fed up and so down

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i have been on tramadol for just over a year, i take 6 per day 50ml i use to take 3 in the morning and 3 around 5pm then a sleeping tablet to get to sleep, for the past two weeks i now split them up to 2 tablests at 7am 2 tablets at 2pm and the last 2 tablets around 6pm which as helped , i have tried so hard to come of them i do not need them for pain aby moore i have lost 4 stone in weight which is good, i have tried so hard to cut them diown i read so many storys on here you all do so very well. can any one say how whats the best way to come of them, i do work very hard i run my own pub/ night club so lots of hours i do find when im on a project it takes my mind of them and its better, as any one ever splt a tablet can you do this is it safe so ots only 25ml a day, would be very very happy for any advise thank you dave

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi David,

    Spliting a 50mg Tramadol dose can be done, but only if you able to get the 50mg tablet and not the capsules. It depends on the country you live in, because Tramadol comes in various forms, e.g. Slow-release, and normal. In the UK I think I can only get 50mg capsules, which to me is a pain, because like you I am trying to get off them - I'm down to 3 x 50mg a day, but I have to take paracetamol to counteract the pain relief and BoTox Injections, but this is due other problems I have.



  • Posted

    Yes you can split tabs, but not capsules with powder in them. Really hard to get equal out of the powder. I would cut back half a pill every 10-12 days. If getting bad withdrawals go back up to what you were on before drop. Its gonna take a long time to taper off. Slow tapering is what is needed if you dont want to suffer. Stay hydrated an get anti-diaherra med for when you drop. You might not feel good for couple days but will pass after ur body adjusts fr lowering by 1/4 tab each time. Let your body get use to yhe drop. In other words no withdrawal symptoms. Then stay at that dose for awhile then drop half tab again an stay there for a while. Could take months. But you want to get off without suffering rt? Im a recovering Tramadol addict. Haven't had a pill in 8mnths. Developed depression an anxiety after 5 mnths of stopping. Tramadol messes with neurotransmitters in brain. Like norepinephrine an serotonin. Watch out for low mood. Dont take anything that increases serotonin while on Tramadol. Like St.Johns Wart, antidepressants, etc. Could develop serotonin syndrome (look it up).Tramadol can cause seizures if in high doses. I was taking 20 a day. Stupid I know. Went to a detox facility. To high dosage for doin it on my own. Im n US. Tx. Tramadol is now a controlled substance. I was getting off internet. Illegal now. Goodluck an remember, slow tapering works. Not cold turkey.
    • Posted

      thank you for that i will i have to get of them i am going to start this week by coming of one i can only get powder ones so i am going to have to do it in ones, its the night time ones what are worse, even taking a sleeping tab i can not get sleep im so tired most days want to cry its not me im live sole of my pub partys but now at night i do not go down i leave it to my business partner its not fair on her, i am so plaesed for you getting of them well done x
  • Posted

    hi david-i have split the capsules-dont try cutting them - you can pull them apart-do it slowly then split the pile of powder (dont do this if they are slow release capsules) the dosage is not one hundred acurate but it does allow you to lower the dose slower than one at a time- i was on 20 a day and then cold turkeyed off them-dont do this it is hell - get medical advice - this is a dangerous drug-the mental side effects of both taking it and quitting it are still not fully understood-its a synthetic drug and the pharmacology is way different from that of a regular opiod- it was originaly designed purely as a pain killer(non-addictive-can you believe) so the emotional and mental side effects are an unintended concequence-thats what makes it so attractive as an addictive substance -it makes you feel better on so many levels-therefore it is harder to quit-you gotta deal with both the physical and emotional withdrawals - its a tough drug to quit - but can be done-you can do it - stay strong and reach out for help and support-it is a tough road but you will feel so good about yourself when you have beaten it !!! best of luck

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