Eye problems with perimenopause

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Hello Ladies,

''Not sure if this is a strange one or not ?  But have been having hot burning, smarting eyes for last week and I'm not sure if if Dry Eye Sydrome ? Just wondered if anyone has experienced this new symptom I seem to have developed sad


Deb x

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Debbie,

    i have had exactly the same problem, especially on waking, and it is definitely the menopause causing the dryness and soreness I experienced. It is one of the symptoms that is common as (like everywhere else!) the body's fluids lessen in menopause. I have got considerable relief from using a gel mask specifically for blepharitis and dry eye syndrome as suggested by my Doctor as the warmth stimulates the lacrimal glands in the eyebrow area causing more fluid to coat the eye surface. Used morning and night to start with and then reduced gradually until a couple of times a week is sufficient. I bought mine online from Amazon and I'm thrilled with the results.   If I need any help during the day a couple of drops of hypromellose eye drops in each eye keeps them bright and comfortable.

    hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Hi Kazz,

      Thank you so much for your reply.  I've found it really horrible, I've never had anything like it before and it actually quite scared me to be honest ! It woke me up in the night, my eyes felt like they were burning and really sore. The Doctor gave me Hypromellose drops thank goodness, they seemed to help.  I will definitely be getting the eye mask and hopefully will be just as happy as you are with it.

      I really appreciate your advice and reply, so kind of you.

      Many thanks 

      ''Deb x

  • Posted

    Hi debbie

    youre welcome. Like you I had never had problems with my eyes before. The mask is worth a try....if nothing else it's very soothing but I hope you will find it helps.


    • Posted

      Hi Kazz,

      hope you don't mind me asking another question ? My mask arrived yesterday, and I used it last night, very soothing.  How long did it take for you to notice any difference please ?  Did your eyes actually feel like they had to much water in them but didn't actually cause a tear and also hot ?  I'm finding this the most annoying after the Anxiety sad I'm so grateful for your reply as know one else did ? Maybe it's not very common I don't know but I wish I hadn't got it.

      Many thanks,

      Deb x

  • Posted

    Hi Debbie. It took a few weeks of twice a day to notice a difference. My eyes have never watered as such, just the soreness and grittiness calmed down. It does stay hot but apparently that's what is needed for the glands to be stimulated. I also use hypromellose drops during the day to keep them moist.

    I hope things improve as you seem like you're having a hard time 😕

    • Posted

      Hello Kaz,

      Thank you again for your kind reply. That's great to know, I just wondered how long it might take.

      Really glad you told me about it, it's very good and also relaxing.

      Take care

      Debbie X 😘

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