Fed up

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I woke up this morning and my knee will not bend and is very painful. Doing pain meds every 4 hours. Unsure if I should push it and scream thru the pain. I have therapy tomorrow and I know he will bend it to the point of me passing out. Very depressed. Any thoughts out thereĀ 

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    It is just my take, but I don't get this inflicting pain stuff. No PT I saw inflicted any pain.

    Look at bonesmart site for am alternative approach.

    It's your body you need to judge what you are prepared to do.

    Obviously it is vital to keep the joint moving but also listen to your knee.

    This was my personal approach. Just that. Give it a rest, ice, elevate.

    Has swelling increased?

    Logically, how is that going to affect your flexion?

    What is your relationship with your PT? Are you working together in a positive way?Are they encouraging and positive?

    It's your call. You need to decide what approach to take. But screaming through the pain is something that plenty of people have not found necessary.

    Ask questions and try and find out what the rush is call about. Are there specific reasons you must hit certain numbers at certain times? What are those reasons and then make your own judgement about what your personal objectives are, i.e., may be you are fine about a ROM of 90 degrees at 6 weeks and 115 at 12 weeks?

    Exercising IS important, but rest is also equally important. your spirit and emotions are such an important part of this journey too.

  • Posted

    My last PT pushed down on my knee causing severe pain, swelling and loss of function which took me six weeks to regain. I got a new PT who has been working with me and I have gained more function than the other PT who had me doing the wrong exercises! Found out later the first PT has a terrible reputation. Pain is part of recovery, but not to the point of being excruciating. I have learned to speak up for myself because we need to be our own advocate! Don't let anyone hurt you, that is not good PT. 

  • Posted

    Give that knee of yours a rest today!! Sounds like PT is going too hard !! If you are not feeling well in yourself and knee is so sore maybe a call to your doctor would be sensible. Ortho unit here also takes calls if you are concerned after an op there!
    • Posted

      Thank you. Can you give me the phone number for your ortho unit?  I now have a new problem. On Saturday the weather was so nice so I decided to walk outside. Well I guess I went to far cause yesterday I woke with swelling and a very tight and painful leg calf. I very nervous because during recovery after surgery my heart rhythm went wacco and now I'm on warafin. My blood is to thick right now so thinking about a blood clot really scares me.  Relaxed yesterday but the tightness in my leg is still there. Pain pills don't even touch the tightness and pain. As I'm reading all the postings in this forum I'm also afraid that I might need manipulation. My middle name is worry wart. I wanted my recovery to go smoothly and now that it's not I'm getting very depressed. I have a friend who has had her knees done and then done again and she had no problems. She is the one who referred me to the doc I have. Her and I are totally different when it comes to handling the pain so when she tells me to buck up and stop babying my leg well needless to say it upsets me. I'm with drawing from her and we are really good friends. Do you think your ortho unit would speak to me?  

  • Posted

    Sorry Joann but I can't give you telephone number you asked for as I didn't have my op in that unit. It is also for their own patients only. Suggest you contact facility where you had your surgery . In view of your history and warfarin you really need to see a doctor to exclude DVT as soon as possible. Don't listen to other people who tell you how quickly they have recovered from knee surgery!! Everyone is unique and you are having the pain etc !! Try not to get hung up on getting the range of movement - your priority right now is sorting out that painful calf. You will get through this!! UK or USA?

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