fat legs

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Hi all has anyone noticed how the inside top of your legs have got fat how odd my legs are now rubbing together and im not a big person  help what is going on 

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Karen mine was like that I lost bit a bit weight and they stop rubbing a bit I thinks iys normal it fat just going there that's sll.
  • Posted

    I've noticed also. Started on my exercise bike but I'm feelin flabby all over 😢😢😢
  • Posted

    Yes... I just noticed that recently too. It's an awful feeling. Even with all the leg presses I do at the gym, nothing helps curb that area. So sucks!
  • Posted

    Yes, it's from weight gain for me.  Awful.  I'm making major dietary changes and stepping up on exercise hoping to lose weight.
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    i read that oestrogen dominance is the cause of this - flabby thighs and waist and general flabbiness all over.  but who knows what it is all about, there are so many articles online and so many different views on this whole business.  fed up with them all,  all 'experts' giving views but no real, definite answers for us sufferers.  one says use this remedy, another has a different view, all contradicting each other, all pushing their various products but just confusing us all..... rant over!
    • Posted

      I agree... and since I have Crohn's disease and peri, it is virtually impossible to find any solid advice about how to juggle both at the same time.  All those people telling us to eat lots of fiber, fruits, and veggies?  Yeah, I can't do that because I'll get sick.  My doctors are equally useless on the subject.  So I started this last weekend on making my very own plan, based on what I need and can have, to try to address at least some of the issues related to both the peri and the Crohn's.  My goal is to do "the best I can" - not to be perfect, but to take some control back so I feel that I am doing as much as is realistically possible.  We are on our own!
    • Posted

      we certainly are on our own Elizabeth, can't agree more!.  all these special supplements and remedies can make some of us worse and i have a cupboard full of stuff I have bought which does not work. It's a money pit and there are no real experts out there. Stick to your own plan, I do, there is no easy fix for this.  It can't be easy for you have peri thrown in aswell as having Crohn's, but I am sure you are your own expert on that, it's the peri that messes it up but you'll find your own plan.  we are on our own and the only real support is the FREE support you get on this forum and others like it.  take care! 
    • Posted

      I have a similar situation to Crownsville so can relate. I have diverticulitis so I can't eat too many veggies, seeds and nuts cause I'll get bloaTed and the the big D. Comes on quickly if you know what I mean.
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      I meant chrohns not Crownsville. Stupid spellcheck.
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      Didi, I definitely know what you mean! 
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    It's kind of like the flappy arms.  Comes with age, amounts of exercise, food intake and life.  Learn to laugh about it or have lipoSuction. 😎
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    just going to mention the bat like flappy arms ! i hate to pick up my arms .

    completely agree with metamorphed.....seem to be going round and round in circles

  • Posted

    Yes, definitely. It is due to hormonal changes and lack of oestrogen. I noticed my shape was changing after I noticed my hair was getting thinner - Yuk!

    I would look down at myself after I got out the bath and think - what the ***k is going on?  I didnt want to weigh myself for a while but did eventually and was very relieved to find I hadnt actually put on weight - its like the weight is re-distributing itself - so I am actually slimmer on top than I used to be as well. I started dieting very strictly and still do have a very controlled diet, and I think that has helped.

    • Posted

      Hi ursula, i am a size small 14 but the last 2 weeks i noticed this on my top of inner legs and i swear my pubic area has got puffy , i said to my husband what the hell is this im slim i am swelling up like a puffer fish . H is answer was look i have that to down there, hang on matey ur 18 stone what do you expect ( sorry if i sound horrible) its true more weight more puff but im small  huh men bless him ha ha .
    • Posted

      Yeah well my husband's BMI is far from ideal, so he wouldnt dare comment on mine..........

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