Feeling awful 10 days after Iron Infusion. Is it normal?
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jane75220 any30878
any30878 jane75220
They gave me something for the nausea and told me was probably from migraines
...So Im taking the medication for the nausea and feel better but im afraid once it finishes it will come again.
They only gave me for 2 days.
So I dont know. I have to wait and pray, i guess.
kathy_91284 any30878
Fear of the unknown is always a worry. My iron infusion caused some symptoms for a few days, but the my anemia symptoms started getting better. I am actually hoping for a second infusion because I can't take oral iron anymore. Good luck. Many people have your back
pipo kathy_91284
I have had several iron infusion in the past 3 years. I have never had any side effects, however the last infusion 1 week ago has given me headaches, nausea, tiredness, flushes. My iron level is low and I suspect that the dosage was higher than the previous infusions. Could it be the reason to my adverse reaction?
Matty1990 pipo
Hi im having the same symptoms atm... I had an iron infusion on the 6th of this month (6/6/2022) and never had i ever experience these side-effects before i’m feeling very ill in the stomach and very fatigued. Im hoping the same thing they may have gave me a bit too much? usually I think I have 500ml and this time they gave me 2000ml although I could be wrong. I've been getting iron infusions for about 4-5 yrs due to iron deficiency anaemia caused from an internal bleed from a hiatus hernia.
Jenny9380 pipo
I received my first iron infusion one week ago, 7/13/2022. I am anaemic with iron deficiency due to my Crohns. I cannot tolerate oral iron supplements. My hope was this would be better. I seemed ok for the first few days, then the migraines and nausea started. More fatigue than usual, light sensitivity, misery really.
Is this supposed to happen? Are these the normal side effects until everything has settled? I certainly don't want to go for my next one in a week if this will happen again. Any help would be wonderful.
peggy56723 Matty1990
i have the same problem GI bleed due to a large Hiatal Hernia Had infusion yesterday felt ok until this morning having chills stomach cramps real nauseated. I am scheduled for another one Monday Surgery is the only thing that will stop the bleed and I must start working on that Did you have surgery to fix your problem This reaction is very scary
ashley80108 Jenny9380
I received my first iron infusion a week ago. I started feeling weird a day after and still feel fatigue, dizzy and have bad light sensitivity. Did anything get better for you, or any answers to why you feel like that? I definitely do not want another one either because of how I have been feeling.
luba11441 any30878
Hello.just wondering how are u feeling now? I had my iron infusion exactly 3weeks ago...and still feel awful. 3 days later after infusion my blood pressure and temp gone up,felt so much discomfort around heart area that had to do COG and chest xray in A&E.All this settled now but feel nauseous and dizzy.apparently my sodium level is down now.Its crazy....but dr is not giving me any answer.
any30878 luba11441
Sorry to hear you'r not feeling well.
Im better now but took me almost a month to start feeling normal again.
Now im good but i had a bad time after the infusion.
The doctor also didnt give me any answers.
I had to rest and take care of myself with medication for nausea and headaches.
Hope you 'll feel better soon.
Maybe will be faster for you.
luba11441 any30878
Hi.Really appreciate your reply.And good to hear you are well now.At least i know all this dizziness and nausea will settle with the time. Worst thing you can not get any answers from Dr's.So frustrating.But glad i found your post as not much info available on side effects after infusion.
Many thanks again.
Keep healthy and happy
mimichacha luba11441
How did you end up recovering? I had my first infusion of Ferrinject 3 days ago and still feeling nausea, weak and dizzy. How’s long did it take you to feel normal with more energy?
mimichacha any30878
Capsicum any30878
It takes me about 3 weeks to be back to normal, but I don't get the symptoms you describe - you should definitely tell your GP.
Feebi86 any30878
I had an infusion a week ago. I had all the symptoms being described here and now just contact nausea.
This discussion is the only one of its kind I can find! everyone i’ve spoken to has said they’ve only been unwell for a day or 2 afterwards. Even the nurses said it’s strange for me to still feel unwell. Did you say it took you all about 3 weeks to recover ? I don’t think I ever want to have this done again !!!
