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Has anyone else when they first started perimenapause had fatigue every day 

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12 Replies

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    Yes..  I have bouts of this and it's terrible as I'm tired all the time.  There was a couple different times that I was dizzy with other things so I had blood work and it always says NORMAL.   So it must be my hormones.  I'm usually more  kind to myself during this time..  take naps when needed, get basics done, drink a lot of water and I also try to exercise even if it's a walk or a few leg lifts on the floor.  I also double up on some of my vitamins like D, coq10 and B complex.  

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      Hi ,is your fatigue every day ever since I started perimenapause about 4 months ago I get fatigue every day been taking maca for about a week now. 
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      I just started taking it about week ago they say it takes about 3 weeks to really see the difference my fatigue is worse in the morning don't feel it as much in the evening but it still there .

      I will let you know once I hit the 3 weeks taking it.

  • Posted

    Yes jacqueline, I have. I always thought it was my other medical conditions causing it, but now I am not so sure. I have had active hormones since I was 3 years old. I went through precocious puberty, followed by diagnosis of polycystic ovaries. Overweight all my life due to this and 31 years of steroids, I was told I had fibromyalgia, lupus, sjogrens syndrome, sicca syndrome, and drug induced Addisons disease looming in the wings. I managed to have 2 sons with all this going on, but both pregnancies abnormal although both boys big and healthy. Sterilised after 2nd child born. I dont know if my fatigue is related to my medical issues or if I have been in menopause for much longer than I first thought. Fatigue is definitely part of the menopause though. Some days I cant move I"m so exhausted.I have heard from other ladies on here that they have had it too. Hope this reassures you that it is a normal part of this horrid time. Love to you xxx

    • Posted

      Hi tina,

      Do you get fatigue every day, because ever since I started perimenapause about 4 months ago I get this every day I just don't feel like myself no energy my muscles feel weak 

    • Posted

      Hey jacqueline, sorry I did not reply straight away, had a really s**t couple of days. In answer to your question, I can suffet chronic fatigue for MONTHS at a time not just days. Occasionally I get a good day and I manage to do a few normal things then its back to struggling to even lift and drink a mug of tea! Hope this is helpful to you, you are not abnormal at all, its not just the sex hormones that get affected at this time, all sorts do. XXX
  • Posted

    iv been going through meno for several years now and i sufferd very bad with tierdness but iv been put on hrt patches and on my third one which i change every four days. im feeling less tierd and dont have sweats and i was dry down below and not now so i feel loads bette as i was having cold like sweats like every hour and now not. so try asking for them. i feel loads better not wanting to go sleep in afternoon anymore still get tierd by end of day but i was alot worse.
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      Hi d 

      I ask my gynecologist she wants me to see a cardiologist so I'm scheduled for a stress test as soon as I get the clear I'll be ok for hrt  

      Did you have fatigue every day? 

      also I have thyroid problems.

    • Posted

      I havent had thyroid problems so far, but I do have angina and due to obesity all my life my heart doesnt cope with stressful episodes very well I am usually sick, however due to the extreme nature of my symptoms and how bad they were and how they were affecting my day to day life, my dr gave me HRT and although its taking a while to settle in there has been noticable improvement in my symptoms so I will persevere. xxx
  • Posted

    hi yes everyday i was very tierd id take kids to school in morning as i had twins at 40 then id go home and be tierd id struggle to keep house clean and just wanted to sleep allday. i. been feeling less tierd so hrt must be wirking for me

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