Fast heart rate help, losing my mind.

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Hello everyone sorry if I have posted here before. I am 26 years old, female, 5ft 7inch and weigh 85kg (slightly overweight but used to weigh 107kg last August)

Since I can remember I have had a fast resting heart rate, it reads at about 101 resting and between 120-130 when I'm up and about around the house. I haven't felt physically unwell with it but I'm aware of it and it causes huge anxiety for me. I am absolutely terrified I'm going to die suddenly or at a young age or develop heart failure. Yesterday I was say at the dining table and my heart rate was reading 116 but I was just say quietly doing nothing, thinking about random stuff.

I do suffer from terrible anxiety and I'm on the lost for CBT for that.

My cardiologist prescribed me a beta blocker in January after I ended up in hospital because my HR was 172 at rest. They couldn't find anything wrong other that my heart beats fast - sinus tachycardia. I had a heart scan which came back fine and my 24hr ECG was fine again, showed a fast heart. The beta blocker has reduced my heart rate but only slightly and still goes high when I'm doing stuff.

In February last year I decided I would start walking everyday for half an hour to try and get a bit healthy and my stamina has definitely improved. This week (4days ago) I signed up to the gym and I have gone everyday since, my aim is to reduce my resting heart rate.

I'm absolutely terrified it will NEVER go down even if I do a lot of cardio.

My mum has a fast heart as is also on beta blockers but she is overweight and doesn't exercise at all.

Please does anyone suffer the same or have any advice? I'm getting tired of living this way.

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3 Replies

  • Posted

    maxine, you are taking the first steps to improve your health and you are on the right road! Don’t doubt it. Don’t let fear get in the way of your progress.i’m going to assume that your doctor said it’s OK to exercise? If so, that’s great.

    with exercise you are strengthening your heart and blood and oxygen are circulating through every cell in your body!

    anxiety can definitely cause a rapid heart rate also. You may have a higher heart rate naturally also.

    take One day at a time and don’t forecast. People who have anxiety have a tendency to forecast or predict what might happen in the future. you said your heart rate may never come down.remember, the future does not exist now. Nobody can predict the future. The only thing we have is the present moment and that’s what you need to focus on. Little by little you will become stronger and healthier! Don’t even think of "what ifs" because it’s an absolute waste of time.

    ask yourself if you would be better off if you were doing absolutely nothing. The answer would be absolutely not! You would be worse off.your stamina has already improved!

    So never ever give up on improving your health. walking is a great exercise.

    as long as you are following your doctors instructions.

    also when you lose weight, you are taking a burden off of your heart and other organs.

    when you have the rapid heart rate, it’s really important to breathe properly so that the heart rate will go down.

    practice these great breathing techniques at least a couple times a day. You can find them on YouTube. Just search for breathing exercises for anxiety or mindfulness breathing meditation. Ones are really like are the ones for being in the present moment because they get you focused on The present where it’s so peaceful because you’re not thinking about the past or the future. I learned a lot! You can do this. You seem like you are very motivated! Take care ❤

    • Posted

      wow thank you for you response, the reassurance is absolutely amazing so, again thank you so much. i will do everything in my power to change it. mindfulness has been mentioned a lot so that's definitely next on my list to try 💖 my cardiologist told me to exercise 3 times a week for at least 45 minutes. i manage to do 30 mins everyday. 🙂

  • Posted

    Hello! Did you get tested for SVT and IST? You can check these terms in Wikipedia, they are different types of tachycardia.

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