Feel like something going to happen to me
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Hi everyone at times out and about and I just can't stop thinking like that look for the shortest queue to go in feel to uneasy and head home
I'm trying ever do hard to over come this but my brain won't allow it
Although my neighbour says nothing is wrong I should just get on with my life I can't seem to get grip with this symptom.
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nancy0925 maria101
People who don't suffer peri menopause symptoms don't understand. I went through a few years of having panic attacks and thinking I was dying only to be told nothing is wrong but when you have strange symptoms and nothing shows inblood tests or scans etc then it's hard to find relief because you ccan't imagine that nothing is wrong when you are feeling so awful. I know how that is! I started realizing that ever time I feel thesestrange feelings and feel like I'm gonna die, I don't die and so I've pretty much gotten the worst of my anxiety under control. I still get little anxiety attacks but I don't rush to emergency anymore. I guess what i'm trying to say is to keep things in perspective. This is not a fun time foe sure but millions of women go through it. It will pass and life will get better....
Take care!
maria101 nancy0925
jamie50513 maria101
It's going to be ok Maria. I am the same way and I totally understand what you are going through. I have started going back out and the thoughts of something happening to me creeps in my mind and try to remind myself that I am ok and its just hormones. I still have little panic attacks and plenty of anxiety but it has gotten better. These strange feelings and sensations are scary when they happening. But know that you will be ok and you will get through it. ((Hugs))
pinkcatfairy maria101
Dear Maria
Me too, just going to the shop and queuing seems a big deal as if i'm about to do a speech infront of thousands of people, seeking comfort in my own home x
ursulauc62 maria101
I tried going out for a walk around town today. I got as far as turning the corner of my street, but was then hit by a blast of wind, and turned round and went home. I thought - right I need something warmer on, or an umbrella - what if it rains - but then the brolly will turn inside out anyway 'cos of the wind. Sometimes I go out and then realize I've got too many clothes on and get sweaty, so I go back and change and so it goes on.
I often spend a few hours thinking - Right I'm going out - making shopping lists, making another cup of tea, putting the washing in, doing some cleaning, - anything to delay the going out. Why should it be so awful? I used to enjoy mooching around and going for a coffee.
I'm going on holiday to Italy with my family in just over a week. We are hiring a car and supposed to be seeing quite a few places. But I'm not currently looking forward to it. Just going through the palava at the airport and the flight alone terrifies me. I used to travel quite a bit - lived in South East Asia and flying was common place. Now I'm scared to death of it - yet another thing to panic over. I just want the old me back.....
maria101 ursulauc62
Hi Ursula that's me do things before I can get through the door anything to delay gong out so true
I just hope it pass.
ursulauc62 maria101
Need to get the ability to act on sponteniety back.
marli310 maria101
Hi Maria,
I too have periods were I get apprehensive to leave my house or go out. But, when I do, I congratulate myself and tell myself what a great job I did and that I'll do it again. I just did this today. Went over an hour away with family to see an event. Spent a few hours there and now we are on the way back home and in mind I'm congratulating myself on how strong and brave I was. Yes, I did have moments of anxiety, but I replaced them with positive thoughts and feelings of gratitude that I am able to go out and see all the beautiful things that God put here for me to experience. It's my birthright to be happy and healthy. I keep trying to remember that. Next weekend I have another long trip to go on, so I'm getting geared up for that so I can experience the joys that are just waiting for me to partake in. I wasn't always like this the past 2 years, but I'm working on self love, feeling safe in this world and gratefulness. I'm taking baby steps, but at least I'm stepping! You can do it. Be gentle and compassionate with yourself. I believe that this time of peri and meno is when we are supposed to focus on this.
When I used the word "periods" I mean times, not actually getting my period. I haven't had one in 80 days this time around.
ursulauc62 marli310
I think also humour is a a good approach to diffusing anxiety, and I must remember this if the anxiety builds up, and just think of funny situations linked to mine.
unico31026 maria101
Its your anxieties. I've been there and had to seek a psychiatrist mine got so bad . I am on hydroxyzine for anxieties and am feeling like myself again with nerves of steel. I hope you feel better soon.
BugglyBot maria101
I've had bad anxiety attacks in the past. They are AWFUL and the name doesn't do them justice. One trigger for me is caffeine in coffee and tea so now I drink decaff to avoid it. I had a start of one this morning and felt like freaking out but thankfully it passed before blowing up into a big one. I had the rush, dizziness and feeling spaced out. It's 'fight or flight' mode, our poor bodies don't know whether they're coming or going. Lots of people don't understand them but they would have a shock if they had one themselves.
I hope it eases up for you soon xx.
marli310 maria101
Hi Maria,
I commented below, but I've also commented on other questions you posed. On an earlier post, I suggested you get your adrenals checked with a saliva panel and maybe even your sex hormones as well. They are probably pretty much out of balance based on all the symptoms you have been presenting from all the posts I've read from you. You can get them corrected, but you need to go to someone that will give you the test for it. Sending you hugs!
Sue2015 marli310
Please explain.
Sochima822 Sue2015
Well, if you google it, it's sex steroids they would check for. Oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. In all my years of working in the ob/gyn checking for sex hormones is one such test you don't hear of much, checking for FSH yes, but sex hormones, not a normal procedure.
marli310 Sue2015
Hi Sue,
As mentioned somewhat, you can get checked for all estrogens, 1, 2 and 3, progesterone, testosterone, and another good one is DHEA. These along with cortisol levels throughout the day, will give you a decent picture of what's going on within your body.