Feel Pregnant

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Can feeling pregnant (bloated, lower abdominal 'bubbles', indigestion, nauseous etc) be a symptom of perimenopause?  I'm not pregnant but feel like I am.

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15 Replies

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    Hi Laura, I feel exactly the same. Have done since Friday.. More so with acid reflux my tablets don't seem to b shifting it. Had 3 pregnancies & I know feel like it again and I carnt shift any of these symptoms, flaming annoying. And Im definitely not pregnant more Peri ( with a lot of the symptoms) oh what fun we ladies have to go through with all these symptoms!.
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      Hi Michelle

      It's scary because I think the worst. It's comforting to know perimenopause can explain these symptoms. Do you feel full after only eating a small meal? I started Slippery Elm I and Glutamine because they are meant to be good for the digestive system. I hope they help because I am miserable with the bloated/gassy tummy. You're not wrong about it being tough for us women.

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      Hi yes it can b, I was glad I found this site( I was worried about myself: I moved into a new home with my family back in Nov2014, which inshouldnof been so happy BUT I just felt well nothing felt extremely low & not myself at all) ( gosh I wanted to move for 16 years from where we previously lived & sold within 9 months & moved into a new build........ But I still well felt low &'coming up2 Xmas hab a real bad attic of extremely bad migraines ( I was thenut on to propranolol ) and since then keep getting new symptoms appearing with the peri!!!!!!!!!. 
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      Sorry my iPad froze on me!!!. Yes just lately after my lunch I feel very bloaty, even having an acid reflux tablet 1 hour before) at work I carnt sit at let it settle, like I do at home on my days off!!!!. Tea time is the worst when I wake most morning's have bad indigestion have to have at least 2 capsules !!!!, feel like rubbishalso rushing around in a morning which is horrible 3 children ready for school sandwiche ready and packed the usual school run rush and 2different drop off's a high school and primary and then I goto work, & on my feet for 6hours with half an hour dinner break!!!!!. 
    • Posted

      Oh.....that is tough. Organising children for school, working 6 hours before going home to cook. You're to be commended for doing all of that when you're so unwell. Do you have support? It helps to remind myself that perimenopause doesn't last forever.
    • Posted

      Well that's a coincidence.  I know exactly how you feel.  I too am looking to build a new house.  Was so excited about selling our old one after 10 years but that has been replaced with the need to move into a comfortable, established house that 'will do'.  We are renting a poorly insulated house and being Winter here (Victoria, Aust) I am cold all of the time.  I am just putting one foot in front of the other.  A good day is when I can cook dinner for my family. I wonder how much of our stomach issues are a result of (or at least exacerbated) by anxiety due to hormonal changes?  Then I worry that its more serious.  I am going to get tested for H. Pylori (have already been tested for parasites that returned negative).  Am plagues by panic attacks and thinking the worse.  Doctor wants me to start Zoloft but can't gather enough courage to try it.  I just looked up Propranolol.  You must be in a bad way to need that for your symptoms (I feel for you).  I'm glad we have this forum.  I wonder if there is a Perimenopause Facebook site?
  • Posted

    I feel permanently pregnant and nauseous often. I also get heartburn.I'm so fed up. Not sure if these are symptoms of peri, I guess only a check up at the Doctor would verify that. 
    • Posted

      So many of us on this forum with these symptoms.  Am thinking the perimenopause is causing anxiety resulting in digestive issues.  I also wonder if there's something else going on that may be exacerbated by the change in hormones.  I have had a few tests and will have an ultrasound next week.  I hope you find relief soon. 
  • Posted

    hi Laura , back in march of this year i started same symtoms bloated , very gassy , wow my stomach would get huge , and yes i would heve 2 bites and felt awful, i thought i was dairy intolorate since when you become peri-meno you could be become very sensitive to dairy, friends told me i should try going gluten free, i was so desperate that i left both , ive been tested and im not siliac or allergic to dairy , but iknow that i became sensitive to dairy so  since that day im dairy free and gluten free and those stomach issues went completely away, also i started taking the ultima flora probiotic its the critical care (only 7 pills come in the bottle ) 50 billion strand, after done started a 30 billion 1 daily ,, amazing results , you need to iliminate all dairy for a week , switch to almond milk ( has 50% more calcium anyways).. good luck
    • Posted

      Hiya All

      Was interested to read this thread from laura80566 as 'feeling pregnant' is a great description for these symptoms!! 

      Any chance you could be pregnant Laura??  Just a thought!  Well I'm 54, and it'd have had to have been the 'immaculate conception' as I haven't 'got me any' for ages now!!

