Facial pain??

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I have been going on over year now! I have pain from my face and the doctor's are saying atypical facial pain...I am grouchy and irratable, because the pain is in my jaw , mouth ,neck and it is only on my left side, but i have constant pain, I can't open my mouth ,it hurt's so bad...Anyone else having this issue, No body understand's...Sick of this pain....thank you Vanessa228

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Poor you!  Sounds dreadful.   It certainly needs investigation after so long.  Are you in UK?  If so you should return to GP and get referred.

    I think one of the problems [and it sounds like a "nerve" pain] is that conventional painkillers do not really touch it.

    Best wishes and sympathy

    • Posted

      simonthethird, Thank you for your reply,Well my family doctor just call's  atypical facial pain and I can not get anyone to really understand just how this pain has affected my life, seem's like i am just silent to everyone...Thank you and what is UK and GP? sorry new to this place.. confused
    • Posted

      Hi again vanessa.  Sorry to hear that.  UK is United Kingdom. This is a UK website where we have socialised medicine [i e you do not have to pay directly just through taxes] and much of the advice that we can give is really only relevant in this country. A GP is a "general practicioner" that is our family [local] doctor who would almost certainly refer you on to a hospital specialist or pain clinic.

      Where are you then?

    • Posted

      Hey thank you for getting back to me so quickly...I am from the United States and sorry sound pretty silly to the question's...Well I am on here to find out if anyone else in this world has or is experencing this problem ? Thank you for being so helpful....
    • Posted

      Hi; you don't sound silly at all ...

      There is a condition called "trigeminal neuralgia" and while it often comes and goes [and it's probably not what you have] there is a website which might give you some clues if you Google it.  Basically I feel your Doctor's description merely means that it's a pain in the face that s/he does not know what causes it [or - basically - what to do.

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