F2F for change of circumstncesŕ

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Well l finally after 8 weeks of waiting or it could be 9 and calling them to make sure they received my form and evidence they advised me they had and it had been sent on to Atos for them to arrange another f2f. Meanwhile l have been in and surgery on my ankle and am now unable to drive or work at all and am wearing a moonboot l called them yesterday, there was something happened and l had not been put in the queue for f2f. So they suddenly had an app this sunday near where l live. So l accepted it and explained to the guy l.missed. the enhanced rate by 2 points and in my evidence from 2 consultants to say my arthritis had got worse and spread to my ankles of which have now had 1 fused.and they both said l should be on the enhannced rate as l needed a automatic car for when and if l could drive again and that my disability os getting much worse and a full time carer. But l stiil have to go through this f2f which is really stressful and this will be the first time l have been out the house for more than a month because of my ankle surgery l can hardly walk..i hope it goes ok as it is totally stressing me out. Its so degrading asking for help.


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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Good luck. Hope all goes well for you.


  • Posted


    Most people are called for a f2f whether it's a new claim, review or reporting changes. Only very few people have the paper based decision. Also it's not the assessors place to tell anyone anything about what they should be claiming because they don't make the decisions. At least you know what to expect with the f2f. Good luck and please let us know the outcome.

    • Posted

      Yeah l know how it works l have read everything about it and l also got a copy of the assesors report the last time and noticed she had missed out a lot about my concentration and memory. My husband made her aware that he did not like me driving on my own as l would forget journeys that l had done a million times as l was concentrating to much on my pain and also he does my tablets as l cant remember what l take and its strong medication l am on so therefore was gave no points for a few questions l really should have. Thats why l dont trust them. I am taking along my form from previous one and pointing out a few things. Fingers crossed. I dont know what else l have to be like to get enhanced. I have ruined my husbands life and good job which he has had to go part time and give up a higher role to be my carer yet still just earns over the amount for carers credit. I lost my career. I am degraded to my husband help me wash and clean myself and take over all the finance and cooks every meal. My life is never gonnna be the same as it was at just 44 years old l am nearly disabled. Just stresses me out that when l am a bit better l try and go to work a few days as l dont want to give up. I just feel sad and stressed all the time and guilty about my husband even though he is my rock and say he does not mind. I just hope it goes ok its to much stress for something l think l deserve as do others that dont seem to get it when they deserve it.

      Will let you know how it goes denise


  • Posted

    I really feel for you and hope that all goes well.  x 
  • Posted

    Well had my f2f on sunday and came out feeling worse than l went in. The lady was very cold and had no empathy at all. Even though l went in to tell them my circomstances had changed for worse and had evidence to prove it. It did not seem to matter one bit. I was so anxious going to it as its the 1st time l had been out my home in nearly 2 months and her attitude made me worse so l cried all the way through it. I have no idea how it went. I would not be suprised if they took off me what l already got but l will appeal it all the way. She made the mistake of telling me how to win an appeal if l have to do it why would she even say that then said l did not tell you that as l would get into trouble. Well why would l need to appeal when everything has got worse. There was thing l never scored anything for the last time that were all wrong and l pointed this out to her. And at times l thought yes she is getting this then others l though nope she has made up her mind to give me bad feedback. Even though l cant walk more than 20 metres l need help getting bathed. And in and out shower l cant deal with finances because of the strenth of paainkillers l take daily and l cant work or drive like l used to do. My husband is basically my carer and has had to give up a high position to go part time and work from home to be there for me. I also told her we hadx to spend a lot of money re designing the entrance to my home as it was to hard before and l had a knee replacement still to get done and most lickly l will get OA in my other ankle so life is not gonna get better.

    No idea the outcome we will see in a week or so. I might be totally wrong abt her but that wss far to much stress to go through again if l am gonna get it tsken off me or stsy the same


    • Posted

      I'm sorry to hear is wasn't a nice experience for you. Sometimes it's not always worth reporting these changes purely because of all the stress we have to go through. Mostly when reporting changes a re-assessment is needed. To have a paper based decision is rare with PIP altho it can happen. You can ring and ask for a copy of the assessment report. You're right there's no way she should have talked about what to do if you need to appeal, if that was me then i'd report them for sure!

      Hopefuly you won't have to wait long for a decision and that it will be in your favour with a decision at least the same as you had last time. Good luck.

    • Posted

      Hello Lors,

      I'm so sorry that you had such a dreadful time at the f2f.  That was so unprofessional of the assessor to talk about how to win an appeal and if ever it comes to that, I would certainly report her.

      As Denise suggested, ask for the report.  I rang DWP about 4 days after the f2f and asked for a copy, which arrived within a week.

      I hope you hear soon and the decision is in your favour. x

    • Posted

      Thanks to you both l called today and asked for a copy of it. They said it had not arrived with them yet. But at least l know if l do have to appeal l will be making sure l get her into trouble and telling them exactly what she was like. I know for sure l would win appeal as l have 3 consultants that would back me up in any way l needed. I just hope it does not come to that as its just stressful

      Thanks Sukes and Denise



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