Feel numb and dizzy on sertraline

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Feeling like there is nothing between ears

Very numb zombie like and confused

Does anyone have positive feedback that it wears off and is a start up effect

Been on sertraline before but can't remember side affects starting up

Quite dizzy feeling too

Would love some hopeful news that it will wear off

So desperate to get better again

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello. I haven been on 25mg and now up too 50mgs. At first I was feeling g sick (but not actually sick) light headed and really high anxiety. For me the key has been keep busy try not to remind yourself you have taken sertaline and most important.. rest when you can.

    It's taken about 2 weeks for me to feel better. Hang in there believe it will help.

  • Posted

    It gets better! I am on day 14 and day 9 since upping to 50 mg and I feel so much better. Yesterday was the first day I have felt somewhat normal. My appetite was back and I had more energy. Granted I still have the morning anxiety and a little nauseous but I think I'm over the hump. It will get better for you and all of us. Stick with it!

    • Posted

      Did not  feel numb! Just feel so detached from everything! 
    • Posted

      Yes! And I had some horribly dark thoughts. Honestly the past two weeks have been hell but it's getting better. The past two days have been a little easier.

  • Posted

    Oh Julie I hear ya! I need to start feeling better too! So anxious in the morning and have the feeling of helplessness and not well being! Side effects of meds can be horrible until they kick in!
    • Posted

      Hi wilb

      How long you been on them?

      Horrible isn't it!

  • Posted

    Been on generic for Lexapro for 12 days! I confer on a app called health.tap on the Internet! You can be advised by specialist regarding your issues for a cost! I just want to feel better soon, going on vacation for two weeks and need to be better!
  • Posted

    Hi Julie,

    pit certainly does get easer,

    this will be 15months for me on Sertraline!!!!!!

    i at first felt nausea, very tired.

    this however gradually passed, takes roughly 6-8 weeks for the side effects to start easing.....I was originally on 50mg then after 8weeks went to 100mg, 

    and now dropped back down to 50mg,

    it does get easer Hun, give it time.

    • Posted

      I am waiting for some good results from my meds! Only been on them for 12days! Really hope it starts to work for me!
  • Posted

    Hey Julie.

    I'm on day 7 on 50mg and have felt so odd every day of taking them.

    Numb, dizzy, no appetite, no happiness, spaced, tired.

    After finding this forum in pleased to see I'm not alone. I think we've got to ride the wave.

    I'm finding it hard as my creative mind has stopped working and I've no interest in my business.

    I started taking as homelife with a very challenging child was becoming unbearable and I was crying and on edge all the time.

    I really hope things settle for both of us.

    I'm desp for them to work.


    • Posted

      Well I am starting week 4 today! Feel somewhat better but not back to normal! It seems like a lifetime ago that I felt a sense of well being! I wake up everyday thinking this will be the day everything comes together and I feel so discouraged! Hanging in there hoping in another two weeks I see the light at the end of the tunnel! Wishing you the best too!
    • Posted

      by the way I am on 20 mil of Lexapro!

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