Feeling Alone
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Hi everyone , yesterday i met with my dr. who suppose to be a menopause specialist. We went over my latest bloodwork. I left out feeling more distraught then when i came in. He actually told me and i quote his words" you know I have been doing this for a very long time but i have never seen anyone quite like this, you are a very unique case" . He was referring to my bloodwork and symptoms and many of the things im given doesnt help. He goes on to say that he has never seen anyone estrogen shoot up from less than 15 to 443. I told him maybe it could be from the vagina estrogen cream because it has happened before. He says could be but he has never seen the cream shoot it up that much. I am feeling so along and worn out. Im starting to really worry, my stomach keeps bloating, shortness of breath, etc. I mentioned to him about the bloating so he checked it out and listened to it and said i was full of gas. My appetite is leaving ..i am getting into a depression state. To make matters worse, i talked to a friend later after doctor visit and she tells me that she has never seen anyone go through all of that with menopause. It makes me feel so so along....My dr. really doesnt know what to do , he has narrowed it down to it being my adrenals. As i told him what another dr. i talked to thinks it is, and i also brought the book that this doctor has written. Then telling him about my past being treated for pcos and insulin resistance. Instead of my having adrenal fatigue , he thinks mine is adrenal dominance. He decided to give me meds to suppress my adrenals. I have already tried herbs, supplements, etc.
Don't know what to do anymore😓
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tina00239 mary27278
Hi Mary, I am now 55, have had pcos since 8 years old( pcos made me menstruate very early) my adrenals have been suppressed by steroids for 32 years. The upshot of this is that I have developed 4 auto immune disorders and the possibility of drug induced Addisons disease is becoming a reality. If my adrenals don't awaken as I no longer take the steroids, I will need to take varying doses of hydrocortisone for the rest of my life to give me some immunity against infection. My teeth are dissolving, my nails have gone and I have no eyebrows and my hair keeps falling out. Thyroid fine - parathyroid hyperactive this has all come about because of having my adrenals suppressed for so long. Be very careful and make sure you are well informed before you agree to treatment to suppress your adrenals. If they try to put you onto Prednisolone, long term, you could end up like me and I wouldn't wish my health problems on anyone. On top of that I am in full menopause with loads of symptoms and really severe so on her patches. They have helped a lot, made me feel a lot better, on good days I feel fantastic, on bad days which I do still have, its horrible. I will keep on the hrt for as long as I can then as my Dr says, come off it really slowly, reducing the dose over a very long period in an effort to keep meno symptoms to a minimum. I hope that your Dr sees sense and sends you to an endocrine specialist because I seriously think you need to see one. Your Dr had no right to frighten you in this way, meno specialist or not, their bedside manner leaves a lot to be desired. Ask for a referral to someone who really knows what they are doing and I'm sure your mind will be put at rest. Good luck and let me know how you get on. X
mary27278 tina00239
tina00239 mary27278
No problem Mary. I was given the steroids supposedly to help my pcos, but a side effect is the adrenals are suppressed. I am under a really good endo and a good gynae. I too needed help to get pregnant but the help failed then I naturally fell pregnant years later when we'd given up hope of ever having children. My pcos was bad and my late husband had an abnormal sperm count so we just accepted it would only ever be us. Then I got very unwell and went to the Dr and miracle of miracles, I was pregnant. They told me it was a fluke and I'd never have anymore babies, but we decided to try again a couple of years later and low and behold my 2nd son appeared. I was so I'll during both pregnancies they insisted I be sterilised after no 2 as they said another pregnancy like the others could kill me or the baby so it was done. Happily I had 2 strapping healthy boys who are now 23 and 21 respectively. Now I have a new journey to make but with the hrt and gradually reducing it over a very long time period, I will slowly adapt to having less hormones and hopefully lessen the meno symptoms. Good luck with the endo appointment let me know how you get on. X
Guest mary27278
Hello Everyone, I have NOT been able to get my emails from the groups in MONTHS I signed in and tried everything I even sent an email and have prayed about it and this morning my emails are coming in I thank the Lord
I wanted to ask even in menopause with time for your period to start when you had them can you have all the symptoms but not bleed? I still have the anxiety, depression (biggie) inside nervousness neaseated , stomach cramps sweating bloating gassy and the list goes on. But I have Diverticulitis and have had like 3 tom 4 flares really close and on antibiotic wonder if menopause symptoms could make it worded or have caused it. Anyone e wake up sick to stomach, anxiety and feeling weird in the head ? I haven't had a period come June of this year in
two years. Does anyone e ever get that heavy low belly feeling hard to explain. Thanks
Guest mary27278
I just want to speak to the doctors and other people who say we're "unique" or that they haven't seen anything like what we're going through before. That may be true, but who's to say that there is a "normal" menopause??? My gyn treated me that way, too, and I'm looking for a new doctor. We don't have to put up with being treated like we're crazy.
?I'm sorry you are suffering so much, Mary... it's great that we have this supportive community. Agreeing with Tina, I hope you do find an endocrinologist who can help you. Keep us posted!
katyD211 mary27278
So sorry that you are going through this and feeling alone...you are not alone.
Your doctor's bedside manner leaves a lot to be desired....have you considered a second opinion? Another viewpoint from someone totally opposite your current dr....
mauiblue mary27278
And YES they DONT often know what to do for a patient and just grab something out of the bag. Here we are on a forum where women are sharing all of the same symptoms at vayring degrees, and he tells you hes never seen this? Thats bull crap.
