Feel So Low And Frightened
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Hi everyone. I've been reading this forum for a while now and all I can say is, thank you for sharing x.
I just turned 50 in November and I am a wreck. I've had some of the worst palpitations I've ever had and my heart has raced. Last night, I couldn't sleep for hours because of it. My anxiety is through the roof and I just want to sit and cry in desperation. I have been out of it over Christmas and that has really upset me. Christmas day and Boxing day were a nightmare for me. Our dogs had a fight and while separating them, I got bitten on the leg and ended up having to have a tetanus and antibiotics..these have given me horrendous diarhea and thrush on top of how I feel. I have been breathless, heavy legged and restless legs, dizzy, tired and spaced out and the palpitations and racing has really gotten me down. I'm constantly terrified that something bad is wrong with me.
I had my usual pre-period symptoms only they're intensified. I have the Mirena coil fitted as I had very heavy periods and needed that sorting so the bleeding is mostly small and intermittent, (however I go into overdrive constantly wondering it's something terrible and not just a period). I've also noticed that any stress or upset now makes me feel worse but that is hard to avoid when how I feel causes it. I am so down. The doctor a few weeks ago, gave me beta blockers but I haven't taken any as she said it can aggravate my asthma and my breathing's been awkward enough and after my sister's experience and reading here, it isn't something I dare take if it makes me worse.
I can no longer tolerate caffeine, it's been that way for a few years now but if I dare just one cup of just tea, (let alone coffee), I start with the panic attack feelings within minutes. I'm wondering what other foods are doing similar things to me now. I have so many symptoms of perimenopause that it astounds me how anyone can function while suffering this.
I have the most amazing husband. Bless him, he's disabled, he can't walk properly and his hands aren't brilliant and yet he sees me in tears and frightened and just supports me. I felt so guilty as he and my boys shouldn't be seeing me like this. I've just spent a morning in bed because of the palpitations, etc, last night, and yet hubby just takes it all in his stride. He's amazing.
I hope you don't mind me posting, I just wanted to get vent a little among women who know how I feel. Your posts have lifted me up and made me feel sane. I just wish that when I get a symptom, like the palpitations that I could take comfort in knowing I'm not on my own. Unfortunately though, my fear doesn't lessen. I feel so pathetic and desperate just to feel good again. Thanks for listening.
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MrsMerm BugglyBot
what an ace alias
So sorry your having to put up with this, as I well know how truly awful it is, and I find any kind of stress agrivates my meno symptoms..........................................
I just don't know what to say, HRT?
crabby moods, exhaustion, even after more than enough sleep, aches and pains all over, you name it
currently my prob is insomnia, I can't sleep at night
relax, have a good day Buggly xxx
BugglyBot MrsMerm
The guilt is horrendous. Our youngest son is Autistic, he's nearly 16 and I adore him, (as with our other two, but my relationship to him is strong given he isn't independent like our other two were at this age). As always, after every school holiday, I cry as I love him at home and he loves it here too so I've sobbed a few times in the last few days. This morning, I even sobbed when he went off on the school bus, normally I'm okay on the first morning back, but not today. I look at my hubby and boys and feel bad for them. Then of course the wave of fear hits me......what if I'm not here, I need to protect them......and it snowballs quickly and I end up crying. Then the guilt again..such a catch 22 situation.
Hope your day's a good one too MrsMerm x
donna48864 BugglyBot
BugglyBot donna48864
Yes, hubby is amazing. Very unassuming and calm. He remembers his mum being this way years ago and he tries so hard to make me feel better. I couldn't wish for anything better. It is upsetting to know many women don't have this support..I feel so bad for them. I just can't chance the beta blockers. Good job I mentioned asthma to the doctor as she hadn't seen that in my notes. That's when I found out about the breathing. I can't risk it making me dizzy, etc. I think we feel bad enough as it is.
Much appreciated donna, all the best to you x
donna48864 BugglyBot
Big hugs x
karen71465 BugglyBot
karen x
BugglyBot karen71465
karen71465 BugglyBot
karen x
Brevis BugglyBot
Hello Buggly Bot
I could have written your entire post! I have gone from a confident, capable, bubbly person to a jittering wreck in a matter of two years. I sat on the stairs yesterday and just sobbed and sobbed. I wake up at 4am in a blind panic. I don't think I can carry on with my job which I love and which I have been doing for 7 years. I am on HRT but I am still having the most terrible panic attacks and anxiety. I don't want to be dosed up with anti depressants so have been given diazepam which I know is addictive, but certainly calms me down. I also have Rescue Remedy which is worth a try. You are NOT alone. Without these forums I would think I was going insane. I just pray it will pass and I will be myself again one day. ( I also have chronic neck and arm pain which doesn't help and makes my panic and fear even worse).
The HRT I take has made me feel a bit better, so it is worth a try and it didn't make me put on weight.
You really are not alone. xxx
BugglyBot Brevis
I shall have to have a chat to my doctor as I said before about HRT. I'm hoping that the supplements will do their job. I'm happy to try them. Thanks Brevis x.
pam1313 BugglyBot
On top of my depression I do suffer with all the menopause symptoms you describe and although after the first fortnight on antidepressants (which was very rough) I did see some improvement, but since new year's day I've been in turmoil and am awaiting call from GP tomorrow. Apparently sertraline can help with menopause symptoms as well as depression so I'm just hoping things will settle down soon as I've never felt so ill in my life. I also suffer with fribromyalgia and arthritis so seem to be in a vicious circle of pain and lots of strange symptoms, it's horrendous!. Like you I don't know where I'd be without my wonderful hubby.
I feel for you as you have alot on your plate, but please continue to post on this forum......on more than one occasion it's been my life saviour knowing that I'm not alone in my suffering.
BugglyBot pam1313
The doctors sometimes just want to pass you off with one tablet or another. The last one I saw proved her young age when she literally didn't know what to do with me, (apart from not checking my notes first which could have ended up making me worse). I came away no wiser than when I went in. I say this a lot, but I'm not depressed. I love my life, my boys and husband are my world and it's the fear for them that really gets me down. I'm so glad to be able to join in with you ladies here on the forum. Fingers crossed Pam, you'll soon be feeling better. Good luck xx.
ruth24048 BugglyBot
BugglyBot ruth24048
julie21973 BugglyBot
I had hysterectomy at 32, now I'm 45.
BugglyBot julie21973
I can add your help to the others, it's worth a try. I felt similar on Christmas day and I honestly thought I would never be able to make the dinner. I know anxiety makes us worse but how you calm down when you've got something to do. We have to decorate our living room in the next few weeks and I'm getting really worked up. I feel shocking and I'm the decorator so I've got to rely on our two oldest sons, (27 and 24 years old), to do it for us. It's embarrassing but I just can't do it and it needs decorating before the end of January.
One thing I say a lot is that I'm not living..I'm existing and it should be the other way around.
I worry about our son, especially given that he can't process what is happening the same as other kids his age so I try not to get upset when near him. That just adds to the guilt I have already. Then I sit and fret about him even more. It really is a Catch 22 isn't it.
I hope you feel better soon Julie, here's hoping that we all do so we can feel healthy and vibrant again xx.