Fear, anxious, losing my mind. Am I normal or am I going crazy
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I'm a month off 49 and feel so old and feel like I have no life left. Old, ugly, angry, anxious and SUPER sensitive and mean as cat s**t sometimes.
If I put a smile on my face it would crack I'm sure.
I feel like my husband has had enough and that I'm going to lose him.
I drink to calm down and to take a breather from this all and I smoke; both of which I feel are going to kill me at that very minute but not interested in giving either up as they're the only things keeping me from going completely crazy I feel.
As soon as something is going my way or I get happy I have a doom feeling like I'm going to die and not get to ever experience happiness again.
One minute I'm anxious, the next I'm depressed and the next I'm happy which is not often. But mostly anxious.
I don't feel womanly at all to the point I'd rather dress in crappy clothes that are comfy rather than dress in feminine clothing that's uncomfortable and cold.
I hate the way I feel and want to know how long does this last or is it the old saying 'how long is a piece of string'
Any other women feel this way and is there anything to help that's natural as I don't want hrt, my mother took that and died at age 52.
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suzynegrette Iamlorry
Oh!!! I can relate to the emotions and anxiety!! I get it!! It stinks! I'm 45 and feel 90. The anxiety is a game changer!!!!! I'm sure there are natural products. I would love to hear about some myself. You are not alone!!
debbie03785 Iamlorry
kelly55079 Iamlorry
I don't feel old BUT the way my body is I do feel old--if that makes sense.. I have no motivation to do what I did 6 months ago. I have no desire to exercise or eat healthy (but I do try).. I will try to drink more water, fruits and veggies but I know I will fail--no willpower. I don't even feel like shopping, it seems like a chore!! I'm happy to wear super comfortable clothes. I get basic stuff around the house finished but barely. I hate this feeling..really I do. I'm 48 going on 75. My feet hurt, I feel tired mostly. I work part-time and can barely handle that, the thought of full-time is very scary to me which I will soon as these kids get older.
I still get periods and keep taking vitimins but maybe I am depressed.. who knows.. I don't have the best support system (husband) as he is too focused on work but I do have extended family and friends. Or maybe it's hormones..
And the brain fog too.. just feel 'out of it' most days or it's that lethargic feeling of being tired. I woke up did what I needed to for the kids felt good BUT now I feel crappy... Don't know what that is except hormones maybe. I will try to 'up' my D and iron and see if that helps.
suzynegrette kelly55079
Indifferent Iamlorry
I have a very hard time liking some people these days, there are some that I just avoid at all cost because they are just too much for me to even be in the same room with. I used to be able to at least tolerate everyone for a short period of time...hahaha...but now they can put me in a mood almost instantly
jane5216 Iamlorry
Oh honey, I know exactly what you mean. I'm experiencing all you describe and I feel like I'm a completely different person nowadays. I behave like a ravenous pit bull with a personality disorder most of the time. I know I feel better when I avoid caffeine, alcohol and sugar - which I can usually manage for a couple of weeks and then lapse! But I do feel the difference. Also, exercising and eating lean protein, veg and fruit; no carbs helps. Though that's like morphing into Gwyneth Paltrow - but without her money!!
lelawreck Iamlorry
Hi there, I recently started to participate in this forum and even being on for almost a week and a half now. I completely lost myself and fell into depression as the aniety attacks became so severe and had aabout 1 every second day. So bad that I felt I was dying of a heartattack, that I have some dreadfull decease, and that i was busy losing my mind and will be admitted in a "crazyhouse". I even experienced trembling, shaking and shiverring from head to toe. I went to my gp and have to face reality now and must drink xanor everyday and antidepressants. Not happy about this at all, also seeing a counsilor now to try and cope with the anxiety. Thing is, I get terrible heart palpitations, these cause me to get anxious and this causes my heart rate to go beyond control and then it gets to a point that i cannot get myself to calm down and get a panic/anxiety attach. So yes there are woman that experience terrible anxiety in menopause. It is hell! Visit a local healthshop, sure there is natural remedies that would help.