Sorry for the vent, i just think you need to know that we get it, I get it. You are not alone.
This stage in our lives is all encompassing, over the top game changer at all aspects, and yes you do have all of those symptoms. They are Real, they are happening.
Its awul to feel isolated and misunderstood. I know because many people dont get it. And in fact many women do not have these things going on, but i will tell you that ALOT of us do have these things going on.
You should tell your doctor that yes ofcourse the adrenals are playing into this because its part of he HPA axis
(hypothalamus, pituitary,adrenal and duh when the sex hormones are depleted then we are doing double in managing status quo for our system. This goes for our thyroid too..its alll TIED together.
Adrenals are hard at work, and we have anxiety, depression, etc..etc.
Anyways do not feel alone or isolated ever, because what you have is real..and it will work itself out in time.
Sending SUPPORT and hugs your way. Your not alone.
gailannie mary27278
Hi Mary, the standard line is that vaginal estrogen doesn't reach the bloodstream. That's what they all say. However there are plenty of studies that show otherwise. Vaginal tissues are mucus membranes and are excellent for transferring estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. In many ways, no different than taking estrogen through the mucus membranes in the mouth. (Troche)
I was also given vaginal Estrace. Within two weeks my entire body came alive. My hair and nails grew, my nails got thick and strong like they always were in the past, my energy returned, my attitude and sense of humor came back. I started sleeping better than I had in years. Now if that wasn't the vaginal estrogen, I'll eat my hat. And if it didn't go systemic on me, then I wouldn't have seen such a different in my entire body. It was the only thing I was taking or using at the time. So while your doctor says he has never seen this, how many times as he run estradiol levels for women on vaginal estrogen???
I'd be very careful with adrenal suppression. In many ways, that's the last thing you should be playing with. Thats may be the start to a whole host of issues you really don't need or want. Adrenal hormones are incredibly important to health and well being. Without them, you will literally die. My ex husband had Addison's disease, and nearly did die.
Now I know this is anecdotal, but when I read you post I had to include something I heard. I had a very difficult time taking estrogen, and finally took the leap and spent the time and money to fly half way across the country to be with what I thought was the BEST endocrinologist for female hormones. This physician has written books, lectures, teaches other physicians, and has worked with some famous people. What she told me is the reason I have a hard time taking estrogen is that estrogen suppresses the action of cortisol (a major adrenal hormone)
In her opinion, the answer was to also supplement my estrogen with a small dose of hydrocortisone. THIS IS BASICALLY THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOUR PHYSICIAN IS SAYING. And that is why I am relaying my story. I wish every physician had a good working knowledge of what these sex steroids do in the body. And some of it may be individual differences between women. But I've literally come to believe it's all nothing more than an educated guess. What you hear from one physician, is the exact opposite from another. Both can't be right. But both can certainly be wrong based on your chemistry. And in case you're wondering, after all the money I spent, I did quit seeing the fancy, expensive endocrinologist. Her treatments weren't helping!!!!!
What I experienced is that vaginal estrace does and can go systemic. And apparently it did for you as well. I think your first step is to reduce the vaginal estrogen and see how your are feeling. And I'm slightly curious, did he ever recommend adding progesterone to your therapy? It sounds like you are heavily dosed on estrogen, but there is no counter balance. This would create many of the symptoms you're mentioning.
I guess what I'm hoping to provide, is a response that says, please proceed with caution.
mary27278 gailannie
Anytime i attempt to use progesterone it gives me an adverse reaction. My heart starts palpitating , i shake, and myalgia pains starts hitting me in my back mainly. Even though, i was still trying to use it. When blood work comes back progesterone barely goes up but estrogen, dheas, and tetesterone are usually higher. So, i dont know at this point. Ive tried several doctors and same thing. But in the end they all rethink that its my adrenals. Since the beginning , my herbalist at the health store kept insisting to me that the problem lies in the adrenals, that they were all trying to treat the wrong thing he says. The only time i can remember symptoms getting under control were back in Dec and Jan. I was trying to remember what was i taking. It was ashwagandha, anxiety meds and a wild yam cream.(promeno) Everything on bloodwork looked good except tetesterone went high but progesterone improved alot. But my doctor said that ashwagandha can sometimes do this. Ive stopped everything...oh by the way, i get no adverse reaction from tbe wild yam only progesterone cream or oral.
Gypsy014 mary27278
Hi Mary, have you ever been tested for gluten intolerance? Maybe try an all gluten free diet, may help to balance your hormones, and can help with gastrointestinal problems if your sensitive...I've always had issues with wheat and gluten , and it wasn't until I reached peri it sky rocketed for me as do many other conditions seem to worsen at this time of life.. So just a thought maybe try going all natural and gluten free and just take supplements and eat right, just make sure supplements are gluten free too, shampoos soaps all natural too lots of gluten in everything. And see if it helps...
mary27278 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 mary27278
Ok Mary your diet sounds like mine , it is boring , but all natural, and I'm sure that if I added ( which I've done) then I'd feel so much worse, so it does help to eat clean.. And as hormones settle then that's when I will be able to bring more foods into my diet..
mary27278 Gypsy014