Feeling anxious

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I know that anxiety is a major symptom of peri , but I really do need some reassurance . I have weeks now where I am not too bad and then it all comes back again , the uneasy stomach , sicky feeling and a tight , weird feeling in my chest and throat almost like I can't breathe . Is this normal ?I am just getting over my second bad migraine in a fortnight , which last for days and tablets don't touch . I have had a rough couple of weeks personally though which I don't think helps . My beloved westie , Poppy died 2 weeks ago , a few hours after the first anniversary of burying my mum . I think it's taken me that whole year to try to deal with losing my mum . I don't think I really had any major health worries beforehand and I'm sure all these peri symptoms have intensified because of this . Does anyone have any thoughts on this ? I just turned 49 this week and still have regular periods , but sometimes they arrive early and are definitely more painful . I'm so fed up of all these symptoms .

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm so sorry you are going through this. One of the first things I realized in all this was that stressful events increased my symptoms 10 fold. So I am learning to control my reactions to certain things and unfortunately having to take anti anxiety med when needed. Hugs to you.

    • Posted

      Hi there can I ask what anti anx med you took?

      Suff big time at the moment with this too - 4mnths into hrt has not helped as much as last timesad

      Thank you - take care

      Loui x

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      I take Ativan (benzodiazepine). Can be addicting and I only take as a last resort. You just have to be careful with those, but when you need it, you need it! And when I get to the point that I feel like the anxiety is probably worse for me than the med, I take it. But I also take an AD (ssri). It worked for me well in the past, but lately not so much. I am still working on that. I hate taking medication, but I need to function for my family's sake too. Hugs

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    I also get chest and throat symptoms with anxiety.
  • Posted

    I'm so sorry! I do the same thing. I have days that I fly right through and days that I cry right through. I'm so sorry for your loss. My prayers for you peace and comfort are with you.

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    Peri is the worst time for these symptoms first thing in the morning can be the worst where cortisol stress is at it's highest eat something straight away get up listen to national radio it's like a reassuring friend get into exercise and stay busy no time to dwell on symptoms

    Sad for you loss but just try and focus on each day and get moving



  • Posted

    I have dealt with anxiety since the onset of my peri and am post menopausal now for 9 years and still have bouts of extreme anxiety it's all totally normal I also find that any stressful situations in my life tend to aggravate lots of the menopause symptoms I have.  I am so sorry for your loss of your mum and also for the loss of your sweet puppy. I lost my dad 3 years ago and it's not easy I also understand the loss of a fur baby as we lost our little cairn terrier a few years back and it took me quite some time to get over it. Just know that you are not alone there are so many of us going through this but we will come out on the other side of it eventually ...I hope you start to get some relief from your symptoms soon even a small break from them helps tons .


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    I am sorry for the loss you have suffered. I can relate to having hormones suddenly shift on you. I lost one of my dearest friends suddenly and it seemed my symptoms started getting worse. I thought that my PMS had just gotten worse because I was 37 at the time. Then when my second child came at age 39, I lost a cousin and an aunt within two months. So I went from post partum right into peri menopause.

    The anxiety is indeed the worst of my symptoms and stress can only make it worse. I know I feel so out of control when my stress level is up. I have a 7 year old and a 3 year old and that is stressful enough but to have to wrestle with these symptoms makes it hard. If it were not for God I don't know what I would do.

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      Amen. I try and count my blessings everyday and try not to focus on these dang symptoms. Coming to this site is also a comfort to know that I am not alone.
    • Posted

      Yes I thank God that I found this site. It was because of this site that I came to the realization that I was in peri. I thought I had some terrible disease. Then after reading through the posts from others I learned that this is how peri behaves. It was the abrupt change that threw me off. I had just had a baby so I didn't really know what was going on. I had lost weight suddenly and when I went to my OB she didn't know what to say. She looked at me like I had some disease. I switched doctors after that. I've just been researching and trying to find home remedies to help with symptoms. Right now I take progesterone cream and it has really helped lately. I will be glad when this is over.

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      I am also in the process of switching docs. But at the same time, I dread going. I mean I am faithful about my GYN yearly checkups. But for right now I am trusting God and believing His word. Taking it one day at a time.
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    so sorry to hear you have been going through a bad time my love yes stress will intensify your peri symptoms it did with me tenfold and im just coming out of the stress now this has been since last November but the light at the end of the tunnel is just around the corner. when you are in the midst of stress/anxiety it seems you will never get better but you do as for grief you to will learn to cope its just come all at once for you my love, maybe some medication to help you through this period I don't know how you feel about that or certainly some kind of therapy its hard but you will get through it

  • Posted

    Yes, it's horrible to feel like you can't control your life, especially when you have been helping others with theirs.

    I haven't got any magic wands. I tried to cope but eventually took my doctors advice and went on cortisol inhibitors i.e. an anti depresant. It worked for me.

    It depends on what you are comfortable with.

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