Eye problems?

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Anyone have blurry vision in one eye? And floaters as well?

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    hey ashlie,

    ive had this on and off for months now, even a couple times before i was officially diagnosed with mono (not sure if theyre related or not). however i do know that mono/ebv seems to effect people's neurological system so it's very possible that this is normal during the acute stage.

    • Posted

      Not sure if it's only in the acute stage, though. I'm 8 months in and I still experience blurry vision and floaters.

    • Posted

      fortunately it only has happened about once (sometimes twice) a month for the past 6 or so months. how frequently does the blurred vision happen for you?

    • Posted

      It has been happening the last couple days to me. Just at random times during the day.

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear that. Glad to know I am not alone though.

  • Posted

    Hi Ashlie,

    I am 4 months in and still feel rough. Well I think I have mono. I had blood test and 2 drs have said mono and one said I didn't. I still have muscle aches. I also had a weird feeling in my hand that lasted for a few weeks. I never had sore throat either. I think we are all different. How were you diagnosed? I had positive IGG and EA IGG

    • Posted

      I am so sorry to hear that. The worst thing for me is the left leg pain. They did a mono test on me and it came back positive.

  • Posted

    i have eye floaters. They lasted for like 4 months. In the mornings when i would wake up i also had severe dry eyes too. I had to buy artificial tears and that helped.

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