Capsicum Feebi86
Feebi86 Capsicum
samuels Feebi86
Hi everyone,
?Yes I agree this is the only discussion I could find in regards to iron infusion. I had my first one last week and before procedure it was explained to me what side effects may occur, some did happen but they were short lived by the time the infusion had finished. Halfway through the infusion I got chest pain, I told the nurse and was asked to take my angina spray, that eased the chest pain, then it reappeared 15 minutes later, GTN took care of it again, now I'm getting chest pain 3-4 times a day since the infusion I still felt sick after and I was informed that it all will be short lived, I'm still feeling sick and the chest pains, I have sore /achy knee joints, feels exactly the same as the side effects from Statins, I'm also experiencing the sweats at random times, sometimes profusely and for no reason, Indigestion and intermittent pains in the back, I have spent the last 5 days in bed, no energy and feeling weak, opiate based pain relief is the only thing that relieves the knee and chest pain. one doctor explained to me that the side effects should of gone and the iron should be starting to making me feel better not worse by now and should get to our emergency room. Another doctor told me that everyone is different in how long side effects remain with some patients, he said to try and hang out for a couple of more days.
?I called the manufacturer / supplier of the iron used for infusions, their medical rep explained to me that the symptoms I described can be side effects from their product although very uncommon something like < 1 /1000 patients and the symptoms you and some others are experiencing are common side effects but should be gone with in a couple of days < 1/10 patients. Because I'm experiencing chest pain he had to fill out an uncommon side effect form and report it to both his company and a copy to my cardiologist, no identifying information was needed just a post code , state and an address to where they can send the copy to treating cardiologist.
?I can't put up with this anymore and can understand everyone's frustrations in here. I can't get into my GP so I think a trip to hospital is warranted today.
?That's my experiences with an iron infusion, I have another one next week, if I'm still feeling like this I don't think I will agree to have it, I can't put my body through this again.
Capsicum samuels
What I’m saying is, perhaps they could try a different brand of iron infusion. Good luck. I certainly would be wary if another dose of the same after your experience and I don’t understand why they’re not really taking it on board. I’d go back to the person responsible for that infusion and ask to meet with them. There’s usually a phone number for the consultant (if you’re in the UK) on the appointment letter.
Let us know how you get on.
samuels Capsicum
?Ferinject was the brand name used in my infusion
I'm still suffering, was in emergency til well after 2.30am this morning, nothing they could do other than recommend continuing on with my pain relief. CK blood test came back normal, Troponins for once normal again.
?I contacted the company about these side effects and they said was I was experiencing was a side effect(s) but uncommon so because of the chest pain he had to fill out a side effect/ adverse reaction form, patients name is with held so no personal information is required and your doctor, in my case my cardiologist won't know that it was you, for privacy reasons, but I wasn't concerned about that because I have to let him know any way that I had the "uncommon" side effects just as I had to tell my GP.
samuels Capsicum
Both GP and Cardiologist have told me not to go ahead with my second iron infusion, no reasons given as yet, perhaps severe side effects, chest pain has settled down, still very tired and been in bed 5 days straight, still feel extremely tired, I force myself to do something and I'm absolutely buggered after finishing whatever I was doing and have to lie down, Knee joints are still as sore as anything and walking around like an old man, has moved up into the hip joints but that was short lived, *touch wood* . Into day 10 in all of this , who would of thought a necessary / essential vitamin or whatever it's called would cause so much grief, even if it may be a kind of fake / synthetic material going into our blood stream. Absolutely horrible.
mimichacha Feebi86
Youre right about this being the only forum...my GP hasn’t much experience in infusions and the nurses expected me to feel better straight away....my specialist said at least 1 week but reading through these forums, some people took months to feel better.
samuels mimichacha
?Here's what was explained to me by Nursing staff and my Doctors, Side effects are minimal, they were wrong on that one for me, well perhaps not wrong, it just took a lot longer for the serious side effects to disappear with me, the nausea, metal taste in mouth and sweating disappeared within 15 minutes of starting infusion, within 10 minutes of starting infusion I got chest pain, as I suffer angina any way my spray under the tongue helped control that.
?Everyone says you should feel the full benefits of the iron infusion with in 10-14 days, I didn't get that energy, in fact I was bed ridden for a week, continued chest pains, severe muscle aches and joint aches known as arthralgia, something along that name, quite common in Statins as well.
