Fed up
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it is my birthday tomorrow and i turn 48.
i just feel at the moment i have nothing to look forward to, i feel low, no energy, i feel like i am always shouting at my kids.
just having a rant xxx
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Guest ellie309
Hi Ellie, Happy Birthday. I can relate. I feel like rubbish all the time too. Fatigue, dizzy, migraines. Hard to be cheerful and patient while feeling like I am dying everyday. Drs not helping, family does not understand. I will be 42 in July.
Guest ellie309
Happy Birthday ! For me just putting my feelings in back and white help so feel free to rant. 😃. It is therapeutic. I am struggling more than normal these past couple of days and there is no rhyme or reason to it....but that is the curse of peri / meno. I just am the type of personality that looks for reasons why and have trouble accepting when one can't be pinpointed.
Wishing to some relief tomorrow and hopefully some joy on your birthday.
kelly55079 ellie309
Happy Birthday to you!!! I feel the same about my b-day-- this year I'll be 50 and just want it to go away!! I can relate to the kids and at times I feel like an idiot for being 'on' them so much!! I have thought so many times that 'I need to get a life'!!!
Clare1971 ellie309
Hi Ellie happy birthday , i am 48 next month and struggling as well just now, nothing seems to make me happy never look forward to anything , everything seems doom and gloom . My husband wanted to book a holiday and in the past i would of been so excited but couldnt think of anything worse just now. Anyway try and have a lovely birthday just think another year closer to this awful stage of life being over
Sassyr12a ellie309
Happy birthday Ellie
I know you're just having a rant, and that's good but just think, tomorrow is the start to a new year of Ellie! You get to spend it how you like, and no matter how much you shout at the kids they still have to be nice to you cos it's your birthday. Use it for something good..... Do what you want, celebrate yourself, get drunk, don't get drunk, go out and celebrate you or stay in and take a long bath, skydive, bungy jump, wash your hair, stroke a ferret(if you have one handy), book a holiday, go for a walk, climb a mountain OR just eat cake.... It doesn't matter because tomorrow the fabulous Ellie is 48 🎂😊😀❤️ xx
Sassyr12a ellie309
Happy birthday Ellie. Hope you have a good day 🎂😀
staci88515 ellie309
Happy Birthday! Don't worry about the kids. My mom has been shouting at me for 44 years and I still love her. Haha! 😃
katyD211 ellie309
Happy Birthday, hon!! 🎂🎈🎉
I turned 60 today ( February 11th)...and i feel ya.
Had crampy feeling all day, low energy and now its the 12th and i am wide awake past midnight . Sighhhhh. I am grateful for my blessings, but just wasn't very celebratory this year. Think I'll throw a party in the summer.
Hope your day was as good as possible!
claire38123 ellie309
Happy birthday to you and big hugs i feel just the same crapppp all these peri symptoms are unreal it was my bday jan15 i turned 46 like everyone i just thought hot sweats which iv had since my hysterectomy 7 years ago but then at christmas BANG palpitations,aches pains,headaches ,and anxiety through the roof and on my bday i had to go for a mammogram as drs found few lumps in my boobs and my mum had breast cancer so i spent my bday in boob clinic FUN ,,, but all ok just yet another symptom of peri... so just spend some me time and spoil yourself rotten i hated my bday this year just felt like yet another day to struggle through so you try to enjoy and smile if only for a while xx