Eyesight before peripd

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Just a bit of a rant. Why does it seem that my vision is terrible the week before my period. Everything is blurry. I seem to notice the floaters more. Some static/snow. Oh, and random bright dots. I don't think it's mugraine related as it always seems to be right before my period and last a week or so. I just want to cry. Why can't I be normal?!?

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh, I wish you could edit posts. Of course that should say, "period."

  • Posted

    Hi staci , estrogen drop (fluctuating) 8satrigger for the migraines for sure.. Those symptoms I get also right before my migraine strikes , definitely the aura (calm before the storm) those symptoms absolutely lets me know my awful migraine is right around the corner.. Its coming now for me.. It always happens 2xs a month almost to the date.. Um not sure in periods for me but i still do have my ovaries so I can tell when i ovulate each month I then get the migraine and 2 weeks later when a period should be here but isn't (no uterus) then another migraine.. And of course you can have all the auras without the pain of the migraines ( oh how I wish I only had that) but anyhow lots and lits of auras for me letting me know its coming..

    • Posted

      How can you tell what is an aura and what is not? I am still so confused.

    • Posted

      The auras are a bunch of different symptoms a few days before the migraine hits.. Off balance numbness anywhere on body one sided usually very blurry vision weak stiff mouth hands legs jelly legs slurred speech forgetful brain fog type forgetful.. You say you have had bad menstrual migraines for many years.. It sounds like you are getting worse since entering peri menopause, maybe the auras are all new to you and you never had that part of the migraine before peri.. Try and read the books heal your headache and migraine brain..

    • Posted

      P.s I never had a migraine with aura before peri, and they are pure HELL , and all my symptoms have been bad for 3 1/2 years but the migraines with all the auras are definitely getting worse over this time period not letting up for me at all just worse and worse like I'm going to have a stroke very very serious, and I hope and pray they get better soon..

    • Posted

      I never had one prior to peri, I just had those pesky menstrual migraines. All of this stuff just plain stinks. It is ridiculous to live like this, especially with zero help from the medical community. It is as if women are important enough to help. I just wondering if some of vision issues are due to the changing hormones. I read that pregnant women often have vision changes. I feel completely lost. I don't know how to use my glasses. I don't know how to manage my menstrual migraines. I don't know what is an aura and what is just vision issues. I'm fed up.

  • Posted

    am going through this atm after period. Went to doctor all is well with my eyes . its just hormones acting up.

    Try and keep in control. Take care

  • Posted

    My vision is worse then as well. Blurry, floaters, and almost as if a veil has been put over them. These hormones can do so much to our bodies! I will be not normal with you! Lol!

    • Posted

      Does it get better after your period? I have been keeping a journal because I thought I was losing my mind. Sure enough, I am always complaining the week before my period about my vision.

    • Posted

      It does, but I go into ovulation shortly after, so it starts up again.

  • Posted

    My vision is worse then as well. Blurry, floaters, and almost as if a veil has been put over them. These hormones can do so much to our bodies! I will be not normal with you! Lol!

  • Posted

    Hi Staci,

    I think it's the hormone imbalance when estrogen drops/ is low in relation to progesterone.We only make progesterone after ovulation around midcycle.

    I tried natural progesterone low dose 50 mg during days 14-28 of cycle, it made my vision really blurry so I stopped taking it. It didn't make it blurry every time though, so I suspect I had lower estrogen the times it did get blurry.

    What a joy this all is.

    • Posted

      I thought it was estrogen that made our eyes blurry? This is all so confusing. Why is their no manual!

    • Posted

      I could be wrong but I think it might be progesterone or low estrogen. I wish there was a manual, so much time and $ could be saved. It's one thing after another.

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