feeling better after only 3 days???

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So I've been on 5 anti-depressants over past 3 years. Hadn't been on one since August and have had the winter from hell. It's been bad. Had a proper full blown crisis at the weekend and had to make some phone calls. Anyway, I started 37.5mg slow release venlafaxine on tuesday. wednesday was already feeling much better, thursday all the rage and irritability had gone. I've been pretty speeded up at times, sleep disrupted but I've been managing better than I would normally, I don't feel like crying anymore, I dont' feel su***dal, etc. I'm not speeded up at this moment, it's coming and going, but I don't feel anything like I have been feeling for months. Is this normal? The last time this happened so quickly was with the mirtazapine. 

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Hedda,

    So sorry to hear you've been through so much in such a short period of time. That can really cause things to go downhill for us anxiety and panic sufferers.

    That's is pretty quick to feel relief so suddenly. But then again, everyone is different and you might just be highly receptive to it. Normally it takes 4-6 weeks to reach the therapeutic level.

    But to answer your question, is it normal? I don't really think so, but you might be just starting to calm down naturally from the crisis you experienced. Nothing lasts forever, not even panic and anxiety! It comes and goes, even on medication. Although I have tiny breakthroughs anxiety attacks, they calm down within minutes.

    So stay the course. Continue the medication and don't be upset if you start having flare ups soon. That's common especially only being on the meds for only a few days. So be patient with it and yourself.

    Get some exercise and find some relaxation techniques . The "calm" app is great!!! There's limited access without a subscription, but still beneficial!

    God bless you, and let me know how you're doing from time to time!

    • Posted

      Hi tammy, thanks for replying. I needn't have worried, it's not happening anymore! Must just have been an initial reaction. Slightly disappointing as haven't had that much energy in a really long time!

    • Posted

      That's good news!!! I'm relieved, actually. You're energy will come back though. Don't worry. Keep us posted how your doing. We all care!

    • Posted

      Hello hedda 99. I am possibly switching from citalopram to venlafaxine in a couple of weeks. How are you doing on venlafaxine? My doctor said that both citalopram and venlafaxine are both very good antidepressants. Had to lower my citalopram dose, as anxiety went through roof. Trouble is I feel down, and im thinking of switching to venlafaxine next. Thanks.
    • Posted

      Hi Nigel, well it's still early days so a bit hard to tell. I went up to 75mg just under three weeks ago. I still feel much the same as I've been feeling. One thing though is that I am usually in 'freeze' mode and unable to get anything done, and that's been a bit better - managing to cope with a little housework. That could be down to the venlafaxine I suppose. I'm going back to GP this week for a probable increase is dosage. I haven't found it to be too bad side effect wise so far, which is positive as some I've been on have been awful. I'm on the extended release capsules which I think helps with that, and also because I began on the smallest possible dose. 

      I was on citalopram for 18 months, a year at 40mg, and I think it worked to a certain extent but I wasn't stable on it. I would say give the venlafaxine a go, I was hesitant to try yet another anti-depressant, but eventually one has to work - I hope!

    • Posted

      Hello, yes it is early days for you, although it sounds promising. I have to give cit another 2 weeks on lower dose of 30mg to make sure. 40mg put my anxiety through the roof. Been on lower dose for a week, and anxiety is it little lower. Never know, cit might come through. I think I will be giving venlafaxine a go though, as I'm feeling more down on lower dose, and still worrying all the time. Really difficult getting up and doing things. Hoping dual action of venlafaxine will be better. Noticed that all the old style anti depressants, that work as well if not better than new ones (but horrible side effects), have dual action. All the best.

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