Feeling depressed
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Hello ladies I've been going through so much for 2 years now with all kinds of symptoms from hot flushes dizziness joint pain brain fog I've gained weight stomach issues I'm tired all the time sleepy and now shortness of breath tight chest and fatigue i can do much because i have to catch my breath and for the past 3 days i am unable to sleep my heart pounds so hard i feel like I'm going to have a heart attack this happened to me over a year ago i had every test done and everything came back ok thankgod but here i am again with this same issue are any of you lady's going through this or have gone through these issues I'm just so tired of being sick all the time 😢 i would really appreciate hearing from you lovely ladies thank you.
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crenyyy marisol06794
I am so sorry to hear you ar efeeling like this. It has been 2 years for me since peri started for me. I also have been trough a lot. I am tired but wired, I actually can't sleep. Have terrible tention headaches, heart pulpitations, inside tremor like, my left breast and urpit hurt at times. Anxiety over the roof at times. I just can't believe it. I was doing great for a while and now it is all back. i feel liek i am fine and than it attacks me out of teh blu and lingers until it goes away. I am sick and tired of this.
I was in teh hospital 2 years ago thinking I am having a stroke and it ended up I had a panic attack. My doctor told me I am fine and I just have axiety.
Found functional doctor who finally after tests told me I am in peri. Even though i know it is peri I still get anxious about my health.
I am only 43 and I hope this is nto going to last 10 years or so.
Take care and I hope you will get better soon.
marisol06794 crenyyy
Thank you Magda for your quick reply sorry to hear that you two are going through this hard ordeal I've been like this for 2 years now on and off I'm 45 and still struggling with the same symptoms and now these heart palpitations pounding in my chest feels like if I'm going to have a heart attack it's starts up
at anytime and I'm also having stomach issues I eat and I feel so bloated and get nauseous it's good to have somebody to talk to since my sisters and Mom Never went through this not even hot flash hopefully like you said this doesn't last much longer I've read from other ladies that they've had this for years hopefully with God's blessing we get through this soon I hope you feel better I send you a hug and lots of blessings.
kelly55079 crenyyy
crenyyy kelly55079
I on the contrary can't sleep, I'm tired but wired. I think it has something to do with adrenaline. I hate peri.
didi0613 marisol06794
Yup...it's the same for all of us. Menopause is such a joy isn't it? At least you are not alone. We are all going through it, like one big happy, hormonal-crazed family.
marisol06794 didi0613
I know it's so frustrating but hopefully we'll get through this soon but is exhausting to be sick and tired of being sick and tired i guess we just have to hang in there and hope this roller coaster ride ends soon.
jeny86397 didi0613
Yayyyyy, I like being apart of the " hormone crazy party, just remember this ladies " we are all amazing on so many levels" big happy vibes to all, x
Guest marisol06794
I feel for you Mariso....I've just found this forum ....I went searching for some sort of support from women who won't treat me like I'm crazy...so lovely to know we are not alone in all this. I have symptoms just like yours Mariso..hot flushes, joint pain, brain fog, weight gain, insomnia, bloat, ringing in my ears, dizziness, mood swings, wanting to be alone, irritated....the list goes on....had lots of tests, nothing wrong...just bloody hormones!?
marisol06794 Guest
Thank you lisk....this is a never-ending movie it's so hard to cope with these symptoms sometimes I'm so tired I don't want to even get out of bed there's times that I'm ok good energetic and I want to do everything in one day because I know come the next day is back to feeling tired and fatigued and sick and not wanting to do anything at times i don't even have the strength to talk with anybody because i feel so flush out of energy and when I do talk to my family they look at me like if I'm crazy like what's wrong with you of course they don't know what I'm going through so they don't understand how I feel I pray to God this is over soon I have been like this for two years I hope this doesn't really last for 10 more years because an then I really will go crazy it's good to have somebody to talk to I really hope we get through this and I hope you feel better soon send you lots of hugs.
