Fall down stairs on to stone floor last night

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i fell over my dog and fell down the stairs on to a stone floor I don't remember passing out I felt so humiliated I went to my bedroom feel asleep I feel ok except for a sharp pain in my left hip and a hard pain in the middle of my back and pain and bruising my neck hurts when a turn to the left but that's it.  everything works should I be worried. 

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14 Replies

  • Posted


    a few questions, How many stairs did you fall down? can you stand on your leg? how old are you? 

    It may be worth getting checked out, depends on how severe the pain is.

    best wishes 


    • Posted

      Hi acuteabdo

      I fell down fifteen carpeted stairs, more like launched! It's my upper body that has the most pain my back my hip and my neck. I don't remember anything about the fall. On to a stone floor that I used to think was the height of fashion. I can hardly move my upper body. It's agony but my main bits work.


    • Posted

      due to you not remembering i would go and get checked out you may have concussion and if it is severe it can take up to 21 days to manifest itself. not trying to panic you but i would see your gp.

      I have had first aid training hence the knowledge.

    • Posted

      Hi I didn't know that! Will get a check just in case.



    • Posted


      Hope you got checked out, the previous person is right, not remembering the fall is more worrying and needs seeing to, yes because of damage to the brain (concussion) and more importantly the reason for the fall needs investigating.

      best wishes


  • Posted

    I would go and get yourself check out, did you bang your head at all? would be worried about concussion if you did. due to falling onto a hard surface you may have broken something hence the pain. better to get checked over to be safe.
    • Posted

      Hi Dawn my head clearly has some lumps and bumps but I can't remember the fall at hugs

    • Posted

      please go and get checked over, i would be concerned for concussion too.


  • Posted

    Hi Mary

    I am no medical expert and it is probably bruising but would advise you to go and get checked out it won't hurt and will put your mind at rest.

    Good luck and watch out for the dogbiggrin

  • Posted

    Hi Mary!

    That is too bad!  You are going to be sore for awhile!  I wouldn't be worried, but it is always a good idea to have it checked out if possible by a medical professional.  I sure hope you are feeling better soon!

  • Posted

    I think you already answer your own question, Mary go see an Orthopedic Doctor. You sustained a nasty fall.

    Take care


    • Posted

      I feel so silly and embarrassed!!! Does it happen that later on worse injuries can happen.
    • Posted

      thank you everyone for taking the time to respond.


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