?Due to my severe reaction to the iron infusion my GP told me to stop and seek the advice of my cardiologist, his answer was the same, do not go ahead with any more iron infusions. The only thing the infusion did was bring my iron levels to only just in range.
nicole09294 samuels
alena81236 samuels
although this discussion took place some time ago, I still would like to share. My first infusions were great, second day I alway felt "like the new". However, I asked nurses to make it slower speed... i believe the "normal" infusion time for Ferinject is 15 minutes, but they let me to sit there once for an hour. And it helped a lot! When having it faster (i.e. within the range of those 15 minutes), my heart went crasy....
How are you today?
maria33196 Feebi86
Hi, I had an iron infusion 18 days & have bed ridden since due to very unpleasant symptoms, all other symptoms are starting to slow fade away expect for nausea, seems like you hard a horrific time like myself & was wondering how long the nausea took to subside with you ?
snc07 maria33196
hi i was wondering if you feel better i had mine 14 days ago and still have nausea and am basically bed bed bound
elizabeth31062 maria33196
I had intense nausea for about 2 months after the infusion. lasted for about 4 months total. it was truly one of the worst times ive had in my life . im about a year out now, and i think its finally gone.
Kfroi maria33196
Hi! I hope you are feeling better. my infusion was awful, complete with swollen wrists, feet, hives and rash, followed by extreme anxiety and nausea. I ended to having to take nexium and anti nausea meds to get it under control and that really helped. The nausea went on for about a month before i went in and started the anti nausea meds and PPI. After taking those, it was about another month before i felt good enough to start working out again. Honestly, it's been 7 months since my infusions, and there are still days where my stomach feels off. But I've gotten back into withing it and even completed a half marathon last month. take care of yourself, advocate for yourself. hope you feel better.
maria33196 Kfroi
my story is so long im still unwell is it possible to actually talk im so desperate
Kfroi maria33196
sure. do you want to email me directly?
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john37430 elizabeth31062
Hi Elizabeth I had my first infusion yesterday via intravenous drip, how long did it take for you to get back to normal?as in having more energy instead of being constantly knackered, cheers john
alisha27177 maria33196
How are you feeling now?
Nzshan Kfroi
hi omg I am suffering some side effects also!! a day later I broke out in a rash and hive and had swallow feet. I'm not allergic to anything so I knew it was infusion.dr gave my antihistamines and said it could have been something other than infusion which I know isnt true. I am now also suffering dizziness and extreme anxiety which i never have. it 5 days after and i feel hopeless cause Drs make you feel like your dumb and what I'm feeling is nothing.
carmen45778 Nzshan
its awful . i am in tears alot .. i think im scared it wont end . the anxiety and the crying ... i think it messes witg electrolytes as well and blood pressure and blood sugar
Kfroi Nzshan
I'm so sorry. I know exactly how you feel, and how it felt like it was never going to end during the worst of it. The nausea and anxiety were the worst parts for me. I couldn't believe how so many doctors said it wasn't the infusion, couldn't be the infusion. Yet, there I was with symptoms I did not have before, and no, it was not just something else.
Once my stomach settled, so did my anxiety. I hope you feel better soon.
carmen45778 Kfroi
thankyou @kfroi. did you get the diziness and spacey lightheaded feeling . its weird its like on the verge of tears because its weird. the jelly legs i think are becoming heavy and not as jelly like but heart racing on and off
Kfroi carmen45778
YES! I was light-headed and dizzy for weeks! Low blood pressure too,. which mine is normally low anyways, but even lower. Any time i tried to exert myself i got nauseous and felt like I was going to faint. Took about two months before I could start working out again.
carmen45778 Kfroi
thank you for your reassurance .. needed to hear that . makes sense ... just a horrible experience . Glad u feel better 😃
jolandie53260 Kfroi
Hi there so sorry for all the awful symptoms everyone is experiencing.
If i may ask is everyone using the same infusion ferinject? Have some of you heard of Venofer? And as far a i know before any iron infusion you get a shot of like a antihistamine so that you dont get any allergic reaction symptoms?
