Fear of Stroke !!
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Hi there, recently i have been having really bad headaches all day long everyday. I'm 16 yrs old and im very scared im have a stroke because of my headaches. I constantly check my face to see if its drooping and its not. But the lower left side of my face feels funny and feels like someone was pulling it for a long time. i get rlly scared bc of this. i have headaches that range from the top to the back at times. And sometimes it hurts near the eyes. Other times it feel like a headbands and tight. My calf had been feeling sore and tight. And at times i feel pins and needles in my feet so a short pd of time. Before this happened, i had a huge fear of dying froma heart attack bc i had all the symptoms. I went to several docters and emergency twice telling me that my heart was fine and im very anxious and should take meds. But im also scared of that too, of getting addicted or an overdose or idk. Now my fear has moved on to a stroke !! im so scared pls help. xx
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daniel99542 sally13840
Hi Sally,
I really feel for you and can sympathise with you on Health Anxiety as its something i have had to deal with for over 6 years now, so you are not alone. Its a scary place with all these anxiety symptoms flaring up and horrible thoughts going through your head, with your brain trying to link it to a fatal illness to explain why your getting them. I've been there on multiple occasions, the amount of times I have visited my GP, called ambulances & flew straight over to A&E is countless. What you have to remind yourself of, is that you have had all the necessary tests and you are completely healthy. I know that's easier said than done, but you are not alone, nor should you ever feel unheard or alone. I have generally believed I was/or going to have a stroke, heart attack, heart disease, brain tumor, the lot, all on different occasions over the years and its all about becoming mindful. I'm currently experiencing tension/aches in both my arms, shoulders, neck, back and have zero energy + struggle to breath throughout parts of the day. These symptoms are new to me & have had them for over a week now, but i will get through them, just as you will with yours. Us people who suffer with Health Anxiety are prone to being body sensitive, meaning the slightest pain, tingle or change is magnified to us compared to the normal person who will just shrug it off like it was nothing, when our minds simply go to the worse, which then spirals & stresses our minds and body out, leading in longer physical symptoms and it becoming a cruel anxiety circle. To break the circle I would really look into mindful books, if your not a reader (like me), use audible, there is tons of different anxiety books to choose from. They can teach you mediation, relax methods, rewiring your brain and just a better understanding of anxiety. Remember your not alone and there is plenty of paths you can go down to help yourself. Tip - stay away from caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and try drink plenty of water each day. Keeping busy helps too.
Good luck & pages like these are great, someone will always listen and you'll never be the first or last person to experience what your experiencing.
sally13840 daniel99542
thank you so much for responding, i was rlly freaking out today and crying. Ive just been rlly depressed lately like everything is the same. Thank for ur msg tho i feel a bit better. ❤️
daniel99542 sally13840
Hi Sally,
Of course, no need to thank me, I know how much it can help to talk with someone who understands or has experienced the same. You will get through this and just take each day as it comes. Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day as no one is perfect and everyone has their moments. Your 1 of millions going through the same nasty place and always reach out to the forums or a loved one to talk, the worst thing you can do is bottle it up and stress solo about it.
Keep your chin up, your not alone.
meghan49196 daniel99542
hi sorry just when you mention tension and aches etc in your arms is it like youve been to the gym or something? like youve been exercising or doing weights or something but youve actually not? because i get that in my arms and legs and body sometimes sore to touch and achy