Feel awful, anxiety, headache, crying spell

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I woke up with heart palpitations,. nausea, and ear fullness this morning. Now my tension headache is starting, I just want to cry. I feel awful, physically, mentally, emotionally I'm a mess. I felt ok on Saturday, spent time with family which felt good but yesterday and today I woke up to this craziness of heart palps, vibrations, agitation. I have a 5 and 7 yr olds who are on summer break, I had to put them in summer camp because of my symptoms I couldn't keep up with their energy, I get agitated and yell at them Now I have this awful guilt, I just want to cry. I am 10 days away from my period but my symptoms are all over the place. I am grateful I have you ladies to turn to for support. thank you.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    you are in the same boat as me. yesterday and today am horrible. trying not to think about it

  • Posted

    im in same boat im 12 days feom period nut i have been stressed and an ious all week with all changes and other things going on i too formlast week want to explode crying and today my boobs swelled up why i dont know have headache feel like my head will explode racing thoughts about irrational s**t bith kids home too but daughter goes to dads every other week and that is difficult son was sick last fee days daughter sick i work from home feel like a caged rat and bunch of other crap ! wish we all lived near each other lol!!!

  • Posted

    I too deal with everything you mentioned. It's just awful. The only thing that helps is taking walks, tai chi, yoga, gardening, talking to your best friends and spending time with family. Otherwise, if you sit and think about it, you focus on the symptoms and think the worst. It's easier said than done for sure. We have to fight hard to get through this trying time if our lives. Sending you a big air hug!

  • Posted

    Yes... I would absolutely to the same-- put the kids in camp. With the heat and going thru this, you have too. Had the headache last sunday and monday-- it was awful and due for my period soon. Spouse had an ear infection over the weekend-- My ears get clogged but then OK later in the day. I know it's always something.. just try and do something for yourself-- even if laying in bed with cool washrag over your face..

  • Posted

    I am on day 2 of 2 bad days. I totally get how you're feeling. Your symptoms sound like my symptoms- it feels like a bad flu or a bad hangover. And it's freaking hormones. Deep breath. Have a good cry. And recognize how strong you are. To go through this and to keep moving. ❤

  • Posted

    Hi ampat

    I feel for you. I have had these feelings for many many yrs and am just coming off the tail end of an episode of it. It really is awful in every way. of course hormone triggered whether it be the oncoming of a cycle, the end of a cycle and mid ovulation... its just never ending. I hadn't found any relief in the past but was given an anticonvulsant medication for the left sided and facial burning and burning mouth syndrome i ended up with during Peri. The medication seems to have helped that and surprisingly has given some relief of the ear fullness and pain, headache, vertigo etc.... it hasn't gone away i'm afraid but it has made a difference and so far i haven't gone into full spinning vertigo as i have been since 1997. more like whooshing and then it settles.. I hope yours gets resolved.

    Hang in there, we are all in this together. You're not alone.

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      Shylee, what med is it that you are on if I might ask.


  • Posted

    Ur mot alone dear

    Me too suffering alot.

    Every day i told myself hang is there but then my Mind ask WHEN and i feel depressed..suffering from more than 1 year.

    want to be again old me ..but this Peri change my life compl

    Always feel tight band wrapped around my head.

    Headaches, off balance and fatigue is every day problem

    hoping for better days

    tk dear

    this time will pass...Tk of urself


  • Posted

    I feel the same. My kids at home are 21, and I get annoyed with them. So tired of feeling like this. The heart palpitations are the worse. When my kids were little, I would have them make these obstacle courses, one each for a certain distance. Then I would sit near them and time them each in the course and encourage them to beat their time. After an hour of that, I could handle their energy. Hope you feel better.

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