Fed up!

Posted , 8 users are following.

Hi ladies!

I just need to vent. I am so fed up with these peri symptoms! For the past week now I have been bloated, constipated, gassy, uti's, feeling depressed. It's been enough to drive a person mad! Okay I'm done with my rant, for now! 😊 Thanks for tuning in.

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm right there with you! It sucks! Hope you have better days coming to you soon! ?

  • Posted

    I'm there with you alsosmile I was feeling so much better for the past 6 months ..I don't know what the heck happened today!!!! So sick had a panic attack in the grocery store thought was my heart run to the dr my blood pressure was going up and down the nurse keep telling me to come down!!! I was a mess..Went home and try to keep busysad so scary!! Then my skin start itching, every part of my body aching and feeling so depressed!!!!

    There is no ending to this nightmare!!!

  • Posted

    Can a uti cramp your lower stomach and painful to urinate but feel like the pain is coming from lower stomach when you pee? What u symptoms do u have ? Do you have any pain with it?
    • Posted

      Hi I get this pain every day for at least 4-5 hours before it subsides..hellish
    • Posted

      I had that last year so often that I went to the hospital one night they made a bunch of tests and scans of my blader and kidneys everything was fine ..no UTI the doctor said that I had a nervous blader stress and feeling anxious was attacking that part of my body..the pain will last for hours and I felt I had to pee all the time..she was right I see it when I get very anxious it comes back..
    • Posted

      Yes lower stomach and lower back. It burns when you pee. You feel an urge to pee all the time even after just peeing. It's not comfortable.

    • Posted

      I dont burn everytime i urinate though like painful to start to urinate from very low stomach, lots of cramping and achy in lower stomach and lower back.
    • Posted

      I don't burn every time either but the lower back/stomach thing could be hormonal. I'm due for my period today and for the past week I've been bloated, gassy, cramping, feeling sore in my hips and thighs. It's alll so bothersome!

    • Posted

      Does anyone get where your lower stomach feels like uncomfortable hard to explain but you know forsure its there because of the uncomforable feeling. 
  • Posted

    Hey, right there with you and totally fed up! Just spent the last hour crying uncontrollably i'm so fed up with it all. Here's hoping and praying for better days to come 😊

  • Posted

    Since joining this site I've realised that what I've been experiencing for 2 years are peri symptoms. That's a bonus as I thought I was turning into a mad woman for no reason. Whilst I wish I wasn't going through all of this I'm reassured I'm not on my own and from the messages on here it does get better at some point!

    • Posted

      Welcome to our little family Angiesmile you are not turning to a mad woman alone, we are all there with you!

    • Posted

      Yes that is what keeps me holding on, the fact that it will get better one day-- that and my faith in God. 😊

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