facial drooping
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I will keep this brief as i have already posted before about my full symptoms, but in a nut shel very ill for 3 months with extreme FLU like symptons, but muchworse, i felt like death.3 Months very slowly improving, but never fully recovered. Stupidly i then started some exercise and trying to live life again and boom massive relapse and currently another 4 months on i am finally starting to feel a little better again.
Buy my main question is, has anyone else had facial drooping? I didn't have this with my initial infection but when i had the relapse, apart from feeling like death, it was like the muscles in my face had given up, not in a bells palsy way (i.e. not just one side), but my face just wasnt tight anymore, my skin used to hug to my cheek bones (I am 29), and then it just suddenly stopped made my face more oval and longer looking, best way i can describe it is drooping.
It has been intermittent, but now i am feeling a bit better again it has mostly gone now.
Anybody else has this?
BTW I tested negative for Lyme once, when I was originally ill, the test was taken after about 4 weeks. Now I am having another ELISA test..
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caroline91964 shimlad
I had Lyme Disease last year. I didn't have the facial palsy, but experienced a numbness around the abdomen and the skin felt very loose and sponge like. This went away after a week or so.
If you've been on a course of antibiotics recently, I believe a second ELISA test may show up as a negative, even if you have Lyme infection. It's a notoriously unreliable test anyway.
I hope you have a good doctor who is open to researching LD, as it seems many GPs have very limited, if any knowledge about it.
Hope you feel better soon.
shimlad caroline91964
rebecca86537 shimlad
shimlad rebecca86537
How did you get diagnosed? did you get a positive ELISA blood test?
What treatment are you having?
rebecca86537 shimlad
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