Feeling depressed
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Hi all, i'm looking for some advice please. I've been told i'm probably going through the menopause (I'm 51) and my periods have been all over the place for a good 6 months. My problem is that I've bled for 33 consecutive days and when i did stop bleeding, it was only for 2 days. It started again 4 days ago. Basically out of 39 days, i've bled for 37 of them. Please tell me this isn't normal, or even if it is that i can get help from my gp. I'm so depressed and down about it. I'm scared to go out incase i "Leak". Sometimes it's so heavy that i have to change my sanitary wear after just half an hour. I lose quite big blood clots too and when i do, I seem to have a heavier rush of blood.
I really hope there's light at the end of the tunnel and this isn't how it's going to be [] [:'(]
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victoria83983 geraldine403
toffeecushion geraldine403
I can't offer any advice, but just wanted you to know you are not alone and that it must get better one day.
anita31460 geraldine403
I had a very similar experience to you last year. I work away from home a lot and was finding it really difficult to manage. I had a bit of a breakdown with anxiety and depression as well. I had a Mirena coil fitted in February and it's totally transformed the bleeding. Ask your gp about it. Well worth a try of you're able to have one.
Take care
Anita x
toffeecushion anita31460
patty79770 geraldine403
shaznay96184 geraldine403
Don't ya just love that heavy bleeding?!! I sympathise as I've always had heavy P's (old-school Coils - great contraception, murder for passing 'chunks' tho' urghhh!) but can finally see things are changing - slightly for the better - for me this year.
At 54, I'm still getting P's. I was, until earlier this year, as regular as clockwork. Hardly had one in May so was so excited:-) ....... til I got one in June.
As you're a bit younger than me, it might be wise to have a chat with your GP. I believe heavy/clotting to be expected now, but maybe they'll offer you something to lighten the bleed.
Maybe even talk about all the HRT options available to you...was that a pig that just flew by?!!!:-) :-)
I hardly ever go to the Doc, so I'm not the best to advise you really. But I have 3 sisters, all post-Meno, and all had gynae issues. I did take some TRANEXAMIC ACID for a while in my late late 40s, which was great for lightening the bleed=no clots:-) . Stopped taking it after a year to see how things were without it = much lighter. Probably due to natural changes in me by that time.
One sister had a scan for fibroids (2 x sml ones). Had a UTERINE ABLATION, and not only did it stop the heavy bleeds, she didn't less again!! Worked for her, but not for all. Have a little read up on it.
You'll get some great advice on here, so don't feel alone. We talk about everything - things you wouldn't with mum, sister, and least of all your ol' man (most of them just go ashen and their knees buckle at the mention of aTampon as it is!). Its very reassuringly to know the 'sistas' are there to offer advice.
Oh, as for the fear of 'leaking' - I find a warm shower before bed strategically 'aimed, sorta acts like a douche, and clears out any, Emm,, chunks!!! Probably not great for all but works wonders for me as I can't stand the mess of it all. Don't even start me on the smell - I get paranoid that I can smell 'it', so think everyone else can too!!
I've never had UTIs etc - might be due to using feminine soap-free washes. That'd be all I'd bloody need!)
Cheer up G, you've come to the right place. As you can see, we're all in this together:-)
jayneejay geraldine403
i bled for 21 months in early peri ranging from heavy/flood to normal, to light to spotting without a break, i was lucky if i had two days free in that 21 months, you need to see a doctor / Gyno and check all is okay..
i had a 9/10 year peri and began early aged 39 / 40
i am just 51 years old and 22 months post menopause .. No HRT just supplements and Vits ..
it can be a daunting time, but dont feel alone, we all have to go through this, stay postive and remember its a natural transistion..
good to have routine blood tests, as i found all went haywire, now post meno i am Vit D defficient, and take supplements, and during peri my blood sugars were up and down etc ..
also i have vit B12 injections too now ..
take care hun
jay x
misha.peace jayneejay
Thank you so much for being so helpful as always!!
I was wondering if you could tell me which vitamins and supplements you have taken, please?
It's very confusing infor. everywhere. My anxiety is keeping me at home most of the time and making my life just very, very difficult that I can't drive in traffic and work away from home.
Any tips or suggestions will really help me. Thank you!!
I don't want to go on HRT.
love and hugs,
jayneejay misha.peace
i will send you a PM
jay x
I have a small fibroid, could that give me more problems? And also I thought that i would have to have a blood test to confirm that it is the menopause, but my GP has never suggested it. Am i mistaken?
lady69 geraldine403
I just joined today and SO glad I have as I thought It was just me and I was going mad!! Yes there is a simple blood test you can get to depict what ''stage'' of the menopause you are in... It tells the levels of Oestregen and some other ''proton'' and even though I am 45 (no kids), I am actually in the FULL blown Menopause! Not funny for anyone... I thought when I was bleeding consistently, It was due to stress but I was only 43, and was diagnosed with depression/anxiety..... but now know I was peri-menopausal.....and actually demanded from my doc for the test, as I KNEW something was not right! I have not had a period since last October, but also like one of the other women on here was/am suffering with severe anxiety........endless sweating, tearful, ''smelly wee'', bloating and peeing' lots... etc.......But at least I KNOW now, that I am not going mad and others are going through the same thing! The doc told me TODAY to come on here, as they don't just hand out HRT anymore, (apparantly this just puts off the symptoms)....!!! Well he's a male doctor so I may need to see a Female next time......Who me? Mood swings?? Yep! Although I have looked at various other things...one of the main things I was also worried about was that I have NEVER had extra weight, and have gained a ''middle''...............So I have looked into Diet............ Lots of Green Veg and KALE is/seems to be a winner.....wet flannels and Ice bbucket in front of a fan at night (day aswell at the moment).... Lots of Vit B12 and Vit B compound (specifically)................. and as I have found here today, just talking and listening to others experiences helps me from going MAD!!!!!! x x We are all in this together! x x
delilah82600 geraldine403