Fed up and Scared
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Just wondering if anyone has experienced a lump feeling in throat. Its not there all the time and it feels like when you swallow food and it comes back up thats the sensation. Its been happening on and off for just about two weeks. I also suffer from Gerd so wondering if this could be the cause. Its literally causing me anxiety at this point. Im going to go to doctors on Monday and praying this is nothing serious. Any help info or advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Rainbow976 renee61138
Yes! I have on and off digestive issues but notice this lump every year around this time. There's no coughing or clearing it, it's just there.I think it's increased pollen count or I developed allergies in peri.
I also seem to shed a ton more hair this time of year. I think we are super sensitive to environmental changes now.
kaye46069 renee61138
actually, yes! And my dr does tell me that it's my GeRd. At first this caused me so much anxiety, that I was seeing my dr so much. Sometimes it makes me feel like it would cause a flutter & it freaks me out. But eventually I noticed that if I chew some rolaids or something, & burp, it would feel better.
renee61138 kaye46069
Hi Kaye. Yes When I drink or try to force a burp it settles for a bit . Its so uncomfortable. Did your doc recommend any types of meds or do you notice certain foods make it worse. Ughh its horrible
kaye46069 renee61138
So my dr has me on protonix. I take it daily, & i take over the counter stuff once in a while as well, when my acid is really bad. Rolaids has xstrength chewable tablets that are also for gas, which I feel does help with trying to burp. I also take mylanta once in a while, when it gets really bad. I think certain foods do exacerbate it, coz I don't get the globous sensation in the throat all the time, but when I eat certain things. I really have yet to pinpoint what types of food make it come on for me, but lately it seems like if I overeat, it happens. When I feel too full, I start to have that feeling that food starts to come back up my throat, & sometimes even gives me trouble breathing (which could also be me having anxiety over it). Make sure u also stay hydrated. Oh, and my dr also did blood test for vitamin d deficiency, & iron deficiency. She said having vitamin d deficiency could cause anxiety, & also that & having an iron deficiency could cause palpitations, (because besides the globous sensation in the throat, it was also making it feel like I was gonna have a heart or throat flutter.. It felt almost like my throat muscle would go into spasm). Both has helped so far.
sharon03238 renee61138
yes i get this and tightening of neck, apparently its my acid reflux, gaviscon 4 times a day x
tracy01120 renee61138
YES...ME ME ME.....im 51 and for the past 6 months have been experiencing a sore throat/Pump in the throat/radiating up into one or both ears causing an almost earache time pain. At first I freaked out, Google and web MD scared the crap out of me. I went to my Dr who saw nothing, said it was most likely caused by anxiety, which I didn't know I had?? So I let it go, went onto this forum and also googled Globus sensation and discoverd they are a real thing and very common. Stress and alcohol seem to make it worse. All my labs are normal. Don't stress. I've decided it's ALL perimenopause/menopause related. Feel better and know you're not alone
oh...and I too have the heart racing thing too.
ET1968 renee61138
Wow, I have this, too...thought I had Hodgkins Disease, but I dont have too many other symptoms.