Feel like crap
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Just wondering if anyone can help
about a month ago i started feeling a strange feeling in my vaginal area, like its tight and aching, I have no discharge or bleeding, my doctor has given me Ovestin cream which puts oestrogen back but I am so scared to use it because of reading the leaflet about links to cancer. My doctor thinks I am peri menopausal but I have had no period for over 10 years due to having a marina coil which was taken out 3 months ago. I just don't know where I am, I want to cry all the time and I feel so tired too. I am 49 and single and don't have Anyone who understand this. Any words of advice would be very much appreciated thank you.
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donna48864 shellbay1
Zigangie shellbay1
There are bio identical hormones available, I recently started on oestrogel and Utrogestan (as recommended by Professor John Studd.
Within three weeks if starting my lady parts are very close to how they were pre menopause. A bit dryish after sex but day to day I'm no longer aware that it doesn't feel right.
Hope this helps.
BugglyBot shellbay1
As lots of the members here will say..you are not on your own. I've cried buckets for no reason. I was 50 in November last year so you're nearly my age. I have a very supportive husband so it must feel many times worse for you. As some lovely ladies have said to me here......keep reading and posting. It will take the edge of how you feel I promise. Big hug for you Shell xx.
jerry72101 shellbay1
But I have been reading up and I think it is quite common. I am nearly 50. If it persist I will go to doc but today it has eased off a bit.
claire_17658 shellbay1