Fat Fa ce
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Hello Ladies,
Anyone suffer from a bigger looking face? I know this might sound crazy but if you have experienced this please let me know!!! I am not sure if this is a symptom of peri/meno. I have not gained. away weight so not sure why my face looks like this!!!
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Guest Shana_P
I think our face looks bigger because our eyes are starting to shrink and sink and our noses continue to grow. ugh
ImagineOneDay Shana_P
Definitely. I noticed it in my friends and other women going through menopause. Something happens to the face. It looks rounder or more swollen. I had a very sharp V shape face. My friends and boyfriends use to say I looked like Meryl Streep because of that. But now my fafe likes rounder and fatter. How did that happen. 😦 😦
Shana_P ImagineOneDay
I know!!!! I feel the exact same!!! I dont know what has happened!!!!
vicky77852 Shana_P
I feel my face more plump but I like it! I guess it is due to hrt but I am not sure! I gain 2-3 kgr during peri but I don't think that it is the cause.
ImagineOneDay vicky77852
I don't take any HRT or medication but my fave went round from a shared V shape due to meno
sabrina1971 Shana_P
Me too. My nose has got fatter and cheeks looks swollen. 😦
lydia2311 Shana_P
I've always had a pretty round face, but I am starting to lose my chin/neck definition, so I look very different. not happy.
Reb2211 Shana_P
Me too!!
I thought is it me or am I imagining it?
Some days it seems to look normal again, so I really don't understand why.
I can't find any information about it so I don't know what causes it.
I've bought a contour kit and can get some definition through this or look like Adam Ant if I haven't applied it right 😅
CaliforniaMel Shana_P
I don't know about fat, but...less feminine. I just feel like I look so, I don't know, mannish. My jaw looks bigger/squarer somehow. Just...something changed. I hate it so much.
I have a feminine hairstyle and I wear makeup (not crazy amounts, but makeup) but somehow, it's just not the same. I always thought I'd start looking really "older" when I began getting wrinkles. Well, I still have no wrinkles, except for my eyes crinkling a bit if I smile very hard, BUT I do look older, and definitely, as I said, less feminine.
This part has been really hard for me, I hate to say. 😦
CinnamonCat CaliforniaMel
I completely agree Mel, something has changed with my face too. I hate looking in the mirror now because I honestly don't recognise myself. Such a lot has happened with my general health since turning 50 /menopause! 😦
CaliforniaMel CinnamonCat
CinnamonCat, I am trying very hard to accept this particular change. I wouldn't have thought I was vain until now. I always thought, "Pity beautiful girls because what happens when their looks fade? Won't it be devastating?" But it's devastating to see such changes even for those of us who weren't Instagram-gorgeous. You know?
I know this may sound shallow, especially to anyone who hasn't gone through it yet. But it's shocking how much it can affect how one sees oneself.
I am trying softer hairstyles, and just trying to remember: I AM a woman, even if I think I don't look as feminine anymore. I will always be a woman.
Hang in there, beautiful CinnamonCat!