Failed prolaps problems

Posted , 2 users are following.

I have had two ops to correct prolaps. Neither have bee successful. I'm going back to the hospital a new referral

Worried i have swollen stomach which is caused by stress according to the dr. And i feel this is pushing down on prolaps. Can't seem to empty bowel. Feel a mess down below im 56 .

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2 Replies

  • Posted

    Dear Kay,

    I don't have the problem of prolapse so can't relate on that level.

    However, I must say that it sounds quite difficult for you at this point in time.

    Hang in there and try to stay optimistic. The body is amazing at healing itself if we give it the nutrients and rest it needs. It's good to read that you're actively seeking proper care.


    • Posted

      Thank you Metta

      I thought i was posting this problem on the prolaps section. So thank you for answering me. I have LS also but dont have the itch just sore at times. Mine is hereditary. Mum had it. I use clob and baking soda baths. Wish they could solve this illness i was 54 when i got it 57 now seems to be some narrowing of the vagina happening now ha ho its exauting. Off work with stress xx

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