Feeling different in the cold weather/ Skin Changes
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Hello Ladies,
How many of you feel the cold but don't react that much too it anymore because of perimenopause or menopause? Also skin changes meaning your skin is so much more sensitive for instance if something tight goes on your arm it leaves a lasting red mark and can stay up until a day to go away!!!!! Been in and out of Drs. Because of this!!! Help Ladies Please Explain if you have similar symptoms!!! Thank You!!!!
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Guest Shana_P
Hi shana...yeah, yeah...I have noticed that an indent stays around longer. our skin loses its elasticity...maybe that is why. I imagine that since hormones run through all of our organs...our skin gets affected as it is our biggest organ! my nails have vertical ridges...I have been buffing them out. Also, developed Raynauds last winter...when exposed to cold, my fingers and feet turn funny shades of white, purple then red when the blood is getting back. I was petrified that I had an auto immune problem...but all tests clear. Bad circulation I guess.
Shana_P Guest
hello...yes the indents with red color to them its horrible!!! Yes my hands go red, blue, purple a d change color as well.
Guest Shana_P
OMG! I am so glad I am not alone on the raynauds thing...not many women mention that they have it! Definitely a crazy symptom. Must be peri though. I also read something that links it with migraines (which I get wicked)
Nancy2121 Shana_P
I find that I'm either sweating, or shaking with chills these days. Skin, eyes, nose, etc. dry as a bone. Didn't have vaginal dryness yet, but haven't had sex since I'm not sure when??? No desire, no drive. Feel bad for my hubby. Just SO not the woman I was even 2 years ago. Turning 50 in a couple of weeks. Thought the golden years would be SO much better. Not for me. Not yet anyway.
Yes.....it sounds like what I have been going through....not burning up but not reacting to the cold like I normally would.....burning hot red nose I get as well...I just started today feeling a pain next to my belly button very weird...I don't know how we all deal with these strange symptoms!!!!
juanita93228 Shana_P
Yes, so strange. I'm cold natured. But most mornings I will have made it to work, only to realize I drove all the way without the heat on.
mauiblue juanita93228
Long time no talk 😃
You are hot blooded!
juanita93228 mauiblue
Hey Maui! How are you? Definitely not hot blooded. Always freezing at work. I only live 10 minutes from my job, and I'm usually wearing a coat, maybe that's why. But I've been on leave from that horrible place since November 28, returning January 2, 2019. My Supervisor noticed I wasn't myself. Had a meltdown in her office. So now I'm on stress/depression/burnout leave. I'm on FMLA and am getting paid because I I have plenty of leave to cover the time I'm off. God threw me a lifeline and I grabbed it. Thank you Lord!
mauiblue Shana_P
Hi Juanita
Its a good thing and i am really glad you took that opportunity. I sure would have as well.
We need to be good to ourselves, we really do. I hope you are resting, watching tv, just being and getting better.
Im just hanging in as usual but i guess its a good thing.
Stressful on the homefront for me right now very stressful...my boy, one of them causing some trouble that might be out of my control. so not helping an already kind of out of control situation.
It will work out i just pray for it, and hope for better times, today is what matters. right now!
juanita93228 mauiblue
Sorry to hear about the situation with your son. My therapist said to do what my body or mind feels. She said if you wake up and feel like staying in bed then do it, but not every day.
They completely changed my job and it's a ridiculous amount of work that is never completed.
But one day at a time sweet Jesus.
Yesterday I felt ok, today I'm in the bed dreading January 2, which is ridiculous right Maui?