fear of heart disease
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H I'm new to this website I usually read everyone else's stories to calm myself down but recently I became unable to function. I am 22 female with two children. I have generalkzed anxiety disorder with panic attacks and last week I woke up feeling EXTREMELY fatigued. I wasn't able to stand long enough to brush my teeth before eveetgibg started spinning and started to go black. I could hardly catch my breath and my heart was beating so fast I couldn't even count the beats. My mom brought me to the dr and my pulse rate was 140 WHILE SITTING!!! The machine started beeping and blinking red BC my pulse was so high. Nurse said her oylse would be that high if she had two young children too. Ever since this day I can barely get out of bed without feeling faint with a very fast heart rate. My mom helps me shower BC I become so weak and my heart rear becomes so fast I nearly pass out. Everything I read online says it's heart disease related and my dad does have many heart problems so I'm worried sick... Any one else experience this? Could it be anxiety?
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jay3287 miranda0393
miranda0393 jay3287
jmcg2014 miranda0393
punk miranda0393
Still I would advise you to consult a doctor as your dad has heart problems and I believe ECG test would detect the condition of your heart.
Take care
miranda0393 punk
Penropennies miranda0393
Firstly there are many medications that can control heart rate if required
If it is anxiety, get checked ok but there are quick techniques to help anxiety
Firstly tell your self that your heart is fine and say to yourself, ok its a panic attack
Then close your eyes and mentally scream to yourself at the vouce STOP STOP STOP
do this at least 10 times or as many as you like. It will freeze all your racing thoughts or slow them down
Also tell yourself ok my heart is going fast but withing 3-5 minutes i can regain control and normality
Once calmer state practice some deep breathing in the bottom part of your stomach for 3 counts, hold for 2 and exale for 3
After this you may need to write down some of your thoughts and see if you need to replace them with more constructive helpful thoughts that serve you better.
You see i know it works because i was a horrible sufferrer of anxiety and lots of panic attack. But no more because i conquered them. There are many techniques but this one is quick and wirks well
Good luck