Feeling dizzy and like passing out
Posted , 13 users are following.
Does anyone get bouts of feeling unsteady, dizzy and like you're going to pass out and having to lean against something or sit down and then sweat profusely?
2 likes, 15 replies
Posted , 13 users are following.
Does anyone get bouts of feeling unsteady, dizzy and like you're going to pass out and having to lean against something or sit down and then sweat profusely?
2 likes, 15 replies
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Guest Icecold1
Yesterday I made it about 22 minutes walking on my treadmill until I got really dizzy, eyes whacking out, then my feet started burning and then I got a hot flash. How will I ever lose weight when I can't even exercise? ugh
You aren't alone
Icecold1 Guest
I am in the same boat, these turns are totally debilitating and leave me really nauceous and exhausted.
staci88515 Guest
My eyes do the same thing just before it hits.
Bindisid Icecold1
yes with all these blurry. feel like some problem with my eyes.
staci88515 Bindisid
My vision going wonky is my most worrying symptom.
Marisa02082 Icecold1
yes I have had this!! I dislike this very much and it makes me feel so scared. I always have ice cold water if it happens again...that makes me feel more in control for whatever reason. It used to happen more often and now once in a while when i least expect it. I read its hormones dropping very fast.That made me feel better but it is horrible when it happens. Your not alone!!
debbie12340 Icecold1
Yes i do, infact i only asked the same question 2 days ago on here ! It's really horrible isn't it ? It happens to me quite often in large stores, but the last 2 weeks i have had it none stop and not been able to go out.
Deb x
sara97862 Icecold1
Hi Icecold1,
Yes, I get this too.
Does yours get worse (more intense, happen more often) if there are other stresses going on?
I hurt my back a couple of weeks ago, and since then, it's happening more often, and is more intense.
Much love to you!
Icecold1 sara97862
Hi Sara
Yes it certainly happens when stresses are high. The one i have had today has wiped me out and left me feeling anxious of it happening again. I really thought i was done with these as i hadn't had one for months. Lets hope they do eventually go away.
tracy01120 Icecold1
Oh yes!! I'm 51 and have moments that last around 30 minutes. I'm fine then all of a sudden out of no where.....i feel very dizzy, if I stand up it's almost like I'm drunk, but I'm not. I have to hang onto something near me or sit down. This is always followed by feeling like I'm going to pass out completely but never do. Then it's followed by full body sweating. Like I said, doesn't last long and doesn't happen often. I've had 4 occurrences in a matter of 4 months. I'm chalking it up to perimenopause or menopause as I have n9 other symptoms. Feel better soon!!
Mel_P tracy01120
YES me too, first time scared the bejeezers out of me. I have since learned to look around and ground myself (much like what people with anxiety are told to do). Take deep breaths, take note that there is a place for me to rest at, even if that means just standing still to let it pass. Or sit down, or stop everything you are doing and breath. Remind yourself it will pass. I never pass out, or faint, at first I thought that was going to happen, and that made me feel more stressed. And now not so much.
I read a very interesting article awhile back and am kicking myself for not keeping it for reference.
But in the article they likened Menopause to Detoxing. And it is kind of like that, we are coming off something our body was hooked on, hormones. And all these bloody awful symptoms are part of the detox. It does not help the symptoms but it does help understand what all this is about. And with that I have found the most helpful thing to get through these symptoms was to really work hard on the stress. Keeping the stress at a manageable level keeps the Menopause issues at a tolerable level. I am no expert, I have 95% of the symptoms, I am not allowed to take HRT, I have tried natural routes with no success, I just take things 1 day at a time, 1 symptom at a time.
(I admit though the muggly eyes bugs me the most)
michelle92591 Icecold1
Hi. This has happened to me about three different times. I believe my blood pressure dropped rapidly. Dizzy, queasy and a full sweat. Very scary, i was lucky my husband was around each time.when it was over it was like nothing happened. Weird!
staci88515 Icecold1
Yes! Happens seemingly all the time lately. You are not alone. xo
sunaina1983 Icecold1
Yes experience this almost every day ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
anxiousface Icecold1
Thats how i feel daily but without the sweats, i feel safer if i lean against something otherwise i get anxious i will pass out , its such a frightening feeling and i know what your going through iv had this a long time now.
im getting a flat bottom as im always sitting down at work because i feel safe, not a good look but its the least of my problems so i wont go on about it.
sending you a comforting hug x