Feeling Braindead

Posted , 12 users are following.

So I’m curious if any women going through Peri who have days when they just can’t think straight? I have days where I’m on the ball at work and other days when I feel like i’ve forgotten everything I’ve learned. I’m so distracted all the time and feel like I have A D D or maybe early dimentia. It scares me because I get confused easily too! Help!

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes this was very much me, It was so bad I had to leave my job and find something that was more physical work and less brain work. At my previous job some days I was great then other days I was out to space. I find the physical job also helps me forget my anxiety and Im so tired when I get home I don't have problems sleeping anymore.

    You are not alone I was sure I was losing it, thought for I had dimentia or ADD or brain cancer. Im certainly not back to the way I was but I feel it's getting better.

  • Posted

    Oh 100% yes! Seriously thought I was losing my mind and it’s so frustrating..but it honestly passes after a few weeks..I find that all the obnoxious symptoms go after a few weeks. One thing I found that helps was to put a note in phone of all the symptoms I’m having and then try to forget about it..I swear,  3 weeks later, most of not all are gone..from headaches, cramps, pressure in head, joint aches, muscle aches, forgetfulness, weird abdominal issues, “bathroom” issues so to speak..and they all go..hang in there, I promise you are fine!
    • Posted

      Hi my head feels full and funny all I do is rub it hoping it will subside like yours.
  • Posted

    Isn't Peri the worse! I am so glad I am not the only one that was afraid of having cancer. My husband thinks I am crazy. The anxiety is the worst!! Anyone here on BHRT? Does it help?

    Tired of being cracky, scared and blah..

  • Posted

    Hi Nancy

    I have had the exact feelings you described, I could have written your post! The feelings are very scary, but my very sensible sister and my gp both told me that if it were what I worried it was....I wouldn't know it. Makes sense. Calmed me down. And we both know those things are on that list of peri and meno symptoms. Sometimes I literally have to shake it off and breathe deeply to refocus. And I tell myself that I've felt this before and got through it and I will again. I don't know about you but my symptoms seem to ramp up when it is around the time of month I would usually have a period....which I sometimes still do, they haven't stopped completely so my count to 12 starts anew periodically.

    But trust me, you are not alone in those feelings. Hugs...

  • Posted

    Ditto - the brain fog is awful, some days better some days not.

    B vitamins are always worth a try, may help with anxiety too.

  • Posted

    Yes! I freaked out and thought I had all the diseases you mentioned. But, I was better the next day. I still have little blips.
  • Posted

    I get that too. I hate it when I can't think of a certain word, or what something is called. Then other days I can rattle off a whole report without any notes. UGH

    • Posted

      Yesssss! Lol!!! I guess we'll be fine once we come up out of this valley!

  • Edited

    Hi Nancy,

    Yes, this is definitely me at the moment, easily confused, memory lapses, some days are great, some are just horrible. I too sometimes wonder if I’m slowly losing my mind and starting to get dementia like my mother....

    Be kind to yourself and take each day as it comes

    Take care


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