eye pain dry eyes blepharitis

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Been on this forum before so thanks already for advice. I live in Scotland...any other Scottish folk on here as would be great to get local recommendations. Finding eye drops not really keeping eyes feeling moist. ocusoft mg retaine eye drops from states getting great reviews...anyone used these? or any similar mineral oil ones more accessible in U.K.

opticians and even eye doc can see blepharitis and dry eye on examination but all seem suprised at my level of discomfort which is making me wpnder about my pain threshold. I am on anti depressant but doc has wondered about gabapentin which i am wondering might be the next step as deals with neuropathic pain...anyone else have symptoms which under microscope doesn"t correlate with level of pain. Again just one pesky left eye. feels like pain is under left eyelid but nothing there and feels bit burny...which i know thry say is dry eye.

Next step is steroid but not sure about gokng down that route...been on doxycycline, azithromycin antiobiotic and eye drop but feeling nervous about steroid.

thanks for any pointers x

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes I had a lot of unexplained eye discomfort. I have auto immune disease which causes eye problems but they did not think all of it was related(except one episode ofvuveitis). Are your eyes very dry? And does your mouth get dry also?
    • Posted

      No Margaret i wouldn't say I do get dry mouth but have referral for Oral medicine so hopefully they will look out for auto immune conditions

    • Posted

      Oh that is good...they are on the ball then. Probably want to rule out Sjogren's. Be very glad you got an early referral. Good luck.

    • Posted

      By the way I am Scottish but living in London. Which hospital are you at for your oral immunology appointment?
    • Posted

      Hi Margaret, I am in Stirling so possibly Larbert forth valley. Did you get tested for Sjogrens specifically or any auto immune condition where dry eyes a symptom? I don't think i have it but just want to rule out. Think i am busy looking for answers when there might be none. What treatment if any has helped you?

    • Posted

      Hi sorry just saw this. I saw someone re Sjogren's and it was pretty much ruled out. I was diagnosed with Behcet's very similar. To be honest hothing helped my eyes except overall disease control if that makes sense. Blepharitis was helped with washing my eyes with a cotton pad soaked with hot water and johnson's baby shampoo. This us a standard remedy and worked for me.

      Other eye pain was controlled by good meds. I used interferon and immunosuppressants for three years and now seem to be in remission. No eye pain no any kind of pain. No migraine. Feel so much better now.

  • Posted

    I live in the US, but have used several kinds of steroids for my eyes.  I also have corneal erosion which has caused severe light sensitivity and even keeping my eyes open has been a problem.  I now wear therapeutic contacts which is helping.  As long as you aren't on steroid drops for more than a couple of weeks at a time, I have been told by my Eye Drs., there isn't a problem with steroids.

    Good luck!!

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