Feeling anxious after exercise

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Hi,I m just wondering if anyone gets very anxious after any form of exercise even housework!! I feel that everytime I do anything I start to feel anxious and panicky, even just hoovering lol Xx

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Wow no, not heard of that, it should be the opposite, excercise should help.  Excercise releases endorphins in the brain, which give you that euphoric feeling.  Banannas are good for anxiety as contain potassium which can help and serotonin again is a mood changer for the good.
    • Posted

      I think I m just being to aware of my heart rate changing and it's making me anxious,but thank you for replying xxx
  • Posted

    Is it because your heart rate increases and because of anxiety your more award of it and increases fear Hun ?
    • Posted

      Thank you I think you might be right,with anxiety already I think I m just to aware of what's going on and increasing the fear xx
    • Posted

      I'm the same a pounding heart makes me more anxious like if I run upstairs to toilet I feel my heart pounding which worries me then it races even more cause I'm worried vicious circle sad
    • Posted

      Yes that's exactly what I m like,I downloaded a mindfulness app a few days ago and I listen to it everytime I get panicky,I m finding it quite helpful it might be worth you giving it a try xx
  • Posted

    Hi fudgeybear

    I never noticed me getting anxious after doing exercise or work around the house. Some times exercise calms me down like walking i do not run or jog, and house work gets my mind off things like myself. I feel anxious a lot I know that but after you do any kind of exercise, or just house work it does have your adrenal going, and your heart rate up i noticed when I take walks my heart rate it up and when I am moving around the house doing work my heart rate goes up and I notice palpitations off an on because the heart rate and blood pressure go up and down while you are moving it goes up then when you are sitting it goes down.

    After you exercise or do cleaning take some time for yourself and do some relaxation to bring your anxieties and heart rate down maybe this will help calm your anxieties. 

    Just remember we ladies are in either peri menopause or menopause and when out heart rate is up due to any kind of movement it can throw us into anxiety because of our hormones being low. 

    Are you on any HRTs by the way or are you taking vitbs that can cause anxieties in people. I know they are suppose to be calming pills but they do have the side effects to where they can cause anxieties. 

    lol Xx take care and do some kind of relaxation or yoga to help with your anxieties 

    • Posted

      Hi Susan,I m not on hrt,my doctor doesn't think I'm peri Menapausel 😐 I think it could be my anxiety playing me up,I ve tried anti depressents with horrible side effects so I won't take anymore I ve  started sound mindfulness meditation,I only started a couple of days  ago,I do it as soon as I start getting anxious I think it is helping me to control my breathing.i did wonder if hormones had a part to play in it all.i ll carry on with the meditation,thank you for all your advice,I hope you re well take care xx
    • Posted

      I understand i feel that we all get anxious to some degree some worse than others
  • Posted

    Just wondered if you are keeping your blood sugar even. If I overdo it on a longish walk, gardening etc I tend to feel anxious, shakey and grumpy until I've refuelled.
    • Posted

      It's funny you should say that,I ve been having sugar dips for the last couple of years,i have recently tried to be more aware of my diet and eat little and often,I feel like I m dropping to bits,I ve got acid reflux,I ache all over for at least two weeks of the month,and I have a permanent thick head and no energy,I feel about 90 lol, I think I d just rather go straight into Menapause and cut out all the craziness lol.i hope everyone is having a good weekend xx

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