Kfroi jolandie53260
I believe I received Venofer, I know for sure it was iron sucrose. and they did give me Benadryl before both infusions and it did not help much.
alex8456 carmen45778
hi carmen
iam so happy to see that someone else has the same symptoms i got my infusion on december 11 and have been miserable since . the brain fog, crazy random panic anxiety. lightheaded and diszzy. .. i went to the ER twice because i thought i was dyingi have never felt like this ever in my life
what are the doctors saying ? no one is giving me answers
carmen45778 alex8456
im so sorry. its such an awful feeling. im so confused as to what it still causing my symptoms. ive had many crying spells and feelings of depression so not sure if its the iron still or my hormones but its now almost a month and anxiety
joanne91451 carmen45778
Hi Alex and Carmen, how are you guys getting on now?
I had a 1600mg infusion of Monofer 8 days ago and am having the worst ever anxiety/depression/mood swings, never experienced anything like it before and cant find any info about it online! I had a hypersensitivity reaction during the actual infusion but aside from that just a bit headachey.
Hope both of you have settled down and the symptoms have gone.
alex8456 joanne91451
Hi there
my body and mind has never been the same since my infusion. This was the worst decision of my life to do this infusion. its almost 2 mos so hoping to get better soon .
good luck
carmen45778 joanne91451
unfortunately i feel shocking but we are not so sure if its the infusion or not as it might be my thyroid. but i wish i never had it done. the anxiety and depression is awful. im trying to start antidepressants but side effects are terrible
alex8456 carmen45778
my thyroid is fine. im using ativan for anxiety. i used to have anxiety but nothing like this . itsike my body got jolted with poison
carmen45778 alex8456
im so sorry . im taking valium . its awful . my thyroid levels are ok but i had a thyroid uptake scan that showed it was overactive . not sure whats going on .
maria33196 elizabeth31062
I was wondering as its been so long since your infusion if you have made a full recovery ? I had mine 12 months ago which I didn't require that was requested by my gynocoligist which I had gone to see for a pap smear (not for anemia) he requested a blood test telling me he was going to call with the results which he did telling me my ferritin was a little on the low side suggesting for me to have an iron infusion...I told him I felt well not feeling any symptoms of anemia whatsoever that I actually haven't felt better & energetic in all my life & that I was flying out in 5 days for a permanent move to Greece. I told him I didn't think I needed it but he insisted I get it done before I leave so stupid me agreed in doing it 3 days before flying out. I experienced every symptom everyone has mentioned here & ended up in ER 5 days after infusion saying my prayers as though I felt I was going to die. I had severe chest pain, blood pressure & pulse which was absolutely out of control, nausea, vomiting, fever, stomach ache, back pain, headache, my body was aching it had felt that I had been hit by bus my body couldn’t be touched as I would jump from the pain but the worst was what I felt internally which is indescribable it was something no human being should ever feel...it wasn’t until I was in ER I had found out my Dr had written down me weighing 59kg rather than 39kg (he just guessed my weight not weighing me nor did the clinic) by this stage my ferritin had reached at 2000 now suffering from iron poisoning there was nothing the Dr’s at hospital could do & was discharged 24 hrs later telling me to go see my GP...Not long after I got home I get a call from my gynocoligist apologizing for what he had done which I gave him a piece of my mind saying that was negligence at its worst & I will never except his apology. Two months after infusion I was to find out my liver had been affected & now had jaundice. Here I am 1 year later still feeling unwell, fatigued, headaches, sore stomach, acid, nausea on & off with no appetite no energy & wanting to sleep all the time...I am now having phlebotomy along with tests for iron deposits & scarring. I can’t believe I went from a perfectly healthy girl & so excited for my move to Greece to a chronically ill girl due to a Dr negligence by guessing my weight & insisting to get it done even tough I had no symptoms of anemia...To be honest I wish I had died as it’s been one year of total hell. To think that I was not anemic & a Dr to do this to me by guessing my weight is gut wrenching. He not only robbed me from my health but my children, husband along with my move to Greece. I don’t feel I’m ever going to be that healthy girl I once was after that IRON POISONING !!
