Feeling faint

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does anybody else have these symptoms. when I was pregnant I remember one day I got all hot sweaty weak hearing and vision went strange. 3 months postpartum and Its hit me again and I'm afraid of my life I'm gonna pass out.... I'm so so scared. I feel so nauseous aswell like I'm.gonna throw up any minute. and this has been all day long. it isn't easing up. I'm also getting a heaviness in my head and a sort if tightness almost a numbness in my head.. right now I'm just in tears because I do believe there is something seriously wrong. I know people will say anxiety can do that but it's really scary and I feel so scared in my chest and tummy. I've started 20mg of prozac 4 days ago aswell so maybe I'm.getting side effects off that aswell but this is really scary. I feel like calling my doctor tomorrow. Why do I keep feeling so faint for no reason even when I don't feel anxious. I know i post here alot but honestly this is my safe place. I don't really have much ppl I can talk to because they are sick of listening to me 😭 right now I feel so nauseous and I will get the faint feeling aswell

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    prozac can cause nausea, weird head sensations, dizziness. give it time.

    can you lay down for a few minutes to settle your mind down? and breathe slowly and deeply.

    too much mental chatter will make you feel worse.

    you had the mriwas it ok?

    any other tests?

    • Posted

      hi Jan I had the mri but waiting for results. I've had lots of other test like ecgs and blood tests and they're all clear xx

  • Posted

    Hi, just wanted to know if you got your results yet or any new updates. Im still waiting for mines

    • Posted

      hi I actually just put a post up a while ago. I got my results and there was inflammation on part of my brain 😭 and now im terrified. my doctor is referring me to a neurologist. my anxiety is through the roof over this im so scared

    • Posted

      Im sorry to hear that they found inflamation. Just make sure that the doctor puts the appointment as urgent so they can schedule you in quickly for an appointment and make sure to take care of the inflamation.

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