Feeling crazy
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Arrrgggghh, feeling kind of like I'm losing the plot here, so angry, moody, emotional, tired, I've just started in the last six months or so to realise wots happening to me and I really don't like it, 😭, in the last week I have started to take some menopause tablets as advised by the pharmacy. Hope they start kicking in soon, was thinking of going to gp as not sleeping, any advice out there for a perimenopousal newbie,😤
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joanna35393 jeny86397
Sorry to hear you are feeling so rubbish.
I also have recently started with these vile perimenopausal symptoms.
Last week had numerous symptoms ie. Hot flushes,night sweats and insomnia did not sleep for whole 4 days.
Went to GP who was really empathic prescribed 10mg of Amitriptyline to take before bed, have taken my 5th day tablet and last night finally had a full peaceful nights sleep FINALLY
Would recommend you chat with your GP Iam sure they will help tackle some of your very real symptoms.
Good luck
jeny86397 joanna35393
Hi joanna, thanku for advice, definitely going to go to see my gp, would feel better if he was a she though, he can be quite patronising which isn't very helpful when you feel like this, so happy for you that you finally got a good night's sleep, I keep hoping that tonight is going to be the one night I sleep like my baby granddaughter, who is the absolute pleasure that keeps me sane at moment, . This forum is a godsend, I don't feel so alone anymore, although it's still brutal it's great to be able to share the pain, take care, hope you sleep well tonight,x
misty36246 jeny86397
Perimenopause is terrible so many symptoms and doctors don't listen. I found many otc made symptoms worse and gave me a headache
Now I don't take anything and have pain all over especially breast rib and jaw pain went had several cardiac test down and found nothing went to gastro found nothing so why does this happen? Hang in their hopefully GP can give you something that works
jeny86397 misty36246
Awww misty wish I could answer your question, isn't it just the crappiest time ever, 😢 I really hope you get sorted soon, what is "otc"? Im so new to this and can barely get my head round it all, take care x
misty36246 jeny86397
Foxy_polly jeny86397
Hi Jenny
Welcome to the peri menopause i too have all those symptoms and have had for the last 18months but docs still say I'm not as I'm only 41 but I have night seeats, anxiety is all over the place tummy issues periods are now every 23 days instead of 28 days some days I feel like I'm going mad 😡 I have been having regular acupuncture which has helped ease the night sweats calm the anxiety and also is helping the tummy issues I also take magnesium, vit b complex and zinc! I have reduced refined sugar, caffeine and eat a healthy diet! Also I meditate most days and do Pilates and all of this has started to help!
Stay positive and seek alternative therapies as doctors don't seem to help much! Good luck and this site is amazing with all the support. Xx
jeny86397 Foxy_polly
Hello foxy polly, thanx for advice, I'll try anything to help, glad to here that what your doing is helping you, I have been going to the gym most days and find it helps, I feel so tired when I've done it but it can only be a good thing can't it, my daughter is going back to work in three weeks and I will be having my granddaughter everyday, she will certainly keep me busy and hopefully stop me being such a lunatic, take care,x
Guest jeny86397
Me too! I'm so irritated with the whole world! I feel like I just want to lie on my couch (exhausted too) all day and hide....I'm paranoid too that no one likes me, foggy brained, memory problems, bloated like I'm 6 months pregnant......this is not much fun! I must say that acupuncture did help my mood swings.....have to keep going back tho, then I'd have to get off my couch.....!!
jeny86397 Guest
Hello lisk awwww I feel your pain, really hope you get sorted, can't give you much advice I'm afraid as I don't really know much about it yet, always here though if you need to rant, I'll let you know how I get on with these menopause tablets I'm taking, only been on them a few days though so haven't really felt any different yet, hang on in there,X
Guest jeny86397
Thanks Jeny, it's so nice to have some support...this stuff is so isolating