Facing a THR at 35 yrs old

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Hey guys. I've got avn in both hips but my right is by far the worst. I'm looking at a thr in early sept but I am sick with nerves and I might push it for a few months and just live on trammadol and limp. My questions when did you know you needed the surgery? For me it's when not if and I am struggling with the when part.

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    Hi thomas

    I am 43 and have had both hios replaced. My story is l am a normal wouldcsay quite young for my age 43 year old. It all started last year maybe round about feb l though l.had pulled a muscle in my groin aa getiing in and out my car was sore thoughj nothing of it really then it stradily got worse but it was only affecting my left side. I started getting shooting oaind down the front of my leg by this time a few months had passed so l out an appointment on to see my doctor who examined mybleg movement and agreed it was a pulled tendon or muscle he sent me away with some pain killers and a card to phone up to be out on physiotherapy dept. I did not bother to ring it as l.new there was a waiting list the lenthnof my arm l just continued with normal life working 5 fays. A week but noticed l was getting stifffer the longer l sat it all came to a head when it got to september and me and my husband went for a small holiday in england he got out of his bed one morning there l was lying on the floor tears streaming down my face just trying to put jeans on. He said right that it doctors when we get home. Still only getting.pain in my left leg. This time l was sent for xrays and a week later l was called back to gp and when l heard him say it l nearly fell of my chair. He said basicslly your both hips are nasty you have OA and there is no other choice than to get them both repaced. I could not understand it l was 42 at thhe time reasonably healthy we used to walk 7 miles ever night. Now l am lucky to have bupa as a benifit through my work so l called them up and next thing l had an appointment to see hip and knee surgeon wherevhe took more xrays aand said they were very nasty looking hips. And said when do you want 1st one done. I said asap if it was gonna take the pain l had lived for for months l was happy to go ahead. I had my 1st hip replaced 9th dec 2015 ot was great right away my oa pain was gone but l.wont lie the 1st week is hard but you manage. By week 4 l was walking without aids. I thought l was ready to get other side done so ll called him and asked if he would do ithee side he said fair enoght l am on holiday for 2 weeks l will do it when l get back so had my 2nd donr 15th feb. I would not change it for the world. Get it done dont suffer and eat painkillers for a year like l done. I am well and.truley great with my hips but found out l had OA in both knees to and they needed teplaced to. So my first nee replacementv is tommorow eeekkk.

    I am scared about getting this done as the pain is meant to be a lot worse than hips. And you will also notice coming onto this forum that you are not that young to be getting it done we have am 18 year ild girl right up through 20's and 30's and upwards. This forum was my saviour through the 2 replacement as there was so much support and guidance. I would advise you to do it know thomas dont suffer anymore you will be fine you will bounce back in no time.

    Am alway here to help


    • Posted

      Hi Laura, 18 days post op RTHR . I'm glad to hear you got your hips done and all is good. Just some moral support, I had both knees done June/Sept 2014 and they work really good. I kept hearing that the hip is so much easier than knee but I really think I had less pain with my knee surgeries. First week recovery with hip is tough. So I know every situation is different but I wish you the best and my recovery from knee surgery had very little pain. Dave

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      Dave thanks so much for that you are the first person to say that to me and it helps loads if l go in with that mind set l wont be as scared. Thanks so much dave and l wish you a giod recovery from your hip to honestly in no time it will be great l have had no issues with my hips since the ops just a few niggles and some sire backs but that was to be expected as my body was getting used to having a diffrent posture and walking diffrent. The only problem is l get stiff if l sit for a long time but they say it can take a full year to fully heal inside from hip replacement. But l am back to doing most thing l did before my new hips. Just my knees that is holding you back.