Guest marisol06794
You won't go crazy coz us girls have an inner core of strength that keeps us going, even if it's one little step at a time. Be kind to yourself....if you need a day in bed, have a day in bed....you deserve it! Do you have a creative outlet Mariso? I took up metalsmithing/ Jewelry making and on the days when I'm feeling bad, I just potter in amongst my jewelery with my classical music blaring and make pretties!
jeny86397 Guest
Love this, very inspiring, love classical music and getting creative with some decoupage, got a feeling it's gonna be along night though, because my really annoying inconsiderate neighbours are being very noisy, so I shall be making sure they don't get a lay in tomorrow's morning when I put classic fm on at 6 am on number 30, this is what the perimenopous has done to me, turned me into a fierce take no crap crazy lady. Night ladies hope you all get some good quality sleep, xx
marisol06794 Guest
Yes i do I'm going to take you up on that and try it out when i feel blue a go to the beach and sit and stare at the ocean for a while and that seems to relax me some yeah we do have that strength to deal with so much as a women yes i do need to spend a hole day in bed it's been a long time coming hopefully will get through this journey soon Thankyou for your kind words hope you feeling well blessings.
Guest jeny86397
Ha! I love that...' Fierce take no crap lady'.... Me too! But don't you wish there were more people in the world that didn't take crap too! I love a bit of straight down-the-line, speak-it-as-it-is.....too many people are false and it's hard to know where you stand with them. I'll turn my classical music up loud too and think of you doing the same Jeny!
Guest marisol06794
Yes the ocean is very relaxing isn't it....have you found relaxation ocean music to play at home? That could be worth a go? Maybe even thro earphones from your phone to use during high anxiety times?
Trevis marisol06794
You hang in there I promise you it will get better.... having had every symptom there possibly is its been a nightmare journey. Stay tuned to this site and all the lovely ladies, keep talking and they will help you through it with support & just being there. They have helped me through some of the desperate times. Sending you huge hugs ...you WILL get there xx?
marisol06794 Trevis
Thankyou so much travis for your support it's good having you lovely ladies to talk to is good to no I'm not alone even doe i wish none of use have to go through this I'm trying my best to keep calm but sometimes it's so overwhelming but I'll try to be postive hanging on to someday everything will be ok I'll keep posted to this site because it really does help having support from ladies who are in my same boat thanks once again for your comforting words i send you a hug and lot's of blessings.😊
supemack39 marisol06794
Hi, isn't this menopause good fun? NOT. I have been taking cell salts for the past couple of weeks and finding they help with some of the symptoms. They at least are a better alternative to the different medications that the doctors prescribe. I have sleeping pills (never again...I took one and slept for two hours and was up for the rest of the night and in a fog for hours next day), I have beta blockers which I no longer take, anti depressants which I didn't even try when I researched the side effects! I decided I would try a more natural approach. I started using Magnesium citrate, and that really calmed me down, but I kept using too much which had an adverse effect. So I asked in my health shop for another form of Magnesium as I have a problem swallowing tablets. They put me on to Mag Phos. Little tiny tablets that melt in your mouth. Easy! I then added Kali Phos for nerves and anxiety. Between the two, I can keep my anxiety under control and I am sleeping much better. Usually four to five hours, then I still waken up but can go back to bed after an hour or so and sleep again for a further few hours. Try them and see if they help.
marisol06794 supemack39
Hello...sure not fun at all with all these symtoms i feel like I'm going insane sorry to here you to are going through this crazy time of womens life i will try some of your recommendations i like was put on anti depressants and never took them because also read the side effects it's like you go to the doctor for help once you tell them all your symptoms there like oh ok sound like depreciation and throw with the pills sometimes i think they have no idea what really goes on with us ladies and meno....I've been drinking chamomile tea it seems to help a bit with me sleeping if you haven't tried it maybe it can work for you hope you get through this soon and feel much better hugs....take care.