Face feels "numb" or tight
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Starting on November 2nd, the left side of my face (cheek and under my eye) started to feel numb...Or tight. Like a pulling or pressure sensation.
Two days ago this feeling started to spread to my other cheek.
Im 27 years old. Not on any medication. I've been so anxious, fretful and worrisome my entire life. I'm always second guessing myself, worrying about what will be the consequence of my every decision. I'm extremely scared of strangers, large events, big cities, family get-togethers, etc. I've been under a massive amount of stress trying to plan Christmas and pickout the perfect gifts for my kids. Also, I have three kids under five. I love them to the moon and back, but the oldest has been terrible lately. To the point I want to pull my hair out and scream.
I'm not freaking out that I've got brain cancer or MS. I feel like if this was related to stress this symptom would have surfaced earlier because I'm always worrisome and stressed. Also, I tried a day of limiting my stress today. By the end of the day, my face is still tight and numb feeling. If I get a good night of sleep, usually this feeling doesn't start in for a few hours after waking up. Any ideas???
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saelg28 paintedpony
I am 24days into having facial paralysis on left side.
I was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy due to severe ear infection.
It had started 8 weeks ago with pins and needles behind left ear which I feared was MS/brain tumour/diabetes.
I was told at the time it was TMJ but realise now it was an infection brewing - I had a full MRI of the brain and CT scan.
I would say no harm getting it checked out if you haven't already.
Hope you get some relief soon! Do you suffer with sinuses at all?
paintedpony saelg28
Your reply is quiet interesting due to that fact that on November 11th, I became quite sick with a cold. I let it drag on for a week before I went to the doctor. My ear was so painful I'd scream and cry. I couldn't breathe out of my nose, fever, sore throat, hearing in the one painful ear was gone, etc. It turns out I had an ear infection. They prescribed antibiotics for ten days afterwards. My hearing has come back 60 percent in that ear, and the popping noises inside of it have stopped.
So facial numb/tingling started November 2nd and my illness started November 11th.
I have extreme allergies in the fall that completely block off one side of my nose that has a nasal spur and nasal valve collapse. Those allergies always stop at the end of October.
Awb1977 paintedpony
No! Don't do it! Do not go down the rabbit hole of looking for medical explanations. Numbness in the face is very common for anxiety! Do not make yourself worse by doing this! I'm only saying this because I have major experience with anxiety and I'm going through right now.
nick15162 paintedpony
Hi, I get the exact symptoms you do. I've been getting these for the last year alot although i think i first experienced them some 5 years ago. I also get feelings in my left little finger and top of my left foot. It's not like a numbness (i can still pinch the area and it hurts) more like a tightness. seems worse if i've had a bad nights sleep or if i've had alcohol (i'm 38, male, had on-off anxiety since around 20)
Went to the docs in April and had blood tests (nothing.. vit D deficiency but i think that's quite common.). I'm glad you're not freaking out about MS or cancer because I definitely did! It's nothing like that. I'm certain it's a manifestation of stress and anxiety, the brain mimicking what it thinks i'm expecting to feel... the constant self-checking (checking in the mirror to see any differences on my left side compared to my right, even in the rearview mirror of my car!) and not really being able to put this out of my head seems to be the cause.
I debated insisting on scans but as another poster said.. it's just a vicious circle i think. There is nothing wrong, we are just worriers. I also have young kids and have quite a bit of stress. Xmas seems to give me the worst anxiety because i also get worried about family get-togethers, big gatherings and do's.
I've learnt just to accept these feelings and leave them be, not try to solve them. I also find mindfulness meditations help (there are loads on youtube) and mild excercise (easier said than done with a busy life and kids!)
It's a relief to know somebody else has these experiences. Hope you have a great christmas
potsmoker420 paintedpony
SAme symptoms as you guys. My doctor says it’s stress.. hopefully it is I can’t even use my medical marijuana card it’s so severe
kacie16938 paintedpony
fbkingasif paintedpony
I'm 24 and into this from past 6 months it's horrible, can't even sleep because of bad dreams, overthinking too much, worried about self diseases, too much of sweating, nunbness, neck pain, headache, lots of negativity like what if something happens to me so i did MRI of the brain expecting brain cloth or something like paralysis attack as my dad is paralysed from past 3 years but fortunately my reports are better than better, neurologist said there is nothing wrong with you and you are physically fit and fine, because of overthinking of everything i visited mind care clinic and discovered anxiety little stupid disease that ruined my brain and mentality and still im conscious about health..
paige_77181 fbkingasif
j21801 paintedpony
Hi friends, these are my exact symptoms as well. Right down to the good night's sleep, not starting for a few hours. 29 yo female. I'm really bad at going down the rabbit hole and can't seem to accept that it is my anxiety. Did these symptoms resolve for all of you? If not, how do you manage them? Wishing you all the best. This isn't easy.
paige_77181 j21801