      Funny, as I told my ol' man something today. Yesterday, while we were at an antiques fayre, I caught sight of him (amongst a load of sweaty, smelly-looking, fat gutted blokes his age!) and thought "I'd really like to give him ******************* right now!".  He laughed when I told him as he knows I'm all chat!!lol 

      My point being, I don't fancy sex per se, but I do get these overwhelming 'come take me'- moments/feelings come over me, which is sorta reassuring in its own right, but they're always at the WRONG time: in the queue in Asda, at the Antiques Fayre etc!   Oh, how I digress.......!

      Yesterday I felt odd. In fact for quite a bit of last week my notoriously cast iron guts were playing me up something chronic.  I'm on a diet, and trying my best to keep my carbs low (turning to sugars etc: they make me feel like crap most of the time so avoiding sugar at all costs). 

      Not wishing to put too fine a point on it, but I felt full of wind yesterday. Had eaten a sandwich and some pasta when we got home (wanted something to eat quick):  oh dear........!

      Had been taking some charcoal tabs on the advice of my son ("Mother PLEASE take them. They're good for (your) wind"!!  ha ha!), but not that keen: won't go into detail here! 

      I feel 100% behind terri52896 and her advice re: giving gluten/dairy a miss. Deep down I knew that the F/F Greek yogurt I've been shovelling down my gullet (I hate diets: make me think of food all day. This stuff, with some frozen fruits has been a bit of a God send, or so I thought) was probably making my guts bad.  I sorta gave up milk when I was about 13 as I found it always made me snotty. Think I've answered my own question here!wink

      I'll continue with my acidophillius tabs (used them on/off for years) to try and balance my gut.  Most of all I think I should do my best to try to avoid bread as much as possible and cut down on the pasta (emmm, low carbs.....as if I need anything else to make me moody!), but I think this sounds like great advice Terri. Thankslol


    • Posted

      Oh gosh! your post made me chuckle. Can so identify with the 'wrong' moment syndrome. As you say though,as least the feelings come! I'm trying so hard to leave out dairy and gluten. (As I believe I have other issues from it). Not easy. I am using the lacto free range. Do you think then it is not clasified as dairy or still dairy? I think it is the lactase/lactose in it? 
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      I was of the impression that they were 'alternatives' to dairy.

      Knew a couple of little boys (teenagers now) who were virtually allergic to everything: had dietary needs as long as your am! Both had Alpro/Soya-based 'milk'. One of them was allergic to both the sugars (lactose) AND the proteins in mill.

      But their mum limited the soya (think she changed to rice milk at one point) due to the influence too much soy has - source of phyto-oestogens i think?? - on males I believe. Both boys ended up with perfect 'Double D's' - No, I gest, but both brothers would have found that amusing:-) !!

      Seriously, thankfully both began to build their immune systems and are able to tolerate so many more foods. Not dairy, alas.

      Makes sense I'm not keen on dairy being i'm not a 'sweet' fan generally. So no-one was more surprised than me when i started wolfing down chocolate bar, biscuits and cakes! Just yet another thing our pal Peri throws at us!!

      I actually like the taste of unsweetened soya milk, but rarely drink it as I'm sorta 'out of the habit' of drinking milk, plus I don't like breakfast cereal so don't have much need to use it.

      Keep drinking yours though. I'm sure your bones are in a much better state than mine!


    • Posted

      Hi Terri

      Thanks for your reply.  One Doctor said I wasn't Celiac whilst another said I was borderline.  I have eliminated gluten from my diet but not dairy.  I am not as bloated without the gluten but still have the other symptoms.  It has only been a week gf so perhaps not long enough for the gut to heal.  My eldest son is Celiac and has Diabetes 1.  I sent his bloods off to Australian Biologics for a food allergy test for over 300 foods.  It returned postive to gluten, mustard and milk (not Casein though).  That makes me thinks he is allergic to Lactose.  I think you're onto something with the dairy and I will give a dairy free diet a go.  I've heard that Almond Milk is meant to be a good anti-inflammatory.  Doesn't taste too bad either.  I bought a 50 billiion strength probiotic so will give that a go.  I'm glad you found relief through diet and supplements.  Thanks for sharing it with me.  

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    You must have been reading my mind! Since Saturday morning I have had bloating, feeling constipated, feeling like pain from either my fibroid or left ovary which has a cyst on it. I get this a few times in a year. I always think its a bout of diverticulitis but generally goes away on its own after a few days. I believe its hormonal since I'm 52 and in peri. Its such an uncomfortable feeling to say the least!

    • Posted

      Hi Nancy

      Did your bloating come on overnight?  I can't believe how I was okay one day and blown up with digestive symptoms the next.  It really sent me reeling.  The onset of symptoms were a just before my period (after not having one for 3 months).  I thought the syptoms were reduce once my period stopped but not so.  They reduced a little but never went away.  I had a left ovary removed due to endometriosis when I was in my 30's.  I also had a couple of ovarian cysts removed two years ago.  I have an ultrasound next week to see if they've come back.  Will you have the fibroid and cyst removed?

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