Fear of tests/exams

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I get very upset and anxious about female exams, including breast, vaginal, pap smears, etc. I do not like..no, I hate and dread the physical exams. I had a sono hystogram and biopsy, which basically is rape. Sticking probes up your vagina, inserting needles into your uterus, drawing out samples, etc. AWFUL. I read on one of the posts that someone refused a pap for about 8 years...I get that.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I think everyone dreads that stuff, it's never any fun. But you gotta do what you have to.

    • Posted

      Thanks, but it's not that simple. I cannot bring myself to go through all the recommended tests. It's beyond dreading it.

    • Posted

      Maybe you could ask your doctor to give you some Valium so you can relax a bit and get through the tests? It might help. My friend freaks out with MRI's and Valium alswsys helps her get thru it

    • Posted

      Yeah, maybe. I just have so many nightmares. These tests are too invasive.
  • Posted

    I did fine with these exams for many years with my first gyn.  He passed away and I had to go to someone else.  She was rough with the Pap tests sometimes, and at my last exam with her, I actually came home bleeding.  I went several years without a checkup out of fear until last year, when I ended up at the GP with mysterious symptoms and he referred me to a very good gyn who is much gentler and performed laparoscopic surgery on me.  I am relieved to be back to getting the care I need and to have overcome that fear.  It was a huge step to take but totally worth it.

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