan has already said, anxiety can in theory cause eye pain. We have a muscle called the ciliary muscle, wich is close to the eyelashes, controlling and accommodating the eye so that we can see objects from various distances. With the alteration of this muscle, caused by stress and anxiety, the vision can become blurred, there can be itching, eye pain, and strong headaches. However, there are many other causes of eye pain (including COVID-19). I strongly suggest you see a doctor to examine you.

    • Posted

      thank you for replying. so far i have had an ultra sound on eye, mri and ct scan on head with no answers other than slightly elevated optic nerves but they have not found a reason for that and no one is concerned. i have no problem with vision as of right now.

  • Posted

    I'm currently going through some bad anxiety with right eye pain too (when i look side to side and screw my eye tight, and tender eye)

    i can totally sympathise. Hope things have now resolved for you.

    My symptoms are sometimes hardly there overtimes accompanied by pressure and aching around the area. Opticians couldnt see any issues but referred me to get checked out quite quickly at hospital to check for inflammation deeper in the eye. After a session with Dr Google I was so afraid to go for the tests that I convinced myself it had almost gone so cancelled the appointment. Of course it hasn't gone so now starting all over again to get it checked and prolonging my anxiety for longer.

    I'm carrying tension in my face and am also feeling a bit nasally on that side. Having lots of tension headaches too. No visual symptoms.

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