Feeling dreadful with host of horrendous menopausal symptoms

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I’m 48 and really struggling at the moment. Feeling pretty dreadful and suffering with an assortment of horrendous symptoms. Raging anxiety, self doubt, feelings of doom, tight chest, woozy, faint feeling, jelly legs, hot flashes, waking a lot at night, exhaustion, lacking energy and loss of appetite etc..

Some days I feel better and then the next I’m plunged into feeling low and run down again.

I’m on HRT already but think I need a dose adjustment and the GP has put me on antidepressants recently and a PPI to help with my indigestion type symptoms. I’m also getting some blood tests and an ECG as I’ve had palpitations.

It’s just a real trial isn’t it. I just want to feel more like me again. I’m very weepy.

I have been making myself go jogging and walking, am taking menopause supplements, have tried acupuncture and meditation and I am thinking about some CBT type stuff. So I’m trying to calm myself and be active rather than lying around but it’s tough with the lack of energy.

I just hope to find that I’m not alone and am also looking for any suggestions about how to cope, things I could do, remedies/supplements I could try etc..

Thanks so much.

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5 Replies

  • Edited

    Certainly, you are not alone. Please remind yourself that it will pass. I had these symptoms too a while back but got a little better. However I still have so many and many others. Take good care and try to stay positive.

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    I literally could have written your post myself! All of that started for me around 5 years ago and it definitely has gotten better over time.... The main thing that has helped me tremendously with the heart racing/palpitations/anxiety/jittery feeling is taking magnesium glycinate 400mg. When I'm having bouts of feeling like I'm going crazy I just take a deep breath and tell myself it's just my hormones and it can't kill me lol Hang in there you will get through this!

  • Posted

    Hi Hilary,

    What kind of HRT are you on? Is it bio identical? Does your doctor run regular labs to know what hormones, vitamins and minerals you might be low on? You shouldn't have to suffer like that if your on the right mix of hormones. Keep in mind that choosing the right doctor for your hormone replacement that knows what their doing is so very important Could mean the difference of success or failure on hormone replacement.

    • Posted

      Oestrogel pump and micronised progesterone. But I have been listening to Liz Earle recently, she is great on all things menopausal, and heard that there is an alternative gel being given out by pharmacies. I seem to have that one and like many other women have seen a return of symptoms. A lot of HRT preps seem in short supply which is hugely problematic when those of us with symptoms need consistency as we battle to find formulations that work for us. I have an appointment with my GP this week, so I will mention all this and see what she can suggest. Fingers crossed. x

  • Edited

    Im having everything that you have mentioned, had 4 ECG, DOPPLER TEST. BLOODS, nothing found, doc says its menopause hormones giving these symptoms. I have intermittent loss of appetite and hunger. Lost lots if weight. Honestly its scary as you are thinking its some kind of diseases going on. Yesterday I was fine, today woke up nausea, heart palps, weak legs, doom feeling. Huh, i can relate to what you are feeling. Just take it easy and go for your tests, u will find all is ok. Hormones can be crazy. Have a blessed sunday.

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