Eyelid skin?

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Has anyone else experience sagging of the upper eyelids where your natural crease is? I have about 3 lines now instead of one and the skin is really loose and looks like it's swollen. 

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18 Replies

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    YES! Although the swelling has gone down the folds of skin remain. I went to my G.P who told me that my eyes looked normal to her. I said that to know that, she would have to know how they looked before! My eyelids get very dry and the corners crack. They are aggravated by wind and cold. I think that in my case the lack of moisture in the skin is the reason for the folds but no amount of moisturising helps.

    • Posted

      It looks awful and ages me so much! I'm trying vitamin e oil. I had very bad skin underneath my right eye- wrinkly, dry, and deep lines. This has now gone down so hopefully it will work on the top. I'm worried that it is because I am using the wet ones. I'm going to try the tea tree oil next to see whether that is better. All I really want is a proper examination from the gp who will tell me exactly what is going on in my eyelashes and the best course of action. 
    • Posted

      Hi elinor82136

      I'm a newbie , this is the first time I'm writing here . I am very intrigued with what I have been reading on forum about blepharitis . I don't know if I've got it , one day I woke up to find half of my left top eye lashes were gone . I was shocked and scared it looked horrible . I didn't have any symptoms as such like scratching or hurts nothing at all . Nor do I sagging neither cracks or dryness . My left eye is normal . My right eye lashes are intact , but I'm worried as to why and will my lashes forward back ? 

      In the void gap where there's no lashes I now 2/3 times a day use my eye liner pencil and colour it in slowly so u dnt just see skin as it's that obvious and scary everyone asks and laughs and doesn't understand . 

      I havnt been to the doctors yet , thinking of going then I think knowing my doctors surgery they'll may not even have  come across it then I think a doctor can't re-grow my lashessad(( 

      Please help anyone advice anything I'm open to hear .... 


    • Posted

      I had terrible problems with the tea tree oil but I didn't dilute it in a carrier oil - it would prob be ok if you do.  I diluted it in water and of course oil/water don't mix - one of my more stupid moments!!  x
  • Posted

    Hi Elinor, do you suffer from Blepharitis?

    My Consultant told me to put a drop os mild handwash in a basin of very hot water and soak a flannel in it.  He told me to place the hot flannel over my eys until it cools and repeat several times.  Having washed my face, he told me not to put any creams near my eyes because it blocks the ducts.

    He gave me some ocular lubricants, Liquifilm for day time and Lacrilube for night time.  The Lacrilube is rather like putting vaseline in your eyes.

    I seldom have problems with Blepharitis.

    I use steroid eye drops in my left eye which has a chronic Uveitis

    I have been seeing Ophthalmologists since I was 18

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      I have mild blepharitis caused by mgd. The blocked glands are my worse problem however I suffer from extreme itchy eyes/eyelds. That's my worse symptom from the blepharitis.

      This past week I have had very bad dry eyes. Do the eyedrops you use work for that? 

    • Posted


      Did you find the femwash? which eye drops do you use, i have tried loads but some did make them worse.  I have been put on optive as and when i want to use them and i use lacrilube of a night time you can buy this over the counter i think it is around £3 but i have it on prescription. Ask gp about these.  Seriously though i think it is the femwash which is helping the most.

  • Posted

    Yes Elinor mine was really saggy and swollen. It has now gone back to normal after about six weeks of using treatment to which I was allergic. Other people have had this too.
  • Posted

    Often, we are allergic or sensitive to the carrier of the drug in eye drops.  I mainly have preservative free drops but they are very expensive, so a lot of doctors prescribe the ones with preservatives first.

    With the Liquifilm and Lacrilube,  I can use those whereas drops containing hypromellose drive me mad with, mainly, itching.

    If your eyelids are sagging, it could be a sign that you have been rubbing them during your sleep.


  • Posted

    I agree that the use of Wet Ones is the probable cause and I'm now psyching myself up to go back to my G.P. As she is clearly uninterested I will ask to see someone else at the practice and ask to be referred.
    • Posted

      The thing is the skin underneath my eyes isn't sagging. I was thinking it was all the creams I was using as that thins the skin. 
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      Once I've plucked up the courage I'll let you all know the result. Trouble is I'm not very assertive and tend to turn to marshmallow but I really have had enough now as nothing has changed since it all started in February.
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      Possibly which is why I try to get by with using vaseline. I think that's harmless.


    • Posted

      Yes change your GP whilst you are at it, you shouldn't have to feel you have to pluck up courage to go and see the person who's job it is to support your health and well being. I was allergic to the wet ones and now I'm using Vaseline. I also went to the local eye hospital as the GP didn't really know what to do.
    • Posted

      If only it were that easy! None of the surgeries ina 20 mile radius can take on any more patients. Elderly patients living in isolated villages with no means of transport are being deregistered! I could tell you why these surgeries are so suddenly stretched but that would be politically incorrect.

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