Have you now made a full recovery ?
carmen45778 maria33196
thats heartbreaking. My Ferritin is over range after infusion and i feel horrid . i hope you recover . thats terrifying what you have been through. i too worry whether ill get me back and i too have had those scary thoughts . may God help us .
maria33196 carmen45778
do you know what your ferritin reading is now ?
alex8456 maria33196
my ferritin was 135 a month after my infusion
it reached to 400 right after. i started out at 12 but was never anemic . my hemoglobin was normal but in the low normal . worst decision of my life
my infusion was on december 11. almost two months . hoping by march i will be ok . i have been to the ER 8 times. had so many scans had an Endoscopy and so many blood tests that by now i should be depleted of all iron.
also it would be wonderdul to get answers or if someone here has figured out a clear answer for this and how to get better . im guessing its just time . i feel my stomach was completely ruined. i fee my anxiety and nausea crawling deep from my stomach.
maria33196 alex8456
I was only on boderline with ferritin & reached 2000 5 days after infusion when i was ER. It's been 1 year now & still very ill. Like yourself it was the worst decision of my life also !! How long since you had yours ? Have you made a full recovery from it now ? l
maria33196 Kfroi
HI, I'm one year out from infusion & like yourself was into fitness, Have you made a full recovery ?
alex8456 maria33196
December 11 2019 i constantly feel like im gonna faint so bizzare
carmen45778 maria33196
no unfortunately. feel awful. went to ER and they thought it might be my thyroid as i had a scan that showed i was overactive but waiting to see my bloodwork. its so confusing .
carmen45778 alex8456
sorry to hear . yes anxiety is awful nausea wont go and just can believe it
Giulia2235 samuels
i know this is a long shot because you made this post two years ago. but im seeking some help. your post is the only one that is like me. it had been 7 days after my iron infusion but i have the same thing going on. the chest pains, joint pain, im super hot and then it goes away, bad headaches. the i have no energy and i feel week and shaky all the time. no one is a help to me. everyone says its normal. id love to hear how you feel to this day.
BA44810 Giulia2235
Hi, sorry you are feeling so unwell.
Please get your phosphate checked:
Does it feel as though you have a concrete block sitting on your chest? get your phosphate checked
Are you short of breath? can barely lift your arms and body? hot flushes, tingling, spaced out??
I'm not sure how to send a personal message on here but if you can do that, I can reply and send you my unpublished paper on this. Hopefully it will help
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maria33196 carmen45778
HI Carmen
What is your ferritin reading now ?
rebecca29501 BA44810
I had all these things too! plus what felt like big jolts to the chest with heart flutters and my heart rate shooting up really high, with dizziness, chest tightness and like i was about to faint (note i had been having mild flutters for about 8 months prior - am getting checked out now - still i think its all been iron-related) I also had weird zap-like rushes which felt like from my brain - went through my whole body - this was like every 5-10 mins - i felt like my body would explode! ontop of that i had a virus or what felt like a virus with sore throat and fever. Utterly the most horrendous experience. The more i read about iron infusions the more i think they are very dangerous. I've been on phosphate tablets for a few days now and my reading is near normal again - have another test in a week to see if it holds. Thankfully i'm starting to feel more normal 😃
lina4095 samuels
hi there i am going through exact thing you described my heart doesnt feel normal feels like i am having a heart attack. did the symptoms get better for you and how long did it take. did they give you meds to help? thank you
megan17636 Kfroi
I am 6 weeks post iron infusion and also feeling desperate with continuing bad symptoms. Mainly weakness in arms and legs , anxiety and stomach issues. Would love to hear how long other people had issues for and what their recovery was like .
Kfroi megan17636
Hi. I'm sorry you're not feeling well. It took about two months before I started to feel better, and that was with the help of two different anti-nausea medications, Nexium(heartburn medication) and low dose anti-anxiety medication (Ativan). Once my stomach settled I started feeling better, because I could eat again and I know there's been studies recently connecting gut health to anxiety. Anyhow, I can tell you by being proactive with my concerns and getting medications to help my symptoms, 6 months after the infusion I ran my first half marathon!
best of luck and I hope you feel better soon.
beckie37292 Kfroi
glad to hear your feeling better now.
Can i ask if you also have a high pulse after your infusion. my pulse races just walking to the toilet. Thanks
Kfroi beckie37292
I did, as well as low blood pressure. My blood pressure is normally low (~95/65)but it was more like 85/55, maybe even a little lower.
beckie37292 Kfroi
that's good to know I'm not the only person that feels like this. did you heart rate settle down? I'm around 6 weeks since having my infusion. did you get prescribed anything to help with your symptoms?
Kfroi beckie37292
It did settle down, and improved once i could exercise again. The medications I took we're:
2 different anti-nausea medications
Nexium for heartburn
Ativan as needed for anxiety.