      Here goes then dave thank you again


    • Posted

      Hey Laura, Day 23 post op RTHR, getting better, still 1 crutch for security but feeling better daily. Hope your knee went well, let us all know how your doing . Dave 63380
  • Posted

    Of course it's scary!!! But.....you will have a whole new lease of life! I had AVN in both hips only diagnosed when I was nearly crippled.Had both done within 8 weeks of each other.I still have some aches and pains but it's a totally different pain -a healing pain rather than that 'rotting' pain I'm sure you're familiar with.Do you're homework,get help for when u come home and be brave-it's so very worth it!! X

  • Posted

    I also had AVN of both hips. Right THR at age 35. Left THR at age 40. Right revised at age 43.

    My femoral head collapsed before I had the right one done. Two years of excruciating pain! When I woke from surgery, my first thought was 'why did I wait so long? I'm totally pain free!!!' So my initial experience was good.

    The pain set back in a few months later. Doc thought it was the AVN. Turns out it was metallosis (DePuy Pinnacle)

    My advise is to find out and research the device and technique your surgeon plans to use.

    • Posted

      Hi kelly.

      I have AVN in both hips too, my right was the worse. I got diagnosed with AVN at the age of 9 and I have just turn 18 in July. I am three weeks post op from my right hip I need to get my left hip done soon. What was your hips like after you get them replace did you have more mobility and that or?

      Sorry to here at least it's not AVN. I might have AVN in my elbow it's under investigation the now.

      Hope your well

      Megan x

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    It depends on how much damage there is. The more damage the harder & complex the surgery will be. Do you know how bad your hip is? Wishing you the best in what ever you decide. God bless you. Hugs, ???? Linda D

  • Posted

    Hi Thomas,

    I noticed not long after I had my little boy that something wasn't right, but I had suffered with my hips when I was a baby and dismissed it for a while, but after a couple of trips to the doctors it was confirmed.

    I knew I needed mine doing for about 18 months before I had it done, I had been told to try and go as long as I could, but I would know when the time was right, and I did! I wanted to fit it in around my son.

    I was 30 when I had it done and am now 5 1/2 months on and it's the best thing I have done!! I choose not to go ahead until the winter as I knew my little boy wouldn't want to go out too much when it was wet and cold!

    I also didn't want to leave it too long as I was starting struggling to drive. I didn't want to get in the car and realise I couldn't actually drive it!

    I did have lots of help after and I think our little one kind of understood that mummy couldn't do much, but daddy was there, and our family's were a great help.

    It really was the best time for me, and him, now I can chase him up and down the garden, unlike before!!

    I think you will know when the time is right. It is a scary thing but sooo worth it!

    Good luck and take care


    • Posted

      Hi Laura, I'm 80. Had a thr 6days ago by spinal injection and sedation. Couldn'tbelieve I was back in my room after recovery within 40mins and having tea and biscuits. Things seem to be going well, walking around indoors with just a stick. Worst part so far is having to sleep on back, seem to be waking every hour, anyone has any answers to that one.

    • Posted

      Hi Bet

      Fantastic news! I'm well impressed.

      A 'v' pillow behind your head and another firm pillow under your knees , this has helped me through. Try a lavender bag under your pillow too. 


    • Posted

      Thanks Laura, will give it a try.
  • Posted

    Hi, I'm with everyone else...get it done as soon as possible.  I had AVN of right hip replaced last September.  it took about 2 years to diagnosis and by then the femoral head had started to collapse.  On good days the pain was excruciating.  I only had to wait 3 months for the operation.  Where I live the wait time for a consult is 9 months and then to OR another 6 months, so I felt very fortunate. (it didn't turn out the best pain wise, no roller skates for me, but that's life).  Not sure where you live, but can you put it off if you are not ready, and have to wait a lot longer to be rebooked and then be in really bad shape?  I think if you are worried about infection you might want to use the hospital of your surgeon.  If it is like the hospital I went to, they have a special OR dedicated to hips,and they have laminar flow set up so the rate of infection is very low. (not sure if this is a standard practice).  Also they have all patients take ferrous gluconate 300mg at night about 2 months before surgery.  This has caused the number of transfusions to drop by 70% ...so they started using this protocol with all the surgical cardiac patients as well.  Wishing you all the best.


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