Feel like I am falling apart! Help!
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Hi all.. stumbled on this site Googling for some answers to my symptoms. 51 years old, partial hysterectomy 17 years ago, but kept both ovaries. Now in the past couple months, extremely tired, body aches that are worse in the mornings, headaches (which I rarely ever got before), dry itchy skin, hair falling out, moody, gloomy (which is not my normal state of mind!), constipation, heartburn, nausea, loss of appetite. Should I go on and on? Feel like such a whiner, but just don't feel good and want a qucik answer. ( I know thats a dream! ha) Are there tests any of you have asked your Dr. to run to confirm menpoause? I have not had any hot flashes, not dry when having sex, so wondering if it really is menopause symptoms. Of course, Googling things makes me think I am dying of a major, horrible illness! I don't take any vitamins or meds and honestly don't even know where to start. Looks like this site has some wonderful advice and is so supportive! Appreciate any and all advice! Thanks!
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Guest mimi65544
Hi Mimi,
All my issues started at 51, it's been the year from hell. If I were you I'd get a workup done to make sure your thyroid is OK. For me, perimeno has brought up old demons from the past, namely EBV and probably Lyme. I'm seeing a specialist next week to discuss. I had to laugh, saw the movie The Big Sick, and she made a comment that whenever you look up symptoms it takes you to everythingiscancer com. So true!!
Yes, they can do tests to see if you aren't ovulating anymore. Hard to know if you would still be getting your periods since you don't have a uterus anymore, I'm not sure when they can determine whether you are meno or not (for those of us with periods it's a 12 month absence of them that proves you are finally in meno). I'd say since you are 51 you are definitely peri and yes, all those stupid symptoms go with it, or with other things that fluctuating hormones brings on. It's just such a lovely time! Wish someone would've warned me!
So my advice is this, don't google any more symptoms, it just makes things worse when you start to have anxiety about health issues. Get a CBC, thyroid, EBV, and hormone tests. Start cleaning up your diet if you haven't already done so, take vitamins (that's what you CAN google safely) and supplements. Are you sleeping OK? If not, look up supplements to help you sleep. Some benefit from hormone replacements. I tried bioidenticals for awhile but had to stop because of reactivated EBV.
Other than that, pray that we all come out of this on the other side feeling great. Who knew our 50s would be full of illness? Thought it would be a great time in life. UGH
mimi65544 Guest
Thanks Suzanne. I have had people tell me they were great till hitting 51+ and their bodies fell apart. For some unknown, naive reason I just brushed it off thinking it won't happen to me! Yea right! I think that is karmas way to say - here you go girlie! ha I did call my dr and he is ordering thyroid, estrogen, progesteron and CBC etc. I find dr's tend to blow off the symptoms we give them and only half listen. Though I think as women we downplay a lot of things to?!
I do need to look into vitamins. No idea where to start. Guess I need to finally buy one of the MTWTHF pill cases!? ugh... how did we get here so quick in life!?
Google is like the forbidden fruit.. you love it and all it gives you but it can be a very bad thing too if used to excess! ha...
I appreciate all the feedback!
beverley007 mimi65544
U r not alone!!! All of us on here have had one or all plus more of what u r describing. Not sure where u r but in the uk they dont routinly bt for perimen as results fluctuate during days/months ax do hormones although my gp did do routine bloods to rule out anything else.
My main symps where flushes nightsweats..mem loss ( have lost upteen items lol) fuzzy brain.(Fed the cat bird seed!)..dizziness, numb fingers in the night, insomnia,hairloss , dry skin . Finally after a migraine that was ongoing for almost 4 wks dragged myself to Drs and left with HRT patches. 3 days later migraine dissapeared and have stopped being b***h from hell.
Hopefully this will put your mind at rest..u will survive this..it's just crap being a girl sometimes!!!
lynwell14 mimi65544
mimi65544 lynwell14
Hi Lynwell....
I don't have pain anywhere. I would call it discomfort. Achy in the mornings especially, lower back pain and in between my shoulder blades, headaches a lot, which is uncommon for me. I have had pain in my chest on the right side several times over the past 5-6 months. Went to a cardio dr and he said not heart problems. Told me to take Prilosec and to not stress about it. Felt like it was no big deal in his opinion. Biggest thing is I feel lazy, like I don't want to do anything and i am usually a bit hyper and always doing something. Just no energy and motivation. If this is menopause you wonder why it turns us into someone we would never choose to be!?
lynwell14 mimi65544
pinkcatfairy mimi65544
I never had any tests but I have had alot of what you have or are having, I had the loss of appetite and loat weight, the excess reflux we get in peri /meno can make us nauseous along with the flushes and sweats (I have had them together) I had gastitis in peri which is one of the horrible symptoms, I lost weight and thought that was it! Then I got to the stage I didnt want to look at my body incase I had lost more weight!! Then I started to feel bones or muscles where I never felt before and then I thought it must be cancer. The health anxiety can really escalate (it did for me) I had my ovaries out due to family history just as I was entering meno and I am two years into it, only to have migraine auras return(had them in peri) It was a very unsettling time when your periods go wierd (mine was endless spotting) and the nausea unsettled me because it makes you feel you really are ill and dying of something. I just got things what I could get checked out and then thought Oh well this is menopause. The health anxiety with me can come and go even now, I did suffer terrible anxiety in general but thankfully that passed along with panic attacks which happened out of the blue! X
gailannie mimi65544
Azzumi mimi65544
Hi Mimi, it all sounds like menopause. I had a strange Peri menopause with all the typical symptoms but very extreme mood problems. I found a doctor who specializes in hormones for women and men, its all he does and he has helped me immensely. He used my symptoms and blood work for my BHRT which wasn't an instant fix but I'm ninety percent better after six months on. Once he's got me one hundred percent I'll stay on for life with yearly follow ups. There is help out there but its finding a doctor with the knowledge and understanding who can help us that isn't easy.
betty90997 mimi65544
Is it anxiety when you feel off balance and you feel dizzy and sudden heart pounding it's worrying me I had my ECG and all was good waiting for my MRI next week