Once my stomach settled down and i could eat again, everything else started to improve.
beckie37292 Kfroi
ok great thanks for the help.
megan17636 BA44810
Just wanted to ask how much longer after your phosphate came back into normal range did you feel unwell ? My phosohate has been back in range for almost 2 weeks now and still weak and feeling brain fog, I am now 7 weeks post infusion. Anxiety has improved alot and now eating better , but not much improvement with anything else yet, and getting nowhere with DR's.
shay13182 carmen45778
Hi Carmen, how are you feeling now? how long did it take for you to feel better?
angela66594 alex8456
I just had my first transfusion 2 weeks ago! My ferritin was 9 so they prescribed the iron transfusion, but my ferritin was at 15 when I got it done (and my hemoglobin was also normal)...Now I feel absolutely terrible. I don't know what my ferritin is now but I I'm lethargic, achy, constant headache, stomach cramps, tight chest...its awful.
katy_80 angela66594
Hi Angela,
What kind of infusion did you have? Your symptoms sound just like mine were. Something that can happen after an infusion is that your phosphate level can drop, making you feel terrible - can you go back to the doctor and ask them for a blood test to check your phosphate? Phosphate is essential for your body to function so it affects everything if it is low, and would need to be treated. There is quite a bit of info on the last 6+ months of this message board. Please check back in to let us know how you are.
mary6760 Giulia2235
Same here,had my second infusion one week ago and have been bedridden since. Can't do anything but go to the bathroom!
mary6760 megan17636
I have most of the symptoms posted here.My first infusion went well.My second was 2 weeks ago and I have been in bed since.How are you doing?
katy_80 mary6760
Hi Mary, sorry to hear this. Can you get a blood test to check your phosphate level? A sharp drop in phosphate is a symptom that many of us have experienced after Ferinject/Injectafer/ferric carboxymaltose. Many doctors aren't sufficiently aware of this reaction so you may need to print out some info to show your doctor. There should be info in this thread, otherwise google 'hypophosphatemia and iron infusions'. Good luck and post again with how you get on.
lisa26966 megan17636
hi, my daughter is 17 and had an iron infusion on 3rd September. had all symptoms mentioned here and had low phosphates of 0.4 when tested on 10th September. She has been taking oral phosphate since and from last week her phosphates were back up to 0.8. However she still has dizziness and headaches. She can cope with the headaches but it is the dizziness that's worse. Doctors say she should not have symptoms at 0.8. How long before you felt better after being in normal range? it is now 24th September and i wish we had never had the iron infusion. Thanks.
tess58684 lisa26966
lisa26966 how is your daughter doing now? I am a similar situation. I got an infusion Sept 15th, and has been really sick ever since. I checked my phosphate 4 days ago and it was then 0.48, three days later (yesterday) I had to go the ER and the phosphate was then 0,36. Really scary that it dropped that much in three days. I got an phosphate IV and my level was 0,98 this morning. I am feeling much better today but is still very tired and dizzy. I stayed at the hospital during the night. I am well aware that the phosphate might drop back again and will make sure to follow up. Are you sure your daughters levels stays up?
lisa26966 tess58684
Hi Tess,
thanks for replying. We have been referred to an endocrinologist and our appointment is tomorrow. He should have the results of her latest phosphate tests and we also had bone metabolic and calcium studies done. Hoping he will have some answers. it is now a month after the iron infusion and she is still dizzy and has brain fog/lack of concentration! Headaches are fewer but this has all turned into a nightmare 😦
tess58684 lisa26966
Oh wow, so sorry to hear this. Really hoped for her to feel better by now. Can you see any improvement or is it still as bad as a few weeks ago. I can feel already that my phosphate is dropping and just asked my GP to follow up. Hopefully he will run some test tomorrow or the day after that. This is so terribly stressful! Haven't worked for three weeks. Can your daughter go to school or does she have to stay at home?
