Feel worse than ever !!

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Hi there !! I turned 49 in July and ever since, I've been feeling dreadful. I've been managing peri symptoms for a few years now and take a few natural remedies but since my birthday, I feel awful pretty much all the time. I have experienced crashing fatigue like I've never experienced it before. I've just read the 66 symptoms list and experienced the fatigue exactly like it said on there. It came on so suddenly while I was preparing dinner tonight and I felt like I was going to fall over if I didn't lie down. No chance of that though, with a family to feed !! I've got this weird feeling just under my ribs and to the left, sometimes to the right, not painful, just discomfort, and it's tender to the touch. And of course I'm stressing, thinking it's pancreatic cancer !! My sleep patterns lately have been all off. I've been waking up in the night just hot and restless, and not able to go back to sleep. My periods still seem to be happening although the time in between is a little longer sometimes, a little shorter sometimes. I could cry like all the time. Anyway, ladies, that's my rant. Thanks for reading\listening. Hope you are all coping as best you can. I'm not at the moment. Any advice on herbal supplements would be appreciated xx

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    i know what you are saying lara66 i to go through this i work and sometimes i feel like going to sleep right in the middle of something i go through the anxiety as well the hot sleepless nights are the worst i don't like taking medicine i deal with it but i try after getting the kids to school (my sisters not mine lol) i try to get a nap in somewhere in the day if i don't have work i've started walking seems to help me better at night my poor husband he is up and down sometimes when i am getting the hot and cold spells he turns air on and off for me but since walking it seems to help good luck
  • Posted

    Lara I really feel for you, the rib thing I have not heard of but I would see a doctor if for no reason other than to be sure and relieve some stress of the unknown. I have just begun my life of this horrible affliction they call menopause.
  • Posted

    lara just thought about the rib thing i use to have this funny feeling under my left part of my rib it went away went to doctor but they found nothing girl it's our menopause the wierd things that go on in our bodies 
  • Posted

     You might want to try flax 1000 mg two or three times a day depending on how severe your symptoms are. This helps with stabilizing hormones and Mood swings. 

      There's something that women are raving about called ultra H3 from a company called UniKey that may help. Their online. 

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     The ultra H3 is supposed to help with fatigue. 
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    Hi lara

    I myself have been having sleep problems i go to sleep but wake up feeling restless and anxious to where i take a couple of warm baths to help me relax and then i drink some sleepy time tea. My sister is going to show me how to make ginger tea because she said ginger tea is good for stomach issues and it can help you sleep. Get some fresh ginger from the produce section and look up on how to make ginger tea. 

    As for the tiredness vitamin b is great for that also have your iron checked and your thyroid too. 

    Hope this helps good luck

  • Posted

    Hi Lara,

    I have the rib thing! Don't know if it's the same but I've had under (left) rib pressure and pain every day for a year now going through to back, sometimes a mild pressure/bubble like feeling, other times more burnng and painful. Some digestive probs too, plus nausea, dizziness and fatigue, to name a few. All this started at the same time my periods became irregular (I'm 50 now). I don't know if it's part of the peri but I've had multiple scans on my abdomen, pancreas and gut and they cannot find anything. The only thing I can link it to is my peri. I think the hormone changes can affect us in so many ways, many of which are not fully recognised or understood yet. Hope that helps. I feel for you. I'm having a rough day with it all at the moment - tired and dizzy and tearful. Hugs to you xx

  • Posted

    Hi everyone. Thanks for taking the time to reply. I'm going to the docs tomorrow. It's comforting to hear some of you have the rib thing too !! Isn't it strange? Tonight, I was making dinner when I felt the weirdest sensation but not painful. It felt like the muscle, or organ or whatever, at the bottom of my ribs in the centre was twisting itself round and trying to push itself out !! Other times, I get a little pain but nothing that needs painkillers, then often it feels like the centre of my diaphragm and to the left slightly is thickening up, or like something warm is spreading across the area. I also get the odd twinge in my kidney area but back pain generally isn't that significant. All very strange. Thanks again ladies. You keep me sane !! xx
    • Posted

      I also have been having thr rib thing too with a lot of nausea and acid reflux and a lot of stool problems since last night 

      Did not sleep well at all last night woke up again with anxieties and heart racing just couldn't sleep the  had really bad heart burn drank ginger ale did not help then drank milk had a lot of stool problems after that

  • Posted

    Dear Lara

    The rib thing could be your stomach area, i had gastitis with peri (inflammed stomach linning) due to reflux which can come on worse in peri. Symptoms nausea lack of appetite burning in that area x

  • Posted

    I get the odd bit of nausea but nothing significant although I did wonder about gastritis. The symptoms I found on the NHS website said it was like a gnawing sensation, and that's what it feels like. It literally feels like it's moving, sort of in the middle of my ribs, where they rise up. I can't see a doctor for 2 weeks so just have to try and keep my anxiety in check as best I can till then. It's comforting to learn that others have experienced something similar. Keep well, everyone x
  • Posted

    You are in the throws of peri menapaude. It s a ride. And menapause comes with some interesting changes as well. I entered peri menapause healthy and now my body is so different. Eat healthy and hydrated hormonal levels are all over the place and many changes will and do occur. I would recommend fish oil suppliment and a good powder multivitamin and b12 sublingual. You probably would benefit from co enzyme q10 in a low dose as well. The changes occur from hormone levels and you just have to ride it out. And clearly vitamin D supplement.


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