Keeping my fingers crossed for your appointment tomorrow!
tess58684 maria33196
Hi Maria, not sure if you are still on this forum. But I wanted to know if you eventually made a full recovery? Did you have your phosphate corrected and did it help? Desperate to know if this will eventually pass..
cindy10105 carmen45778
I hope you found answers and are feeling better now. I had my first infusion of 1gm 10 days ago. On day three I had a headache and felt heavy/exhausted, which lasted a few days. Now I've just got mild nausea and have felt faint/dizzy a few times which is rare for me. But so far I feel better than before the infusion. I'm glad the low iron/ferritin was discovered because I was feeling so anxious, breathless and kind of depressed. My chiro explained that when you're anaemic, your body releases quite a bit of cortisol to speed up your heart rate to get enough oxygen moving around. But cortisol = feelings of stress, anxiety, sometimes panic, if it goes on for a long time. I think I've been struggling with this for around 18mths so it might take a while to settle down.
mary6760 maria33196
I fear this will be me a year from now.I too was borderline.My ferratin went over 1200 after my infusion,but is now 700.It has been 3 months and I am basically bedridden! I don't know what to do!!!
mary6760 katy_80
Yes,it was checked and normal.My ferratin is still high at 704 down from 1239!
jill1973 rebecca29501
I had the same, was ok two days after my infusion but then i was hit with a terrible virus - burning sensation in my nose, headaches so severe between my eyes, sore throat, cough. Been like this for 6 days now & have never felt so bad!! zaps to my ears, just absolutely drained. No one else sock in my household nor have i been anywhere to pick this up. Completely believe its related to my infusion. Never ever again will i put myself through this again!
mary6760 jill1973
Hi,I 4 months out and still feel very ill!
melinda97917 cindy10105
Interesting, i've had low iron for 20 years as well as panic attacks for the same duration. I'm hoping this will cure the anxiety.
My ferratin was 13. I had ferinject yesterday morning 1000mg, I was fine after but then threw up dinner and some capsules i'd taken hours before, they were still in tact. it was like my stomach stopped being able to digest food. I had lots of cramping and nausea couldn't get off the lounge. This morning I have back pain, sore stomach and nausea and I'm too scared to eat. I hope it passes soon!
nicola197256 melinda97917
I had a panic attack 3 days after my iron infusion, strained a muscle in my neck and couldnt move it at all the next day . Still feeling very anxious a week later
veronika05673 Nzshan
Hi there, I know it's been some time since this post but just wanted to know how long did your symptoms last? I had an infusion of Ferrinject 1000mg and I've had every side effect so far - extreme muscle pains, tiredness, loss of appetite and nausea for 3 days after the infusion. When I thought it was over I broke out in a rash which disappeared overnight. Now the dizziness and anxiety has started!!! Just want to know when those side effects will stop. Any answer will help. Thank you in advance
selcem34816 samuels
May I ask you how long it took you to recover from sore joints, my knees are awful also
aneela58140 Feebi86
i have had my first ferrinject iv two days ago and im feeling very nauseated and had pain Inbetween my shoulder blades and heaviness on my chest , also breathing was not comfortable.
I also noticed at the time of the IV i had pain when injecting the iron through . not sure what this was and the nurses didn't even check on me during or after it was my first time and so they should monitor for effects. these days hospitals and inadequacies are rife.
anyway i hope you feel better, i suggest speaking to a GP as i will as this is horrible.
aneela58140 veronika05673
i feel for you , it sounds terrible 😦
id say speak to a doctor , though these days they don't help much , they will likely offer anti sickness meds and ask you to take paracetamol or ibuprofen!
good luck hope you feel better
miracle27758 veronika05673
how are you feelin now? i had my ferricinfusion like 54 hours ago , severe reflux has kicked in nausea and the worst is dizzy and anxiety my blood pressure and heart rate is flucuating a lot too
faith62419 Kfroi
oh wow, for a minute i thought i was loosing my mind. i have extreme anxiety an hour after the infusion. i thought i was having a heart attack
kayleen1983 faith62419
had iron infusion on October 31st 2023. and i feel like complete crap. dizzy, light headed. feel like im going to faint. cant seem to stay at work because im so weak n tired n just feeling funny in my chest. flushing feeling.. Jelly legs. I felt so alone until i found this thread. today is 6 days of feeling so crappy. this never made me feel this way before. my head feels so funny too... ☹️ people give me answers on here im scared!
ashley99512 alex8456
How are you feeling now? day 3 after an iron transfusion for and I feel terrible.
reem75834 maria33196
this is a few years late but id like to know how they handled it in the ER